FitBit not syncing with MyFitnessPal
My fitbit data was always reflected on my MyFitnessPal dashboard but not seeing it anymore. Any idea what may be causing this? Thanks
Little Known Yum Yums
My Latino blood demands this on all my fruit: What kind of little flavor boosters do you guys use to make your "healthy" food taste better?
Movie munchies
What are peoples healthy movie snacks?
Share your favorite poem with me.
I'm in deep thought today. Share your favorite poem with me. Here is mine. Of Molluscs by May Sarton As the tide rises, the closed mollusc Opens a fraction to the ocean's food, Bathed in its riches. Do not ask What force would do, or if force could. A knife is of no use against a fortress. You might break it to pieces as…
Candy tastes better than bitterness feels
I really like candy. Either I buy a bigger package & portion it out, or I buy single-sized packages. I find that eating a bit of candy (moderation!) is a pleasant experience. What candy do you enjoy? Here are some lovely raisinets:
If you were a car...
What would you be.
Does the user above have more forum posts than you?
True Detective
This has to be the best show on Tv right now. This show has been amazing and well written. I think Marty is the killer just because everyone wants you to think it is Russ. The show is called True Detective after all
Anyone snowboard? I have a chance to go with my school to a place to go snowboarding/skiing. Aside from the 65 bucks they want, I'm a bit unsure if I'd be able to due to my weight. I've always ALWAYS wanted to try it but never have because of being overweight. I have this fear like I'll get on a board and just not move,…
You know whose single?
Paula Patton thats who!!!
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Has anybody tried cat/dog food?
I haven't but I'm curious. When I smell my cats wet food it smells like lunch meat and gravy haha. So any first hand experiences by chance? I'm mostly talking about wet food not the dry stuff haha
Hi, so about 2 weeks ago my laptop fell off my bed. It got a dent in the side and the screen cracked a little, but fortunately it was fine. Fast forward to now, all of a sudden the fan on my Mac is constantly on, and the battery goes down pretty quickly. I don't know if this has anything to do with dropping it weeks ago,…
What does "Bump" mean.
I see it in many posts and don't know why it's there. Would someone explain?
Junk Food Formularized to be Addictive?
http://shine.yahoo.com/shine-food/are-junk-food-makers-worse-than-tobacco-industry-giants--how-fritos--coke-and-lunchables-vie-for-addicts--210753546.html http://michaelmossbooks.com/books/salt-sugar-fat/ (Did we not know this already?)
Will Coffee Enemas help me lose weight?
I was reading about coffee enemas on the internets. Do you think this will help me lose weight? http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/florida-couple-addicted-coffee-enemas-article-1.1259169
Gym shirts that I just don't understand
First off I use to be a college student and remember all too well frat parties, dorm rooms and the lewd and cruel **** we as guys have on our shot glasses, tee shirts, phone cases, desktop wallpaper while doing keg stands during our young prime. I except the fact in college it's a time to be immature to a fault and to let…
You can only have one food item
Scenario: So the apocalypse is upon us and you can only stock up on one food item, you have plenty of water, what would it be? I would stock up on nuts. They keep for a long time, are loaded with calories, and are very nutritious, and macro balanced. And they taste really good.
Counting fruit calories?
Does anyone LEGIT not count fruit calories? I AM aware that everything (almost) has calories, but when I was with weight watchers briefly, fruit was 0 points. I have been trying to eat a lot of fruit to curb my cravings for more unhealthy things, but the amount of mini clementines I've had today probably counts as a few…
Man, I eat a lot!
Just browsing a couple folks' diaries, they looked so empty! They have about 5-10 things logged, whereas I have 20-25 typically. Granted this could be because I enter a lot of small things, or I enter parts of things individually- like, for breakfast I have oatmeal with almond milk, strawberries, egg whites, and chocolate…
2020 Goals
Here’s what your goal should be for the next year: 1. Be friends with me 2. Have rainbows and sunshine in every day.
Does regular sex make you gain or lose weight?
Those who've played American football...what position?
Just curious. I played G, T, MLB, FB, OLB, DE, DT, K and P at one time or another.
why in the hell
is the ignore feature not working?
Hola 👋
Name every job you've ever had.
Cleaning houses with my grandma in Buckhead, ATL. [1 summer] Dairy Queen cashier [2 yrs] Kroger cashier/customer service/night stock/price tagger/HBC worker [2 yrs] Volunteer for a pet rescue [2 winters] Papa John's [3 months] Dairy Queen AGAIN [1-2 months] Steak 'N' Shake server [< 1 month] MovieStop [< 1 month] Pizza Hut…
What breed of dog should I get???
Since our German shorthaired pointer had to be put down 2 months ago we've been slooooowly thinking about getting a puppy. Dh wants another GSHP, daughter wants a beagle, and I'm not sure what I want. I definitely want to rescue a dog. I've had cocker spaniels, great danes, and a GSHP in the past. I'd love to have a…
How did your S/O propose?
I enjoyed the romantic thread I started last week...so I thought I'd start another one... Did he (maybe she?) pop the big question? My husband and I had done a ghost tour of a historic area of Baltimore known as Fell's Point the halloween before we got engaged. The April after that, my brother and sister in law came to…
West Coast vs. East Coast
Which coast has better food and why?
This should be against the law
Putting raw onion in tuna fish. Ugh. Thank you for ruining an otherwise delicious tuna melt, Togo's. :angry: