saturated fat
Does anyone have any good, low effort lunch and dinner suggestions with NO saturated fat?
breaded scampi or hand-battered cod?
I fancy a treat today! Which would be better to have - breaded scampi or hand-battered cod?
Side to go with Cheddar Ranch Turkey Burgers
I'm going to give these a try tonite.. I found this recipe on here a little while ago and they sound good. I just need an idea for a side.. the only thing is I do not like veggies. Potatoes and Corn only.. but they are starches. I was thinkin homemade french fries but wanted to hear of some other suggestions??? Ranch…
Protein Supplement Help
I have a terrible time reaching my protein goal (actually I’m pretty sure I’ve never reached it) so I have decided to supplement. No biggie right? The challenge is that I am allergic to soy, peanuts, tree nuts, corn and scaled fish. I found a brown rice protein that I think I can have on GNCs website but it only has 11g of…
Grated Italian Hard Cheese
So i buy this stuff (i guess its like parmesan?) from a supermarket so i can sprinkle it on my pasta. So preparing dinner tonight i weighed a couple of tablespoons of it because i try to include everything i eat/drink. On the label on the box are these specs per 100g: 485 cal 43g protein 34g fat etc. However my problem is…
Thoughts on Mini Bagels
Hello! I love love love bagals, but I also know how bad they can be! However what about Mini Bagels!?!?! Please share your thoughts on Bagels or anything that might taste just as good but still be good for my diet =] By the way I love love love bread and I miss it oh so much!
i need less sodium!
hi all... i keep going WAY over my sodium intake (even though my caloric/fat intake is usually pretty good and i'm a fairly healthy eater). i think it's because i eat a lean cuisine for dinner and a turkey sandwich for lunch every day. can anyone recommend a great tasting lower sodium turkey, or other ways i can consume…
Has anyone else noticed that Large eggs are getting smaller? It seems like the Extra Large eggs are what the large used to be and the Jumbo are now the Extra Large.. hmmmmmf..
Limit to Protein Absorbtion?
Just curious; does anyone know if there is a limit to how much protein your body can absorb at one time? I've been experimenting with smoothies recently and some of them have an extreme amount of protein. This morning: 73g, immediately after lifting. I'm going to cut it down a bit next time I lift (will cut out about 26g…
:laugh: Last night my DH wanted pizza. When he left for the store I said just take a look see if there is anything I'd eat if not I'll make a salad with chicken (was already making a salad for a side anyway). My sweet sweet hubby came back with a pizza for me. He was so excited to show me. :laugh: It's Safeway's organics…
Fiber tips
I was reading this blog and while I certainly don't think fiber is a "miracle" aid to losing weight, I thought these tips were helpful and thought I would share. Click here for the full article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-mark-hyman/fiber-health-the-super-fi_b_594153.html "9 Tips for Increasing the Fiber in Your Diet…
Can I Follow the alli meal plan?
To be honest here, I'm a terrible cook. Completely uncreative and unable to create my own healthy menu choices for myself and my family. I find the alli menu plan to be pretty super. It tells me what I need to buy at the store, and how to cook everything. It seems like it would be perfect for someone like myself, who is…
Need suggestions for dinner tonight
I've already had breakfast, and I already have lunch covered but I have no clue what to make for dinner! I have 482 cals, 154 carbs, and 20 sugars left. Any ideas that will leave me in that range?
Perhaps a very stupid question....
But is there anyway for me to workout and burn some calories without being on my feet? I went walking today about an hour or two after putting lotion on my feet, and the moisture and heat from the sidewalk created huge, painful blisters on the bottom of my feet. :( So now I can't walk because it hurts so bad. I don't want…
Can I have some icecream PLEASE?!
I have been doing really well on my diet, and excersizing religiously, so can I have some icecream? I have 924 calories left for today, appartenly because I excersized...
Advice on good fats and sugar
Hi, just looking for some advice. I've been generally staying within my calories,, and am usually under on my fat, and over on my sugar,, I know I haven't been eating the healthiest, but thought I was doing ok.. However, when I looked at my diary in more detail, my saturated fat is sometimes over the limit, and I'm getting…
Any UK Energy Food Suggestions?
I have never been great at the whole sleeping thing, and part of the reason I have piled on the lbs since February is because I have been going through a particularly bad spell of insomnia. I know through experience that this slows down your ability to burn calories, reduces your inclination to work out, and finally means…
Night Shift!!
I just got home from working 230-11 and I am HUNGRY!! Any suggesitons on light fare that will keep the tummy from rumbling through the night?? PS I am proud of myself for NOT hitting up the drive thru! Yay me :) lol
4g = 1 tsp of sugar
In the course I am taking we learned that 4g = 1 tsp of sugar. I have since been watching closely what I am buying particularly for the kids lunches. One of my kids asked for a "Yop" yogurt drink. It has 26 grams of sugar in 200 ml. That is equal to 6.5 tsp of sugar in less than 1 cup of Yop. Is there any wonder obesity in…
How to stay in check when you go on vacation or out of town?
I am going away on a girls weekend. I just started my program and am doing well, but am worried about the upcoming trip. It's a 5+ car ride each way (what better way to pass the time than eat) and then we will be shopping and eating out (along with drinks!) eeks!!! How do I balance it all out? work out more the day before?…
breakdown of foods eaten today
I somehow went well above my limit for saturated fat today, which I know for one, because I went to my reports to see how I did. I'm trying to figure out what I ate that made the numbers go up...is there anyway to see a break down of saturated fat, sodium, sugar, fiber etc of the each food I have eaten or I can I only see…
Vegetarian and protein
I have been a vegetarian (no meat at all, and barely any cheese or milk) for going on five years not and I have always had trouble getting enough protein. I am also anemic, meaning I do not get enough iron, and I take pills for that, but I would just like to know if there are any easy, healthy ways for vegetarians to get…
Need Help Logging This
Hey there, I was wondering how you all log your food when ur making a mix food. I just made a veg soup, with Chicken Meatballs ... kinda similar to a Italian Wedding Soup, but I am confused on how do I log this particular food. Would i break it down? Or I just dunno. I know that there are no starches in this soup tho.
Weigh Meat Before of After Cooking?
I made hamburgers on the grill tonight. Prior to cooking each patty was 6 ounces. After they came off the grill each weighed 4.25 ounces. Which weight do I log into MFP foods? There is a significant difference in the amount of calories. My common sense would say weigh after since much of the fat drips into the grill.
Need help revamping my food diary
I'm sorry this is a little long...I feel kinda silly about the questions I'm asking. I feel like I should already know the answers to them. :embarassed: In reality...I'm probably making it more difficult than it actually is... Ok, so. I am at weird point in my weight loss and I think I know why. I know that I'm eating out…
The best foods for runners
I found this article very informative. Most of the foods are basic foods you want to eat to be healthy & lose weight but they go into detail about WHY they're good for a runner and how to fit them into your diet. I love this! http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-242-301--10200-1-1X2X3X4X6X7-7,00.html
How to make a low cal burger on the grill ? ? ? ?
I wanna make a burger on the grill but for about 400 calories....any ideas???
what's the difference
at the store they sell (in bulk) whole wheat flour and whole wheat bread flour, one is 20 cents per pound more than the other, I have been using the cheeper one (whole wheat flour) but I wonder if the other would make a better bread. Does anybody know what the difference is, if there is any real difference and would it be…
"Artificial" versus "natural" chemicals in food
From another thread I have picked up that some people believe that "artificial" chemicals are bad for you but "natural" ones are not. As a scientist I find this an interesting concept. Is vitamin C produced in an orange different from the ascorbic acid (the chemical name for vitamin C) produced in a food science lab and…