Loose Skin
So I TOTALLY know it's pretty normal to have loose skin on the stomach after having a baby, but do you think it would lessen a bit in amount if I continue to lose weight?
I started my fitness journey early this year (you know, pre-corona) and have lost 25 lbs as of last week. However, I am struggling with losing the extra fat on my lower stomach & love handles. Are there any additional exercises I need to include to my workouts or are there foods that I should be eating to help with my…
Healthy approach
Been on App for 2 weeks down 7 lbs! My goal is 145 but also health balanced with exercise and gratefulness dail
Withings Smart Scales any good
Reckon I may treat myself to one of the smart scales by Withings :p - Anyone used one? Any good
how do you figure out calories burned on workout
I do beachbody on demand workouts everyday how do you figure out calorie burn for mixed cardio type workouts? And cardio with weights workouts?
No progress in July
I started a caloric deficit in the very start of June, and stuck with 1200 calories, sometimes a bit less if a fasted. In that month, I lost 8 lb, going from 66.7 kg to around 62.9. I had high hopes for July, but the end of this month is nearing and I have near to nothing. I ended at 62.9 kg and today I am at 62.3, which…
Eliminating certain foods
I know there's been discussions before about this kind of topic; CICO are all that counts, you can include all foods within your calorie allotment, etc. BUT what about our foods that seem to be triggers for us and we consistently exceed CI? Is it better and feasible to simply not buy them at all? Personally, once I start…
Uneven Fat Loss
Hey guys! It's been months since I have logged on, so today I decided to start back up with a question. Has anyone that's losing fat, ever notice the fat coming off unevenly. Say, one arm is looking skinner then the other in the same locations. I don't know if it's because one arm started off a tad thicker to begin with.…
Should I change goal now?
Hi, I’ve been dieting and losing weight since last August and managed to lose 5st bringing me to 12lbs within my goal weight of 12st10lbs. I’m currently set to lose 1lb per week giving me a daily calorie allowance of 2090. At this current allowance I can eat enough to feel full throughout the day without wanting more.…
Shoulder Impingement Problem
So I first want to say that I've been to a physical therapist and a chiropractor for a shoulder problem I've had for almost 3 years now... But was never really given advice on what to do for it. The chiropractor said I most likely have a subscapular Impingement based on where the pain and tightness is originating from. Has…
Getting motivated when your plate is full
How are you staying motivated? Without the routine of going straight to the gym after work and taking care of hubby I am finding it VERY difficult to get even 30 minutes a day in. Looking for tips that apply to the times we're in. A little background I'm 58 need to drop 50-70 pounds. Hubby was diagnosed with CLL (Leukemia)…
The Things No One Tells You About Weight Loss
For me: 1.The scale will break your heart 335786313689 times. All you can do is keep going. 2. You will have to learn to forgive yourself over and over again because you will mess up more times than you will think possible 3. To do it right takes patience, patience, and more patience. What things have you learned that you…
What do you consider hitting your daily/weekly goals?
I'm just wondering what people here consider hitting their goals vs not hitting their goals. Suppose your goal is 1,800 calories a day or 12,600 a week. Obviously, hitting exactly 1,800 calories in a single day or 12,600 in the week is a bit more of a challenge. Most days or weeks, you're going to be a little over or under…
Intermittent fasting and SSRI use
Hi, everyone. I hope you’re all well. I have been on an SSRI for about 11 weeks now which has incredibly helped my OCD and anxiety. However, I feel that I may be putting on some weight and want to keep up with my goals. My question is.. has anyone had success losing weight with intermittent fasting and a lower carb diet…
8/16 intermittent fasting
Anybody else out there doing 8/16 fasting? I started a week and a half ago and I am in love. My old food schedule was a mess. I had coffee in the morning and didn't eat again until dinner. Bedtime was my binge session. I have no idea why I had no appetite during the day but it obviously left me starving before bed, not to…
Middle age spread hints & tips needed
Morning all, So, I am 35 at the end of this month and within the last year with no change to my diet or lifestyle I have somehow managed to put on 1.5 stone, which my mother calls the middle age spread! An I’m wondering if this is actually a thing due to age, female hormones etc? Anyway, I have started to stick to my daily…
Eating at night/Cravings before bed
Does anyone have cravings before bed? I do and it drives me crazy. Have not been able to break that lousy habit. I'll consume 30%+ of my daily caloric intake from 8-10pm. It's almost muscle memory for me to wander in the kitchen and grab food.
A Little Anecdote on Fluctuations or Whooshes
I hadn't weighed myself in over 2 months. I've been eating at roughly maintenance through the holidays, but started a recent cut last week. I expected to weigh in within a range. I did, within a couple of pounds. That was yesterday. This morning, I weighed in at 1.4 pounds less. Should I be thrilled about that? (I'm not).…
Intermittent Fasting?
Does anyone intermittent fast? The last two days, I’ve done 16/8. But honestly, I’m finding it challenging. I’ve read not to eat or drink anything but water/ which I’ve been doing. I also read there is no need to count calories when doing this. Any feedback would be great!!
What are your macros to lose weight as a %?
What are your macros. Trying to lose weight and mine are set at 50% carb, 30% carb and 25% fat. You?
Inexplicable plateau? Perhaps not.
I'm skating in circles on a plateau. Too hot to go walking; too lazy to exercise indoors. Eating too close to my max calories; going over some nights after the diary is "closed. Oh, dear! How do I ever end this plateau? First one to say "Eat less, move more" gets a kick in the teeth -- as soon as I get a horse and train it…
Transient Global Amnesia
Has anyone ever experienced this due to exercise? I have had 2 episodes within a week both the morning after I exercised heavily the previous evening.
Hunger signals/How do you know when you’re hungry?
How do you (personally) know when you’re hungry? Do you ever eat to reach calorie goals even if you don’t feel hungry?
1000 calories over target today
I wasn't even hungry, just a little stressed and tired. I've only been tracking for a week and have been at or a little below maintenance calories every day so far (2000-2100). I feel a little defeated. How do you deal with days like this? Could use some inspiration/encouragement! I have about 20lbs to lose, lost about 1…
Hot liquids to curb satiety?
I’ll try to make this brief, I understand CICO, I understand the basics of weight loss, but my primary doctor was just telling me about a study overseas (I believe he said Spain but I may be wrong) that was explaining the affect hot/warm liquids has on satiety, and how it can make your body feel more full for a longer…
Another gain on the scales...
I have been trying very hard over the last 6-8 weeks, going to the gym consistently twice to three times a week, eating completely different and cutting alcohol way back! And yet, I see another gain on the scales. I'm beaten down by that today. I was going to starve today and just not eat but I know that's no solution.…
Goal Weight x 12 (Jordan Syatt) and WW Wendie Plan
Lately, in all of my WW Facebook groups, everyone is talking about figuring out your calorie target by using a goal weight x 12 formula (though, other places have that number range from 10-13). A little background information. I am female, 29 (just had my Birthday less than 2 weeks ago), and currently weigh 162 pounds with…
My 5,000 Calorie Day
For various personal reasons, yesterday was a 5,000 calorie train wreck of a day. In fact, after weeks of pretty decent consistency, the whole week has looked like a Dow Jones graph. I scarfed down a half a bag of Tostitos, a pair of chocolate croissants, a tube of cookies, a chocolate bar, a half a batch of homemade…
"Burning Calories"
I inserted my workout for today and it reported back that I somehow burned "1,524". This doesn't seem possible. By what metric is the amount of calories burned calculated?
Am I seeing things? Body composition question
I'll start by saying I'm hoping I'm making sense explaining all of this. 4 years ago, I started off at 255ish lb. I remember what I saw in the mirror and how I looked. No muscle, just fat everywhere. I lost around 35 lb in 6 months that year (plateud and gave up). Fast forward to 2020, I'm up to 295lb. I've lost over 30lb…