Yoga? Meditation? Anyone?
Looking to add something like yoga or meditation or ??? but not really sure how to get started or what to pick. Not knowing is my greatest reason for procrastination. So if any of you does something besides cardio or strength, etc., can you share your experiences? Thanks!
Do the Unthinkable
Anyone doing the muscle food Do The Unthinkable plan? Currently 3 days in.
Is it good that I've gained weight when I'm eating in a deficit?
Background: So I'm an 18 year old female 5'11. Throughout my teenager years I've tried to diet, but it only resulted in me gaining the weight and ending up heavier than I started. In June of 2018 at 214 pounds I decided I was done. Within 13 months (July 2019) I had lost 50 pounds and weighed 164 pounds. I was so…
Thanksgiving Prep
Its gobble season and its tomorrow!! How should we prep for it? I know a popular thread seemed to say fast for the day of a big meal. I think the purpose of it was to "schedule your cheat" as LiveStrong states. But should I eat low carb the day prior to Thanksgiving? Like today I'm about to eat my last meal but I'm…
Obesity Can Cause Brain Damage, Says Study
https://msn.com/en-in/health/health-news/obesity-can-cause-brain-damage-says-study/ar-BBXlduS ....."Brain changes were found in obese adolescents related to regions responsible for control of appetite, emotions and cognitive functions," said study co-author Pamela Bertolazzi from the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil.....…
Thank you
I would just like to say thank you to everyone on here for putting up with me :) I struggled to start off with and getting the hang of it.I wasn’t sure whether I was supposed to track my calories or macros or both.So I’ve listened to everyone and just tracked my calories and I’ve lost 4lb in 2 weeks...I know thats extreme…
Marathon Running and Food
I'm about to start marathon training for Manchester in 2020. I've got the training and exercise plans sorted, but I've not really looked at diet yet. Anyone got any tips or suggestions of good resource material? Any marathon runners in training that want an add so I can stalk your food diaries for ideas?
Home remedies for a cold
HELP! I started feeling like I was getting a cold on Friday last week, and by yesterday it had definitely developed into a full blown cold. I'm not working out, I'm getting lots of fluids and I'm taking Nyquil just so I can sleep. Aside from that, doe anyone have any remedies they swear by? I want to feel better by…
Ave weight loss per week and calories
So over 5 weeks I have noticed an average weight loss of 0.3kg (300g) a week. At this rate it will take me a year and 3 months to reach my goal of 22kg loss! Incredibly disheartening. I've upped my walking time and intensity in the last week, walking 5k a day in under 60 minutes on an incline - no significant changes on…
Xiaomi mi band?
Does anybody own a xiaomi mi band? Are they compatible with myfitnesspal? My mum wants to start using the app (again). She has a fitbit charge 2, and it worked well with the app, but she got a new xiaomi mobile which does not recognise the fitbit. I know xiaomi has its own devices, but I need to know if they link to…
Healthy snack bar
Hi all! Can you recommend a low calorie/sugar/fat snack bar? Thank you
Hello All, Is it possible to abstain from unhealthy food? Unlike any other addiction like drugs or alcohol, I can't abstain from eating. Is it realistic to say I will abstain from icecream or am I setting myself up for failure? Thoughts and what works for you is appricated.
Bad Swimming form - calories
Hi there. Before I start, my form isn't bad, I swam competitively at school so I am not a beginner and my form is not bad, but it's not great as I've just started back after 10 years. Would bad form and exerting yourself more through that lose more calories than say if you had a perfect form for the same swimming…
Matcha Green Tea
I bought some matcha green tea - not the best tasting tea in the world - trying to get used to it! Has anyone else tried it and had any good results?
Is this accurate.?
This app is showing me that i require 1990 calories a day... But the minimum calories for an adult male are 2500 acc to govt. What is this? N also how accurate is this app regarding Indian food?
MFP check in buddies?
Anyone want to be check in buddies for accountability? Just to exchange messages and touch base on how we’re doing? I’m finding that I do pretty decent sticking to a lower calorie range during the daytime. Then around 8pm I blow it and eat a bunch more. I have ten more lbs to lose after losing 30lbs. But I think some…
Scale fluctuations
Hi all My question is regarding that b!tch the scale. So I weighed last week Monday and was 89.7, Saturday I weighed again and was 88.9, Monday I was back up to 89.7 and today's weigh in is 89.3. My question is how to determine the average loss /gain when it fluctuates like this? (sorry if TMI but started my monthlies on…
Any gluten free peps out there?
Hey Fitness pal world, I’m looking for some people who are doing the gluten free diet. It appears I’m having trouble with gluten myself and need to change my diet, but I have no idea where to really start. Anyone out there who could be a mentor in this area? It’s a big step for me because I’ll have to cut a lot out so some…
How to deal with sweet's in the home
I have a huge problem with this. And no matter what I say wife brings the crap in. Last night she brought 3 dozen cookies and a pie home. And tells me I just need self control. If I had a abundance of that I would not be 400 pounds. And it's not like I am the only one in the house with a high bmi wife motherland fathering…
Apple Watch/Health Daily Calories - Recalcing TDEE
For the last 2 months I have had unusable scale results. I am post-op and my weight has been cycling up and down 5 to 7 pounds every few days. Fun. I have also been restricted from exercise until very recently. I have been allowed to walk which I have done daily. One of the main objectives of the surgery was to free me to…
Overall health
So it finally happened :-/ I’m obese BMI is 36.8 if that helps. I recently haven’t been feeling good. Question is I don’t blame weight. I would like to hear from people that were overweight and lost did you actually feel better or different ? I just feel I will always feel tired dizzy when doing too much uncomfortable etc.
Best Fibre Supplement?
Hello everyone, thank you in advance for your support. I am going to add a fibre supplement to my weight loss regimen, and I find myself wondering which is best to use. Considering these supplements come with a caloric value, I want to be sure that if I'm spending an allotment of my daily caloric intake to this, I am…
Lost weight but now lost motivation
Hi all, Over the last 9 months I had lost 45 lbs but these last 4 weeks have been hard for me. I have gained back 3 lbs and I just cant seem to relose them. I think the problem is that I started to cut back logging my food because I was doing a good job maintaining so I was okay with it because even though I wanted to keep…
I have been in my weight loss journey for 2 years now starting from 200 lbs and down around 68 lbs. For the past year I have been targeting 1200 calories but I now find myself feeling worn out with such a low calorie goal and have upped my calories to 1400 with some maintenance days thrown in here and there. I figure I…
Confused about calorie deficit needed for 1kg weight loss and MFP calculations
So I’ve been tracking my weight, my calories in and out, my deficit, etc. in an Excel file. And I noticed something isn’t adding up. My own calculations are based on the info that I’ve seen online, saying that a 7700 kcal deficit equals (more or less) losing one kg of bodyfat (3500kcal per lb). So I presumed that MFP uses…
Weird question about workout leggings
So I wore a pair of workout leggings that have gotten a little tighter now thanks to weight gain, and they tend to have this lifting effect. I come home and take off the leggings and see all these rolls of fat around my waist that weren't there this morning? Although I am at the same weight? The only other reason I can…
Fitbit Friends
Hi! I'm looking for Fitbit friends to stay motivated and join challenges! Add me! teachmama79@yahoo.com
bed time hunger
Does anyone else go all day barely feeling hungry and keeping without a good intake as far as calories and what not and then 8:00pm rolls around and it's like hunger strikes out of nowhere? I'm the type that can not fall asleep if I'm hungry. I'm trying to get used to eating just a little bit of something that's satisfying…
We had cake and ice cream today at work. I was tempted to eat some, but Friday and Sunday were high calorie days for me, so I decided to skip it. It was a bit awkward since everyone else at work did have some - but I managed to avoid it.
Night time sugar cravings
Having problem controlling sugar craving hours after dinner. I eat plant based diet, exercise but I have had a handful of M&Ms, small dish Cherry Garcia ice cream after midnight ( these are my husband’s snacks so it’s something that he can and should have access to in house) again I have a small amount (that’s how i…