Smart watch
Hello, I have a reflex smart watch edition 1, would anyone know how I can sync data from my watch straight to the fitness pal app, instead of having to input manually?
Exercise logging twice?
I just did 6k steps and it registered 200 calories but then also said generic 41 mins 200 calories. Does that mean its doubling my exercise? I dont wanna go over if i think ive earned more than i have.
MFP stopped allowing weight recordings that aren't whole numbers??? WHAT? WHY
Starting yesterday, MFP does not allow me to enter weight recordings that aren't integers So if my scale says I weigh 175.4 pounds, MFP won't let me enter it because it has a .4 at the end. It would say "Please select a valid value. the nearest valid values are 175 and 176." WHY That's dumb Is this just their new dumb…
Cant find my tracker !!!
Help ……..
How to get notification links working?
I tried to search for “notifications” here but folks just seemed to want to get rid of them. Several months ago I noticed that tapping on a notification either email or Home Screen does nothing. This makes it much harder to connect with others. Is there a way for this to be functional?
Why when I try to use my barcode it says I don't have any subscriptions for my account?
How do I fix this?
Nutrients by Meal
How do I see nutrients by meal? I’d like to go back at the end of the day and look at Lunch and see nutrient breakdown just for that meal not cumulative.
Scanning food using the bar code
Whenever I try to scan, a screen comes up asking me to join premium. I am on the free 30 day trial for premium. Not sure how to work around this
How many months will it take me to get to 150lb
How many months will it take me to get to 150lbs if I weigh 179.6lbs and I'm only eating 1200 calories a day and I'm not very active
Macros not adding up.
I show that I have 95 calories left of my daily amount. I hit my proteins perfectly I have 8 carbs left x 4 = 32 calories And went over my fat my 1 = -9 calories. Am I looking at this incorrectly but shouldn’t that be only a total of 23 calories that I’m short vs 95?
How to stop notifications?
I want to sop all notifications for right now.
Adding a status in iOS app
Hi, I can’t find the button to type a status update (discussion) into my newsfeed In the app. Could someone help me please?
Exercise Adjustment based on steps
I am confused about how MFP makes calorie adjustments based on steps. On Sunday I had 14221 steps, which translates to 633 calories. Yesterday I had 11924 steps (325 calories). So far today I have 9727 steps, and 348 calories. I’m confused why fewer steps today is translating to more calories than yesterday.
Why is MFP continuing to not sync exercise from Samsung Health?
Up until the summer of 2022, I had been entering my workouts in Samsung health as 'weight lifting' and it would sync to MFP. Then it stopped working in June and I followed all of the steps outlined in their bug documentation and MFP said it didn't include "weight training" so I switched to "other workout". It stopped…
I just upgraded to premium on my phone, and it's not synching to my desktop.
How do I force synch?
I think I ended up with 2 accounts. How do I make sure?
Some how I ended up with two accounts. I know the name of both - one ends in 61 and the other in 11 but they both use my mail. I would like to cancel the 61 one but it is not showing up on my phone. I just don't want to pay for both accounts. What should I do now.
Bipolar medication
Hi if I take 1500mg of sodium valproate should i be on a salt reduced diet , I've never been told by a Dr or Psychiatrist
App Notification Question
When I comment on a friend's status on my news feed, how do I turn off the alerts that come across my phone that someone else also commented on it? It's getting annoying to me to get them every single day.
Custom foods
Is there a limit to how many custom foods you can add to the database? can you stop other people from editing them? Can you grab customised foods already in the database and edit the macros, and add your own label to it, so it appears in "My Foods"? Can you add a food so when you scan the barcode, it matches with a food…
How can I delete foods from “My Foods”
I have made some mistakes in putting the details on for two recipes and I can’t figure out how to delete the entire things and start over. Every time I hit edit and erase it all it all comes back up. Please help.
Scanning foods not always working?
Is anyone having trouble with common foods not being found when scanning? This is happening to stuff that is mainstream for me more and more.
Can I add steps manually
I have a new tracker watch that won’t sync with My Fitness pal, can I add steps manually ?
Why is the data from my MFP app not the same as the data in my MFP website account?
I am trying to sync MFP with my Trainer's app (Trainerize) without any success. I have set my diary to public and have updated my Health app with the right settings too. I have been entering data into my MFP food diary in the app for a week now but when I log on to the MFP website, my data is not in there and my daily…
Search for recipes by food item
How do I search for recipes by specific food items? Like chicken and beans recipes? Or fish and rice?
Calorie and macro goals
Every day when I sign on my calorie and macro split changes. I have to go into goals multiple times a day and reset it. I pay for premium and don’t understand why a simple feature won’t work. Any advice?
logged out
Why does mfp keep logging me out?
Question About Auto Renew
I am set up to auto renew. Does my renewal charge my price I paid last year? Like is it locked in / grandfathered in? Or, does it auto renew at today's price? Which is how much these days?
Where is my diet plan?
Where is my diet plan ?
Hi All
I need to start kito diet but I don’t know how to set up my macros Could anyone help me, please
Exercise calories
Hi! My fitness app on apple shows 200 calories burnt for 7000 steps. Why does it give me only 60 calories as per this app? How does it work?