Calories not adding up right
Is there a known bug or glitch with calorie counting? Mind not adding up correctly
When I share my diary how can the person see my macros also?
If I share my diary with a friend can they also see my macros? So far we can’t figure this out.
Scanning foods
Ever since this new update, myfitnesspal app won't recognize half the foods!! And it won't save a recipe when I manually input it. Has anyone else been having any issues like this??
diary not displaying
I have a total cal intake for today... - in the app - approx 1700 - on the web - approx 1300 the 400 gap is breakfast - but its not shown? Anyone else? Any ideas?
Moved: Yoo, I've just gotten the app and am clueless.
This discussion has been moved.
Is there a way to add grams?
I’m looking to add grams if a food. Like say I have 75 grams of red pepper, 85 grams of chicken breast. Is there a way to add the foods in grams?
Leave a group I created
Is there any way I can leave a group that I created? I don't want to delete the group just leave the group is there any way I can do it or does one of the other leaders have to remove me from the group.
My daily exercise is not recording.
I have added all my exercise for Cardio and Strength, but it is not recording in the daily exercise dairy. Please help me navigate myfitnesspal.
App not counting exercise properly
All of a sudden today the steps being transferred from Fitbit aren’t giving me the right extra calorie amount. And every time I close and reopen the app, the calorie count has gone down. So I should have a lot more calories available than the app shows.
Diary Items Disappearing
For the last month or two, I've had several instances where items from my food diary just disappear. When I click on the diary category ("Dinner", for example), there is only one item on the list - the last item I entered the day before. After a few days, the diary will suddenly restore itself, but then another category,…
Can I add another profile and is there a low GI option?
I use My Fitness Pal for myself to track calorie intake for weight loss, but now in addition, I need to track my 4 year old daughters food intake to ensure it’s low GI, to regulate her blood sugar. Is there a way of tracking both food diaries in the same account? And is there a low GI setting? Thank you
Subscription Cancellation
Hi, I cancelled my free subscription before the 4 weeks had expired yet the annual fee was charged to me. How can I arrange for a refund please?
How do you calculate the added kcal of 1 TBSP of Extra virgin Olive Oil added ot a salad dressing?
If I add 1 tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil to my salad dressing what proportion of it should I add to my MFP . As you may well imagine not all of the olive oil is consumed and some drips and stay at the bottom of the plate...... Same with the sunflower oil used in frying an egg..... Any ideas or suggestions please?
Moved: buddy anyone?
This discussion has been moved.
What app is best for starting a couch to 5k? WITH interval training...
A lot of apps jump right to 3min jog, I really am looking for something on a longer time line and broken down more. Any recs?
How do I get back to my home page
Every time I am in community I can’t get back to my home page to track my food and such. Can you help me?
Map My Fitness Apps not Connecting
My Fitness Pal stopped recording steps after the last update. Disconnected MapMyFitness under Apps & Devices. Now none of the MapMyFitness Apps will connect.
Lagging when trying to post to my own wall
Is anybody else finding that when they try to post to their own wall, re a status or something like that, that there is terrific lag and it is a minute or two before what I have typed actually appears and only then can I click "send"? I don't have this on any other website, it has only started happening within the last…
Customer service is awful
So I’m emailing someone in customer service because the update has broken my app. I can no longer sync apple workouts to my fitness pal. Customer service just keep saying reinstall the app etc when it’s obviously a bug that others are experiencing! Do I cancel my membership?
"Your Daily Summary" seems to be wrong
Can someone tell me why this is happening? See attached picture. It's been going on for a few days now. I have no food entered for the day yet it says I seem to have 460. The exercise I guess is right as I just came back from a 3 mile walk and Fitbit adjustments are enabled. FYI, I tried it on another browser and the same…
It says that my goal for calorie intake is 0 ☠️
I only just started today so I’m not sure if it’ll get going after a day. But if not then how do I go about fixing it?
Got a new phone and the MFP app isn't updated from the website. How do I get all my info on the app
I have already uninstalled and reinstalled and did a restart on my phone. Also just noticed that my Fitbit isn't syncing.
expressing milk/calories and weight loss
Hi all am after some advice, I am 11 weeks post baby and am exclusively expressing breast milk for him,I average around 25-30 ounces a day for him. I am looking to lose around 8kg of baby weight. how many calories should I aim for? pre baby I was very active went to the gym did 5-10,0000 steps a day however with a newborn…
How to save multiple photos?
I’d like to save multiple photos to a weigh in, but can only seem to do one. How can I save multiple shots like front, side and back to a single weigh in?
If I cancel before free month does free version still work?
Wanted to check free version out and wondering if I cancel subscription Will app still work? 80$ sounds steep especially after I used the free version few Yrs ago. I don’t see the value In it at that price. Maybe they should lower it to the average of 30$ like all other weight apps
Is there a way to add exercises to the work out routine section?
Just wanted to know if there’s a way to add exercises into the workout section as there’s a lot of exercises I do that aren’t listed in the app.
Not loosing weight in legs?
Hi, I started eating healthy, and working out 4 weeks ago. I've lost 6-7 pounds. From 140 lb to 133 lb. I've lost inches everywhere except my legs. What the heck? That's my problem area I guess. I gain weight in legs, and butt first. Can it be from working out? I never worked out before, and lost weight in legs. So this is…
Is there a place to view my previous comments?
I am new to the forums and just trying to keep track of the discussions I am posting in so I can reply to people. Is there an easier way that scrolling around trying to find the thread I posted in a few days ago? Like a "your recent posts" or something? I can see "My Discussions" but I am normally posting in other peoples'…
Samsung Health is no longer syncing.
I just noticed my activity isn't syncing. Any fixes besides uninstalling and reinstalling?
Adding additional serving sizes to custom foods?
How do you add additional serving sizes to custom foods? For example due to the database not matching Starbuck's website data I've added under my custom foods Starbucks - Whole Milk Latte , Serving Size : Large (Venti) . If I try to add it again but for serving size Grande (Medium) it tells me the food already exists. So I…