TV shows
Extreme weight loss IMO will be under the gun like the biggest loser soon
When is the best time of day to weight yourself?
Obviously in the morning you are lighter than at the end of the day, but when adding in your progress, should you weigh your self in the morning or at night? How often should you weigh yourself?
Why You Can’t Lose Weight on a Diet- New York Times Article- May 6, 2016
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/08/opinion/sunday/why-you-cant-lose-weight-on-a-diet.html?hpw&rref=sunday-review&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=well-region®ion=bottom-well&WT.nav=bottom-well&_r=4 Why You Can’t Lose Weight on a Diet The problem isn’t willpower. It’s neuroscience. You can’t — and shouldn’t — fight…
Why so many food myths?
I understand this has probably been discussed before but I'm finding it a little disconcerting. Every time I log on to the forum I see at least one person regurgitating something I've previously come across from a YouTube "star" or "Expert". Why can't people evaluate sources? So much bad information no wonder people don't…
Why intermittent fasting is so popular now?
I noticed that Intermittent fasting is getting a lot of media attention this year. Are most people really able to stop eating their favorite meals periodically? Article on bodybuilding.com that titled "To Eat Or Not To Eat: Your Fast Guide To Fasting" says that fasting give us the freedom on what and when to eat. And…
Gastric ByPass Pill?
http://techcrunch.com/2016/05/17/allurion-offers-gastric-bypass-surgery-in-a-pill/?ncid=rss Has anyone seen this? I just read it. Personally, I'd be worried about side effects, but I can see a lot of uses for this. Especially in patients that are too obese for surgery or anesthesia. Science is cool.
I Don't Believe in Calorie Counting
by Tracey Anderson, http://motto.time.com/4315473/tracy-anderson-calorie-counting/?xid=newsletter-brief "People need to have the courage and the determination to understand food and to really reflect on their past relationships with food. It’s more about the awareness of the kinds of food people are eating, the amounts…
Body Temperature and Metabolism
I have read various articles on the internet regarding a low body temperature (below 97.7) and a slower metabolism. The cause can be from various factors such as hypothyroidism (which I have, but I'm on medication), stress, and other health conditions. Since body temperature is correlated to metabolism, if your body…
Water only detox
I've read about water only detoxification (water fast)where people only consume water for a few days to flush out unwanted toxins, but should not over drink water. I know some people on some religions fast, but this is not religion related. Some websites say this is a real and simplest detox.. What do you think about water…
Is Water Weight a Myth?
I always wondered why, if you were fasting or doing very low carb or something, people would say that your initial, fast weight loss would be "mostly water weight." That just didn't make any sense to me, why if you're still consuming plenty of fluids but not calories, your body wouldn't be using your fat stores. So I…
How much fruit to eat per day
Does it make you bloat or put on weight
Meat Eater, Vegetarian or Vegan?
Hi, I have friends who eat meat,, vegetarian & vegans. Doing a web search there is lots of sites with different views of which is overall healthier. What's your view? And from the nutrition side why did you choose this way? Remember we're fitness 'pals' so stay friendly:D!
New study suggests exercise may play more important role in weight loss
One of the most consistent phrases used on MFP is "exercise is not necessary for weight loss". The underlying principle is that all one needs to lose weight is a calorie deficit, and that exercise is for "fitness only". The point of this statement (I think), along with the "you can outrun a bad diet" is to emphasize that a…
Supplements/Fat burners
Any actual long term studies out there on potential health concerns? Obviously asid from those containing caffeine. Thinking of take a little something to help push me along.
Add oil for vitamin absorption?
Is this claim true? My understanding is that if you eat a healthy diet there's no need to add oil to things like salads to increase vitamin absorption. Vegetables mostly have water soluble vitamins and fat soluble, well, they'll come with fat from animal products. Anything fat soluble that is in fruit or veg will be…
Excercise to eat more???
Hi all hoping you can maybe settle and internal debate I've been having of late. Is there anything wrong or of concern to get into the mindset that it's okay to excercise to enable you to eat more? Something does not sit well in my mind and I worry that as I continue in weight maintenance, my exercising has shifted more…
Maintaining Weight Loss and Leptin Deficiency
So please don't get nasty with me for the re-post as there are a lot of people talking about the NY Times article about the biggest loser contestants, and I have read SEVERAL of these threads, but NONE of them answer any of the questions that are in my head. It also appears that a lot of the people discussing it did not…
New public health campaign against sugar.
Liverpool in drive to name and shame fizzy drink brands Hard-hitting campaign seeks to cut children’s sugar intake in city with some of UK’s worst rates of obesity and tooth decay "Sugary drinks can cause tooth decay, obesity and even type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers in the future." Even though I actually do…
Your body's "set point"
This topic is an expansion of what is being discussed with regard to the Biggest Loser, "that the brain’s weight-regulation system considers your set point to be the correct weight for you, whether or not your doctor agrees". (Click link to see the article where I pulled that quote). The NPR radio show "Forum" had a good…
What kind of fat are you?
telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/05/04/obesity-could-be-contagious-like-superbug-cdiff-suggest-scientis/ Obesity could be contagious like superbug C.diff, suggest scientists ????
frequency of meals
Does it matter how often you eat to lose fat? Whether it be 1 or 6 times?
Glyphosate, again
A new report by WHO and FAO says that the amounts of glyphosate you're likely to ingest are unlikely to pose a health risk. article: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-who-glyphosate-idUSKCN0Y71HR report: http://www.who.int/foodsafety/jmprsummary2016.pdf A friend of mine sent me a link today to a rather...…
Tabata or HIIT
Question out there to all you wise souls. Which is better tabata or HIIT. They seem quite similar to me. What's the difference
Sports Drink vs Water
Sports drinks contain water, electrolytes, potassium and some contain vitamins like Body Armor Water is just water Let the debate beginnn...
Telomere lengthening in humans? GOOD, BAD or Indifferent.
sciencealert.com/scientists-claim-they-ve-completed-the-first-successful-gene-therapy-against-human-ageing Scientists claim they've completed the first successful gene therapy against human ageing.
Essential Oils
I am new to the E.O. world, and came into not really having no opinion about them either way. I do use oils, but I do not believe that modern medicine should be tossed out the window. I just took a trip to the doctor a couple of weeks ago, in fact, for a nasty cough I had going on. However, the more I learn, the more I…
Protein intake schedule
I have seen several studies showing that taking protein before a workout has better results in gains and several that show that after a workout you get better gains and even studies that show that it does not matter when you take it in a day. I hate all the contradictory studies. So what do you think?
Intermittent fasting..
Have you ever tried that before?! Advise pls.
How much will one pay/risk for weight loss?
Would you: Stand still while a car approached you at 25 miles an hour with no intention of stopping? Jump off a 10ft platform and hit the ground? Let your toddler play unattended on a playground? Juggle knives? I assuming most would say "NO" to the above. But for some reason you say "Hey I can show you how to lose 5lbs in…
Nutrition Enlightenment By Eric Helms
You won't regret watching this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAvW6xBZjSk&list=PLnPAPdT4m_g_jts_h2xcr2MFzW5uwJ2uP