frequency of meals
Does it matter how often you eat to lose fat? Whether it be 1 or 6 times?
Glyphosate, again
A new report by WHO and FAO says that the amounts of glyphosate you're likely to ingest are unlikely to pose a health risk. article: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-who-glyphosate-idUSKCN0Y71HR report: http://www.who.int/foodsafety/jmprsummary2016.pdf A friend of mine sent me a link today to a rather...…
Tabata or HIIT
Question out there to all you wise souls. Which is better tabata or HIIT. They seem quite similar to me. What's the difference
Sports Drink vs Water
Sports drinks contain water, electrolytes, potassium and some contain vitamins like Body Armor Water is just water Let the debate beginnn...
Telomere lengthening in humans? GOOD, BAD or Indifferent.
sciencealert.com/scientists-claim-they-ve-completed-the-first-successful-gene-therapy-against-human-ageing Scientists claim they've completed the first successful gene therapy against human ageing.
Essential Oils
I am new to the E.O. world, and came into not really having no opinion about them either way. I do use oils, but I do not believe that modern medicine should be tossed out the window. I just took a trip to the doctor a couple of weeks ago, in fact, for a nasty cough I had going on. However, the more I learn, the more I…
Protein intake schedule
I have seen several studies showing that taking protein before a workout has better results in gains and several that show that after a workout you get better gains and even studies that show that it does not matter when you take it in a day. I hate all the contradictory studies. So what do you think?
Intermittent fasting..
Have you ever tried that before?! Advise pls.
How much will one pay/risk for weight loss?
Would you: Stand still while a car approached you at 25 miles an hour with no intention of stopping? Jump off a 10ft platform and hit the ground? Let your toddler play unattended on a playground? Juggle knives? I assuming most would say "NO" to the above. But for some reason you say "Hey I can show you how to lose 5lbs in…
Nutrition Enlightenment By Eric Helms
You won't regret watching this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAvW6xBZjSk&list=PLnPAPdT4m_g_jts_h2xcr2MFzW5uwJ2uP
Want to help design a relative LCHF experiment for Endurance?
I've been reading some of the threads here and recently finished Natural Born Heroes and article like these... http://www.runnersworld.com/diet/can-eating-more-fat-make-you-a-better-runner?cid=soc_runnersworld_TWITTER_Runner’s%20World__Nutrition_MarathonTraining where the argument of such people like Timothy Noakes is that…
Big food companies urge consumers to eat less
usatoday.com/story/money/2016/04/25/why-food-companies-are-telling-you-how-much-to-eat/83228810/ Major food companies are experimenting with different sizes to hedge against the demise of processed food. Are they doing this for our betterment or theirs do you think? Are many people really moving away from processed food to…
80% diet, 20% exercise.
"I tell my students that we control our body weight by what we put in our mouth and we control our fitness through exercise," Gibala said. I pulled this quote from a link in an article posted on MFP. It got me thinking; by diet alone (restricting calories according to loseit app guidelines), I lost over 50 pounds a couple…
What kind of detox do you do and how often?
How significant are hormones in appetite control
Recent study from Denmark ( abstract here ) found that it took ~40 weeks for hunger regulating hormone Ghrelin to get back towards its pre-weight loss value having used a VLCD to achieve 13% weight loss in 8 weeks and then support and tracking to maintain the weight loss for a year. Further info at…
How much thought/money do you put into the water you drink?
Those in the US should be getting a water report on their municipal water to have an idea We talk about "clean" foods so much, but what water will you allow yourself to drink? I have an almost new private well producing water that is acceptable under EPA municipal drinking water standards (save for the secondary…
If it's all CICO - why can't you outrun a bad diet?
This is purely for debate purposes - if weight loss is purely calories in and calories out, why can't you 'outrun a bad diet' - surely if you run enough to burn off the calories of a bad dietary intake, you can for all intents and purposes outrun a bad diet? If a person is in a caloric deficit surely they will lose…
Maintenance calories and macro nutrient ratio
I want to discuss how much influence macro ratios have on how many calories one needs to maintain weight. It seems to me like there is some anecdotal evidence that some people following a LCHF diet (or at least one that has fat as the largest source of calories) do not need as many calories to maintain as compared to…
Can you shape your body to look like someone you seen ?
I'm curious is it possible ?
NYTimes reports that 'Biggest Losers' have decreased metabolism
As someone who is just now back in the game after a weight loss rebound, I found this interesting and I admit, a bit depressing. It would be interesting to see if the decrease in metabolic rate is less for people who start from the same weight as the BL contestants but do a less extreme form of diet. I'd also like to hear…
BCAA's (Branched Chain Amino Acids) depleting Serotonin levels leading to obesity?
I broke this out of another obesity thread that triggered some of my research tonight. The last 2 minutes of the video is all you need watch. The blog link may be a 5 min read. The NCBI paper headlines may take a minute or two to read. At this point I am trying to understand why cravings controlled my over eating for 40…
Getting rid of stubborn fat
We have topics on this on a near daily basis of people asking what to do with their pouches and whatnot and the answers are usually "Sorry, you can't spot reduce certain areas. It'll come off when it comes off." (which is correct). However, there looks to be some science on the whys of this that enables us to not spot…
Is Sugar our Biggest Diet Breaker?
Doctors say a new study provides 'the strongest evidence to date' that sugar causes health risks, regardless of whether it increases calorie intake Diet's Composition: "The diet overall had the same fat, protein, carbohydrate, and calorie levels as their previous diets at home, with the carbohydrate from sugar replaced by…
Can one live on only meat?
I have a friend on FaceBook that has challenged me to eat only meat for one month. This sounds horribly unhealthy. ETA: and eat no vegetables.
Vasectomy And Working Out
So I had a vasectomy today and the doctor told me I couldn't workout for 2 weeks. Has anyone been told the same but bucked the system and worked out sooner? I don't think I can go 2 weeks w/o going stir crazy. That said, I don't want to hurt my boys either. . . if you know what I mean.
Lose Fat! Gain Muscle! In Before Newbie Gains!
What if you could gain1/2 lb of lean mass per week while dieting? 4 week study, overweight men, calories restricted by 40% (!) from maintenance. Average weight loss 10 lbs. PRO group had 2.4 g/kg body weight of protein. CON group had 1.2 g/kg body weight of protein. (Close to RDA) (note - to keep diets isocaloric they…
Cardio robs you of your lifting gains.
I have read about this a few times mostly on BB.com. Is this true or just an excuse for lifters to skip cardio.
Rest days?
I dont take rest days. I just do cardio and stretching on my non strength training days. Ill rest when im dead.
What is a good weight?
Recently I saw a blog, I think on FaceBook where the couple do it are supposed to be fitness gurus. some of their stuff was pretty interesting - but then came THIS - the woman said she was heavy at 5'8" and 135 lbs when she went on her diet!!!!! And now she is fit at 119 lbs! Excuse me? When I was in my 20s I was told I…
After the Biggest Loser - study
http://www.boston.com/news/health/2016/05/02/after-the-biggest-loser-their-bodies-fought-to-regain-weight Anyone else see this? The article doesn't address the fact of how intensely and quickly the contestants lose weight and how that could affect the metabolism finding. Will be interested to read the actual study to see…