Helping with Form
So...I know some people don't like it, sometimes myself included. If I'm working on snatches, I couldn't care less if you think my hip contact sucks. But when you see the "bad" gym people...those who squat by just bending their knees, or do a burpree without even touching the floor. Or those who will hurt themselves...is…
Debate on sugar that seems to support weight loss side effect and more?
webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-827-ribose.aspx?activeingredientid=827&activeingredientname=ribose Short summary from WebMD. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17109576 The use of D-ribose in chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia: a pilot study. drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/d-ribose A UK doctor thoughts and one reason I eat…
Special diet, detox, Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, etc. Why?
I don't remember if this was really discussed before in this section. But one thing I've noticed with friends I know in real life and even some celebrities is the way in which a lot of people try to lose weight. Now I may be biased based on my observations, but it seems to me that a fairly large percentage of the…
Birth control and weight loss.
Hello my fine fitness friends! Question: has anyone here experienced weight LOSS after starting the pill? You always hear about weight gain, but there's not much out there on loss. I've been doing this fitness thing for awhile now, and there were times I would get so down because I felt like I was doing everything right,…
Are there different terms for different types of vegans?
1. Are there official terms for both kinds? They seem worlds apart to me. One type would never touch beans, asparagus, beets, spinach, kale, etc. And eat lots of highly processed foods such as doritos and twinkies. Another type are whole foods only. Lots of greens and beans. 2. What % of the population do you think are…
Is this a bit scary and confusing, or have I simply not thought it through?
From the MFP blog on updated nutrition labels ... "On the new label, serving sizes will increase to reflect today’s larger portion sizes –– because, by law, serving sizes must be based on what people are actually consuming, not what they should be consuming."
I bet it is more than rosemary getting so many to 100+
news-medical.net/news/20160330/Researchers-to-study-people-over-100-years-old-in-Acciaroli-Italy-to-unlock-secrets-of-healthy-aging.aspx See see pockets like this around the world. A study for several of these 100+ groups might find common factors.
Over Daily Calories but Just worked out - Eat or Don't Eat?
I'm over my daily calorie intake and have just completed a workout. I have always been told that when you lift or do cardio you're supposed to eat before the anabolic window closes. Should I be eating if I'm already over my daily intake amount, if so, what should I be eating? My goal is to lose weight. Any suggestions or…
Serotonin and the gut/brain
I'm opening a discussion on tryptophan and serotonin and their production/impacts for the gut and brain. I've heard that while most serotonin is produced in the gut, it cannot cross the blood/brain barrier and so it does not impact serotonin in the brain. I've also heard the reverse, that reduced serotonin production in…
Research: hormonal treatment for compulsive overeating
For people who don't feel full when they are full: http://www.healthline.com/health-news/overeating-is-it-all-in-your-head-072315 Could be wonderful for people with binge eating disorder, Prader-Willi syndrome, and stuff like that.
Would a neg result lead many people to change their eating/moving ways?
ebiomedicine.com/article/S2352-3964(16)30256-0/fulltext Blood test shows chance of suffering heart attack within five years.
What is clean eating?
Well, I might as well do something with this list and the new debate forums seems as good a place as any for it. Once upon a time, I was under the belief that clean eating had a simple definition. It was cooking from scratch using as simple ingredients as possible. MFP has disillusioned me of that idea. Here on MFP I've…
Does Simple CICO Work Just As Well As Clean Eating To Improve Body Tone As You Lose?
So my question relates to some conflicting info. I keep hearing on this site. So many people claim CICO is the key to losing weight. I get it. You have to be in a deficit. But then you get the "no processed foods, cut everything white, etc" camp. This seems to conflict with the people who say " eat all the food you like,…
"Addiction" versus "Dependence"
I often see someone post that he or she is addicted to a food. When this happens, someone invariably responds with something like ________ addiction is "not a thing." (I suppose sugar is the most common example.) When this happens, the person responding is confounding two related but different clinical concepts. ADDICTION…
Pure cardio over the long term is a waste of energy and time.
I started my fitness journey at 216lbs back in 2010. At 5'9", that put me in an uncomfortable where I was really not happy with my health or my appearance. It was one of many sources of depression so I decided to start working out and eating better. I've went through many trials and tried just about everything to test for…
Listing calories on the front of packaging
I am making cookies for my daughter to take to a party. I bought Skor candy bars to add to the dough. I noticed that the calories are listed right on the front. The M&M bags had calories listed on the front too. Then I noticed that some of the "king size" bars didn't list calories but had some sort of language like "king…
Heartrate and caloric burn relationship - How much does HR actually influence it?
So I'm having trouble pinning down a somewhat informed/scientific answer to this question - Given two identical people (same body composition, etc.) who are performing the same *light* activity (e.g., Office work, a hundred steps here and there, and NOT exercise), how big of a difference (in very, very rough percentage…
Need to know what to do with my earing habits that's easy to understand to lower cholesterol. ..please explain mono and saturated fats...
Fitbit HR Inaccurate
Biggest loser?
What do people think about what they do on the biggest loser?
What do people think of this?
Nutrition Labels and Hidden Sugars
There's been some discussions in other threads about added and hidden sugars in foods so I thought we could use a thread specifically for this topic. Here's the question: Is sugar ever actually hidden in food? I'd love to hear viewpoints from both sides.
Gaining more pounds than you eat
Just asking out of curiosity, is it theoretically possible to gain more weight than the weight of the food you ate? There's 453.59 grams in a pound and fat has 9 cal / gram, so a pound of pure fat would have 4,082.3 calories. So in theory, if you ate 3500 calories of PURE fat over your TDEE, you'd actually gain more weight…
Has Food Been Turned into an Addictive Drug?
There are so many obese people now Profit is more important than people Sugar is added to everything Millions of dollars is spent researching how to make food taste better I watched a video where they did an experiment with two identical twins. One given a high fat diet the other given a high carb diet. In the end there…
Will You Let it Eat You Alive?
Lots of threads spring up here about "toxins" in food. And they always go down a similar path. Always. I have spent that last 15+ (give or take) years being on-again, off-again the "Food Fear" bandwagon. It led me to get rid of my microwave, to throw out hundreds of dollars of "processed chemical junk food" from my pantry,…
afraid of animal fats and cholesterol?
Do you still think eating butter will give you heart disease? Check out Dr. Maryanne Demasi's documentary. Lots of great information here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGIGXfIDaJo#action=share https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY4eTGMe-EY#action=share
Cell phone impact on Health.
microwavenews.com/news-center/ntp-cancer-results While these results have been coming out of Europe for about 20 years is the USA about to become concerned about cell phone usage for health reasons? I know of a 40 year old with this type of cancer that just started ionizing radiation for brain cancer treatment.
Opinions on CICO while eating healthy?
I hear/see all these people claiming CICO alone is the only thing needed to reach fitness goals. I used to do that along with light exercise and lost weight but didn't become fit and instead became skinny-fat. So I increased my exercise a bit and still wasn't getting anywhere then went to a gym and saw all these lean guys…
IF...Lean Gains for DAYS???
How do you guys feel about intermittent fasting? I've been doing it for a couple weeks and really like it, it certainly isn't "melting off" yet, but I've dropped a few pounds. If I work out at 6 am, go to work at 8-5 and my eating window is from 1-9, am I working out for no reason? I definitely am pretty hungry by 1 o…
Sweat as an indivation of calories burned?
I know it is said that sweat is not tied to calorie burn....that i think is only a half truth. Its simple....given the same conditions (same excercise ,same person,same hydration, same temp and humidity ) that person will sweat more at an increased excercise intensity than at a lower one. So ya sweating is correlated with…