World's oldest priest says strict routine basis of long life?
in.reuters.com/article/us-life-belgium-priest-idINKCN0ZQ0FU I expect it was more than just a strict routine that has help keep Father Clemens active for 107 years. In photo 9 of 10 clearly he is on the thin side compared to man on his left side so calorie restriction may have been a way off life. Serving as a priest for 80…
Is meat healthy?
Hi everyone! The title says it all. I want to hear what you think. Are animals products healthy? I went vegetarian six years ago because of Peta and kept it up because I thought it was healthy, but I only ever heard health arguments from people like dr. McDougall, the China study, ect. I would love to hear some other…
Overweight people are less intelligent than people who are do not have weight problems
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/13/fat-people-are-less-intelligent-than-those-who-are-overweight/? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/13/fat-people-are-less-intelligent-than-those-who-are-not-overweigh/?WTmcid=tmgoff_soc_spf_fb&WT.mc_id=sf30838983 Seriously, now overweight people are less intelligent? Has…
Shame - does it hinder or help you lose or gain weight?
The fat acceptance thread meandered a little into shame. I would like a discussion devoted to it. Some posters say it's good for a fat person to feel ashamed of their weight because it causes them to do something about it. Some posters disagreed. For me, shame is how I gained weight. I am ashamed of being overweight. I…
Beyond a calorie deficit - exercise is good for weight loss?
Often enough, when people ask about what exercise to do to lose weight the standard response is "count calories" and "CICO" and "what matters is a deficit". All true. However, this thread is here to also investigate/discuss the positive (or negative) effects of exercise on weight loss. In general, if we agree with the…
Does this means mom was correct on the subject?
medicalxpress.com/news/2016-07-fruit-vegetables-substantially-happiness.html "Professor Andrew Oswald said: "Eating fruit and vegetables apparently boosts our happiness far more quickly than it improves human health. People's motivation to eat healthy food is weakened by the fact that physical-health benefits, such as…
Holiday! (All inclusive)
I'm going on holiday for 1 week and it's all inclusive so I've got to make the most of it with my friends, if I do treat my self for the week, how much weight am I expected to gain? And if I do go back on track straight away with my normal routine will I loose the weight I've gained?
Wasn't sure where to put this. Nor could I think of a title
I just wondered if anyone had any thoughts on this article https://www.paleofx.com/why-diets-fail-and-eat-less-move-more-bad-advice/
Is palatability a hidden component in fat storage?
I stumbled across an odd study from 2012, testing whether and how the taste of sweetness influences weight gain: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22683548 A summary of the study in plainer english is here: http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2012/06/new-study-demonstrates-that-sugar-has.html The results of the study…
Forbidden vs not wanting
Does this simple change in semantics & mindset make a difference? You see so many people spouting that nothing is forbidden & no foods should be excluded. What if you simply choose not to eat something any longer because you just don't want to? Does the reason matter?
Sugar or Sweetener?
My mum is (I suppose you could say) very against sweetener whereas I am all for it. But to be honest I'm not sure why.... Which do you think is a better option & why?
Internet addicts at greater risk of illness! True or False?
swansea.ac.uk/media-centre/latest-research/swanseauniversityco-researchfindsinternetaddictsatgreaterriskofillness.php "The study suggested that those who are addicted to the internet may suffer from great stress when they are disconnected from the net, and this cycle of stress and relief associated with internet addiction…
Earthing involves getting direct contact with the Earth's surface, such as walking barefoot outside. It supposedly works to improve health by neutralizing free radicals. While several sources note that the science behind this is sketchy, there are anecdotal accounts of people who have tried it and reported that it does…
Classifying food as "healthy" vs. "unhealthy": completely erroneous?
Great article at Reason magazine's website. Article basically takes a look at what happens when you take a long list of food items and then ask consumers on the one hand, and nutritionists on the other to classify the foods as "healthy" or "unhealthy." Bottom line - there's a ton of disagreement, and maybe the question…
I have been trying to eat Paleo for the last 2 months or so, and there's one thing i still don't get. How is dark chocolate okay (and to some people considered healthy)? I'm not saying that people need to avoid anything that isn't perfectly healthy or Paleo-aligned. I also understand that milk chocolate usually has lots of…
Shrinking with age
Got my summer jeans out yesterday, ive had them for years and could almost be classed as vintage ! Anyway these were the 2nd pair of trousers that i have found that are now far too long, im short to begin with at 5ft 2in so cant really afford to lose any more height. Have any of you older members shrunk in height .?
Diabetes / Insulin sensitivity
This seems to be a topic worth discussing. What things truly do impact diabetes and insulin sensitivity? What is the relative impact of various factors: does activity, diet, sheer weight, or adiposity have the greatest impact? I'll start out by throwing out that I see a lot of advice out there that advises weight as most…
Natural remedy anti nausea
Apparently I have a microscopic stomach. If i eat "too much" it gets all upset... a slice of French toast, half a cup of cottage cheese, glass of juice ... granola bar, half a cup of pudding, banana, glass of milk... turkey sandwich, chips, and a soda pop ...I can barely finish these types of meals and feel nauseated…
Exercise, weight loss and myopathy
Anyone out there have myopsthy and/or muscar dystrophy? Does it make exercising more difficult, make you tired? Trying to figure out how to manage this.
Poll : Traditional Gym or Boutique/Studio Gym?
When you go to workout what do you prefer to go to? A Traditional Gym, weights, treadmills, elliptical where you workout solo or higher a trainer .... That kind of thing. OR Do you prefer a modern Boutique/Studio style gym. OrangeTheory, CycleBar, Peloton Cycle, SoulCycle, Local Barre/Yoga/PiYo Studio... Instructor lead…
Why I gain weight within.3 day
Hey,nice to use this site. First of all I wanna to introduce myself my name is namisha I am from Jaipur. I am s thyroid patient and having pcod. I am on medication. I am into gym for last 1month and inches are lost as I last checked my weight on Monday morning before workout and I had one glass of water and ate a 1 banana…
Medical reasons for weight gain and what they mean
Okay, so I've been lurking on the site for quite some time, and this question has weighed on my mind, excuse the pun, for a while. If it's just CICO, what happens in weight gain caused by medications such as steroids, or metabolic disease like thyroid, pituary tumors, PCOS, Cushing's Disease etc? I'm not talking about…
Since it's popping up in another thread and we surprisingly don't have a CrossFit thread in this section yet, I figured I'd start one so people could get their crossfit bashing/promoting jollies in. Do you love or hate crossfit? Why? Try not to be *kittens*.
Time- even healthy calories are calories
My friend just showed me this article and I really liked it. I often see people say things like" I'm eating healthy or eating clean but am not losing weight" . It seems that some people don't realize that the calories do count even if they are from healthy foods. Here's the article -…
"Office Cake Culture..." Interesting BBC article
I was just reading the news and came across this article and thought it was an interesting perspective: http://www.bbc.com/news/health-36608269 Thoughts?
"Tell Me I'm Fat"
Does anyone here ever listen to This American Life? This week's episode asked the question, Should we think about weight differently than we do? I'd love to hear what others think after hearing the podcast. Does something need to change about how society views fat people? TAL wants you to answer Yes. Here are links to the…
The SelfHelpWorks "LivingLean" Program rules...since when is an egg a "treat"?!
I decided to try the SelfHelpWorks LivingLean Program because there was a discount offered through my insurance, and it seemed to focus only on breaking unhealthy emotional relationships with food. I got through the first course, thought it was very watered down and common sense information, and then Course 2 happened.…
Four things cut cancer risk in half
Interesting article with what seems to be solid research behind it. Two of the four are the subject of this community - fitness and weight. http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-how-to-prevent-cancers-20160519-snap-story.html
Helping with Form
So...I know some people don't like it, sometimes myself included. If I'm working on snatches, I couldn't care less if you think my hip contact sucks. But when you see the "bad" gym people...those who squat by just bending their knees, or do a burpree without even touching the floor. Or those who will hurt themselves...is…
Debate on sugar that seems to support weight loss side effect and more?
webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-827-ribose.aspx?activeingredientid=827&activeingredientname=ribose Short summary from WebMD. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17109576 The use of D-ribose in chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia: a pilot study. drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/d-ribose A UK doctor thoughts and one reason I eat…