Wiki: Orthorexia nervosa There's this Dutch video. A woman explains orthorexia and how she suffered from it. It's a - unclassified - eating dissorder where someone is obsessed with eating "healthy". Such as sugar free, gluten free, carb free, etc. I don't know how to feel about this. Being obsessed about food can be…
Sleep vs Protein Timing for muscle recovery?
Which is more important, sleep or protein timing? I would guess that sleep is better then protein timing, and as long as you get adequate protein, sleep (between 7 - 10 hours) would be more important. So should athletes get more sleep and worry less about protein timing? If you got 0.8 g x body weight in kg would you not…
The ideal diet - are we there yet?
Or are we happy to eat well enough, knowing that we don't get extra food karma points for eating more broccoli when we've already eaten our broccoli today? And should we lose another pound? Get rid of that flab that nobody else can see? I'm finally happy with my weight and with my diet. I feel that I eat optimally - enough…
Gamification of Health and Fitness
So I read this article on the USnews.com website today: Do you think that 'gamification' of the health and fitness industry is a good thing long term? I'm all for people using anything that is sane and not harmful (read: stupid diets, detoxes, unsafe exercise programs, etc.) to reach their goals, but is creating this…
Calorie count in one pound of fat
I was bored, so I decided to do some research. From what I could find, one pound of fat equals 3,500 calories. So, you would have to eat at a 500 calorie deficit daily, to loose one pound per week. Of course, that does not include calories burned throughout the day. Some studies disagree with said findings. I found it…
Is Plexus.... a cult or what?
I'm sure that if you're into it, my subject line alone horrified you. Because I've never seen a group of people be so insane over....not sure what it is... a bunch of vitamin drinks? I mean, I don't particularly care because I prefer to get my nutrition from food. Eating is just generally more fun for me. But I have a…
New Guardian Piece - More Calories Are Consumed Through Alcohol Than Sugar Sweetened Beverages
There are some other interesting tidbits too. I really wish the United States had been included in this, though. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/oct/17/brits-calories-alcohol-sugary-drinks I found the calorie consumption figures at the end fascinating. Lots of fodder for discussion here.
Parents- HPV vaccine for girls......yes or no?
My daughters receive vaccines, but I'm still undecided regarding the HPV vaccine.....I've done my research and their doctor is also adamant about them receiving the vaccine. However, I wanted to ask for your opinions on why you had (or didn't have) your daughter receive the HPV vaccine.
Is it cheating?
I had an argument of sorts today because a person in our workplace was giving advise on weight loss to another coworker, but the coworker giving the advise had gastric surgery to lose weight. So the other coworker said "that shouldn't count because she cheated". It kind of made me a little upset. What are your thoughts? If…
Do you do them? How often? If not why, why not? Sometimes I play a racing game to get my phone from the other room once I get the urge :D Didn't know where to post this
Is dairy good or bad?
Fast food and obesity
Fast food franchises like McDonalds etc sometimes get blamed for obesity ( especially in certain countries) . Is it really fair to blame them tho? I mean if its about CI<CO then you could eat a homemade salad which may contain more calories than a McChicken. Opinions?
Have any of you ever did the ATKINS meal plan..I have and didn't like it.. Did you guys like it? Tell me your thoughts on it! Did consuming low carbs help you lose weight?? :)
Do Vegan diets for children really need to be outlawed?
telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/09/parents-forcing-vegan-diet-on-their-children-face-prison-time-un/ I do not know the Vegan way of eating but in the USA I expect many of the kids not being forced to eat Vagan are deficient diet wise.
Is it the same for everyone ?
So we can all agree that CI<CO leads to weight loss for everyone, which is awesome. BUT when it comes to certain facts ( or myths ? idk ) like sugar being addictive , vegetables are fulfilling etc.. are they the same for everyone ? I am asking this because when I was eating chicken , vegetables etc and no sugar , I used to…
How do we judge a healthy weight range? BMI is no longer valid?
I want to understand how to judge a healthy weight range for myself in order to take opinion out of the equation. What is the standard we are using now? I feel like BMI calculations are dated right? Is body fat percentage the best metric? What is the best measurement tool?
Donut post workout anyone???
Ok i dont do this but just read it to some article, in bodybuilding.com. i will make it simple.. Donut post workout to spike insulin??? Too good to be true? What's s ur input???
Excercise Before Breakfast
Hey guys! This is to the peeps that have tried it. Over the years I've heard that losing weight, is a lot easier when exercising before breakfast in the morning. When I were younger and I did it, I'm sure my weight dropped off faster thinking back. I'm just curious to see if anybody else thinks that it's true or if it's a…
How important is fitness to you?
The further you get into your journey, undoubtedly you invest more time, money, effort... I found this particularly true when I first got into the groove of taking fitness seriously, once you get your training, diet and sleep in check. You see your goals can become reality. It's kind of addictive motoring towards your…
Alcohol and Society
I wonder if anyone feels the same way I do about just how ingrained alcohol is in our culture. I.E., slightly disturbed. Now I'm not advocating for some kind of neo-prohibitionist movement. But it is profoundly curious how smoking has become, for the most part, socially censured -- while alcohol, which can be so much more…
FDA Asks Public: What Is 'Healthy Food'?
Do many people need help determining what foods are healthy? http://health.usnews.com/health-care/articles/2016-09-28/fda-asks-public-what-is-healthy-food
Bariatric Rescues
Just saw this on the BBC News website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-37384318 It's so sad, especially the last quote: Tragic.
Sports Drinks or H20....are there any any real benefits to those pricie Sports Drink Hydrators?
Plant protein vs animal protein- better health vs lower mortality-New research
Hello all, Just came across this research - http://nutritionfacts.org/video/animal-protein-compared-cigarette-smoking/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27479196 I know most here talk about animal protein being totally fine for us because all the studies related are "correlation" studies and not actual studies. So…
The expensive price of fruit in UK.
Something needs to be done to reduce price of healthy foods.
Thoughts on calorie burns
This isn't a question so much as it is for discussion. The general wisdom seems to be that cardio burns sufficent calories that it is worth tracking and eating back those calories while weight training burns fewer calories and is harder to accurately account for and is therefore not worth tracking and not worth eating back…
Banning Underweight Models -- a jumping off point for a broader discussion
Okay, the other thread on why some people are aiming for lower goal weights in the underweight category didn't go well. And since I was one who pointed out that I think there's a broader discussion to be had that can't be had over there, it feels like I should start a thread where maybe it can be had. Debaters of MFP, I…
Does anyone from England know if this is a true health concern or just noise?
https://theguardian.com/society/2016/sep/10/hospitals-on-brink-of-collapse-say-health-chiefs NHS chiefs warn that hospitals in England are on the brink of collapse
How the Sugar Industry Shaped Heart Disease Research
It's great to see info like this in the New York Times! I've heard Dr. Henry Lustig say, "sugar is the new tobacco." He wasn't off base. Sugar is far more detrimental to our health than the benign "empty calories" that industry would like you to believe it is.…
Immune system plays major role in regulation of body weight
That's the headline. This is the news brief from Trinity College, with a link to the article. Thoughts? My own is that it's interesting, but probably quite pre-mature of an announcement as a statement. I'd love to know what the more science inclined think. I'm still wading through it myself.…