Understanding the "starvation mode" myth.
You have to be a yo-yo dieter to truly understand what the starvation mode truly is. No its not "starving" yourself until your body rebels and makes you fat. If that were the case, all those starving children on those charity commercials would have more than just a distended belly to show for their hunger. No, starvation…
Stephan Guyenet's Review of Taubes' New Book
Quite informative review from someone I respect: http://www.stephanguyenet.com/bad-sugar-or-bad-journalism-an-expert-review-of-the-case-against-sugar/ Read the whole thing (good stuff on Keys and Yudkin), but the conclusion (and I note lots of people won't like the "bad" word, but I don't have a problem with it in the…
Why was Nesta Carter stripped of his medal?
Would someone be able to explain to me why Nesta Carter has been stripped of his Beijing 2008 medal given the substance he was tested positive for (methylhexanamine) is known to crop up inadvertantly in supplements, is also known to be at best a little stronger than a cup of coffee and was only added to the banned list in…
Epsom salt bath to alleviate soreness
That folk remedy is mentioned any time someone asks about DOMS. I doubt enough magnesium can cross the almost-waterproof skin layer, and then migrate through the fat and fascia layers, to have an effect on muscles - assuming magnesium does in fact help DOMS, which is questionable. I suspect it's the warm water that helps…
Are we unfairly bashing foods that contain genetically modified organisms (G.M.O. foods)?
Are we unfairly bashing foods that contain genetically modified organisms (G.M.O. foods)? Yes or no? Please explain.
A Disease of Prosperity
I've been thinking lately about how so many of our poor lifestyle choices -- and the chronic conditions that stem from them -- are made possible in large part by the immense luxury we enjoy in the developed world. I'm thinking of: * routinely eating 500+ more calories than your body needs * alcoholism, substance abuse *…
At what point would you say something?
My friends and I were having a discussion at lunch today which basically boils down to a question of what point it becomes the right thing to do to have a discussion with a loved one about their weight (either a high or low weight, I'm not sure it matters)? For background: one of my friend's sisters is in a relationship…
Can Negative Thinking Make You Sick?
Title from the article: http://news.health.com/2015/06/26/can-negative-thinking-make-you-sick/ I've always thought that this is one of those things that everyone knows, or was aware of in some aspect or another. I'm generally a very upbeat and optimistic person, but I'm around people all day who are not. I'm also aware…
Enviornmental Impact of Raising Livestock
So I am going to officially hit my mid 40's next week and lately, maybe by total coincidence, I have started to reflect on some of my past beliefs. Came across this article the other day and it made me stop for a moment and reflect. Honestly though, I am never sure if I am reading propaganda or truth. What are everyones…
Sugar addiction like drug abuse, study reveals
telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/04/13/sugar-addiction-like-drug-abuse-study-reveals/ Is the science strong enough to settle this debate one day?
Can diabetes really be prevented with diet, exercise and a normal BMI - despite family history?
My mother is diabetic and my father is borderline (pre-diabetic). Both became quite sedentary after they retired from their comparatively active jobs (agronomists, walking up and down green-house alleys a good part of the day). My mother acquired diabetes a few years after that. My father just plain sits on the couch and…
'The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss' by Jason Fung
I have just started reading a book written by physician Jason Fong called "The Obesity Code". While it is quite fascinating, it completely goes against everything I thought I knew about losing weight. Has anyone read this book? How do you feel about his analysis? I'm not entirely sure that I want to change my approach to…
Cesarean delivery may lead to increased risk of obesity among offspring
Boston, MA – Individuals born by cesarean delivery were 15% more likely to become obese as children than individuals born by vaginal birth—and the increased risk may persist through adulthood, according to a large new study from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. In addition, individuals born via cesarean delivery…
Question about muscles
I know that it's impossible to gain muscle while in deficit. I am working on my physique for several month now, happy with the result, the scale steadily shows smaller numbers the cms slowly dissapear. I like the way I look. And more importantly I like the way I feel, stronger and literally harder. So my question is: what…
Should bikes be allowed in Wilderness?
I'm not talking about "in the woods," I mean federally declared Wilderness Areas as defined by the 1964 Wilderness Act: Mechanized (not motorized) travel is illegal in Wilderness. In the western US, there are many large Wilderness areas, but there is also a great deal of public land that is not Wilderness. Trails thought…
3500 = 1 lb myth
This discussion was created from replies split from: Want to lose 30 lbs by end of Feb.
Giving up sugar for good
Interesting long read by Gary Taubes in The Guardian today about sugar's addictive effects and the futility of trying to "moderate" its consumption. He also makes the interesting observation that people tend to define moderation as "whatever works for them". Anyway, it's all enough to convince me...…
Can Parents' weight Hinder Toddlers' Development?
https://consumer.healthday.com/kids-health-information-23/child-development-news-124/can-parents-weight-hinder-toddlers-development-718275.html Interesting, but not conclusive. I've known quite a few people over the decades who had one, or both obese parents and got along just fine, and the converse is also true. Thoughts?
Resetting your gut microbiome with broad spectrum antibiotics
According to articles like; https://theguardian.com/science/2016/nov/24/yo-yo-weight-caused-by-gut-bacterias-memory-of-past-obesity-says-study-diet antibiotics could be useful for resetting the biome and stopping the yoyo effect and post weight gain. Thoughts?
The complexity of weight loss
The doctor who runs my weight loss clinic reposted an editorial that resonates with me and my experience. If I were to summarize the article, trashing the "eat less move more" mantra does not mean I blame carbs, or that I absolve people of personal responsibility. However, the way forward to meaningful change is found…
New US nutrition labels
I read about the new initiatives for labeling nutrition facts on food in the US early last year. They must be rolling them out soon because I saw the new label on an item for the first time yesterday. I think most of the changes seem really good like printing the calories in large font, and including added sugars…
Realistic expectations - fat loss
Just got this in my inbox: http://strengtheory.com/realistic-training-goals/ I read it all but really got stuck at the How fast can I lose fat? section, pretty much because I think it is terrible advice in the middle of an article that is supposedly about being realistic. I'd like to get others' views on this. Maybe he is…
Gym on empty stomach
Wake up and go to the gym on empty stomach in the morning is that a good or bad thing? I usually don't have an appetite in the am but I still manage to get in 2,000 calories a day.
Cheat day..yes or no?
When starting my diet I thought to myself "I'm not sure I can do this...I need a cheat day." Now my mind is telling me yes cheat day! ...but it's telling me to cheat every day so I'm trying not to listen. What are other peoples viewpoints on a cheat day? Dieting is hard work any time of the year you do it. But it feels…
Irreversible Damage (Health & fitness knowledge base)
In this age of vast amounts of information and the ability to also spread misinformation just as quickly, will there always be a battle to overcome the false statements and half truths in the health & fitness industry that have come to be taken as truth? Will other misinformation creep into the arena and complicate things?
Psyllium husk- Count carbs and calories or not?
I have 15g psyllium husk powder everyday, which I log. An overwhelming amount of google searching says don't bother counting the calories or carbs as it passes straight through you undigested. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this.. What say you all?
"What" could be as important as "How Much"??? when it comes to health?
Does the media put pressure on your body image and should there be laws to stop this?
What do you think?
Beware Headlines or Why You Should Never Trust the Daily Mail
Okay, that's not 100% fair as the blogger says she's not picking on the Daily Mail, but I think it still deserves a call out! That aside, not really sure what the debate is here, but since this is possibly going to become a discussion of studies I thought this belonged in this section. I found this discussion of the press…
Does calories in vs calories out really matter?
It is agreed upon that quality of the food matters in faster weight loss but ideally calories out-calories in should determine how much weight you lose. Please share your experience.