Hair loss
I'm 25 years old ..experiencing extreme hair loss in the last 6 months ..it's not hereditary ..I've checked with both my parents and their families .. no ones bald in my family ..I've checked with my local go and he's done the normal blood test and giving me blood test or what not for the past 6 months ...everything is…
Ontario Adds Calories to Restaurant Menus
"As of Jan. 1, all restaurants with 20 or more locations in Ontario will have to display how many calories each of their food and drink items have on the menu." Good idea? Drop in the bucket? cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ontario-restaurant-calorie-menu-2017-1.3919308
Jerome Groopman in The New Yorker reports on Fat and Sugar history and controversy
It's a very good read. http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/04/03/is-fat-killing-you-or-is-sugar
The Fat Burning Zone
So I am just wondering how many people really pay attention to this rule? I tend to have a lower resting hear rate so for me I tend to stay close to the "Fat burning target heart rate zone' however I never try or paid any attention until it was mentioned and certainly I am losing lots of fat lok and I want to improve…
Debate on Dr. Sebi's work
This discussion was created from replies split from: Pre-diabetic food help needed. It was created for those wishing to continue their debate on Dr. Sebi's work in it's own thread. Please continue your discussion in accordance with MFP guideline. Thanks, 4legs MFP moderator
Ketogenic Diet
I have severe rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis. (for 27 years) I have tweaked my diet and am currently pescatarian. I am going to try the keto diet and am curious about views on it. Please share your pros and cons. :)
Weight Loss Challenges
I am genuinely curious about the purpose behind a weight loss challenge. My viewpoint might be skewed because I'm not at all competitive, but participating in a challenge wouldn't make me decide to drop to a lower calorie limit or increase my workouts. I'm already at a sustainable level so why add more reasons to focus on…
If CO is all estimates is precision in measuring CO overkill?
If CO predictions are only an estimate (based on age, bodyweight and subjective assessments of activity levels and burns), is absolute precision in measuring CI (like logging to the gram) overkill? Curious to hear arguments for and against.
Read this the next time someone tells you the only way to loose weight is to cut out carbs.
A low carb diet can be helpful for some individuals by controlling blood glucose and therefore hunger levels. There is also some research that ketones can suppress appetite in some individuals, but if you are under the delusion that you must cut out carbs to lose body fat, please stop. Do yourself a favor and find a…
Adrenal Fatigue?
I've been hearing about this more and more on social media as well as here on MFP. Apparently, if you're suffering from an entire range of symptoms that are also very common to other ailments, you could be afflicted with 'Adrenal Fatigue.' Curious as to people's understanding and experience with this syndrome, and whether…
Is the 'fat acceptance' movement a good thing?
Hey :) First off, I know this is a bit of a contentious topic, so I hope we can keep things civil! I'm on the fence about the fat acceptance thing. And, at nearly 300lbs, I don't really want to spend too long on anything, especially a fence!! Part of me thinks that fat acceptance is a tad bit dangerous in its attempts to…
Why fit = slim?
Why everywhere I go, healthy and fit must equal skinny? I don't have a weight problem, I don't need to lose weight, but every app and website tries to starve me in order to give me a "healthier" diet. Setting myfitnesspal to "gain / maintain" weight does little to nothing, the app still marks in red the calories that would…
Healthy to have good fat stores on your body.
I already know this is going to be a controversial topic understand I am speaking from my own personal experience and doing what works for me. 20 years ago my wife got ill, she was overweight at the time 188 pounds and I was 210, illness was not caused or contributed to by weight, it was cancer (acute lymphoblastic…
So what's worse: being a smoker or being overweight/obese?
An interesting debate two members of my gym. One who doesn't smoke and is very overweight and who smokes before and after the gym, but is pretty lean and fit (even though he smokes). The smoker claimed that he would likely out live the non smoker. So I had to see where this went. The smoker claimed that if you went to…
Teen vs adult
So here's a debate. Say two people were on a 1500 calorie diet: a 30 year old and a 15 year old. Who would lose weight faster? I say the adult because our bodies are capable of taking in less food because we are finished growing. Thoughts? ☺
Any tips that work with hypothriodism?
To Thine Ownself Be True
Great topic and one I've had an opinion about for a while. I've been on both ends of the spectrum. Never have been more than 20 pounds technically overweight, but for my frame it was more like 35 pounds over weight. During this period, 11 years ago, I had just entered 6 months of recovery from a 10 year opiate addiction…
adding daily tablets to records
Hi, Ive just found the charts that list calorie/ protein/vitamins intake over 90 days. It says Im low on my iron and calcium via foodstuffs, but I take daily vitamin supplements along with my meds. Is there any way to set up adding these to my diary? I tried making a recipe but on my laptop it wont allow for nutrients, and…
too much protein powder can cause women to have breast cancer!
I dont believe this but today my work mate said i can get breast cancer from taking too much protein powder or eat a high protein diet. what are your thoughts? yes his male and his not a healthy person at all. i did mention the powder i take is a vegan friendly one full of nutrients and minerals and i only would take it 3…
"Supermodels don't eat''
I used to think main stream/catwalk models existed on apples and cotton balls. It seemed like they didn't eat, growing up in the 90s. I've been on MFP for a while now and have read many transformation stories. I've seen people with fantastic figures, low body fat and decent muscle tone from people that claim to eat 2000+…
Self Image vs Society
What do y'all think?
CICO is not the whole equation
I've been watching the CICO discussions on this forum with interest. CICO is definitely not a myth, however for optimal health it is not the only consideration for weight loss. Healthy bodies function better, burn calories better, build lean muscle mass better. Those who maintain it is a calorie deficit only that matters…
not losing weight when you don't eat enough
It never makes sense to me when I hear someone say if I don't eat enough calories each day that I won't lose any weight. Why is it then that I go out and see homeless people on the streets that are so frail and small from not eating enough food? or the anorexic who starve themselves pretty much to be thin? I struggled with…
Is weighing/logging everything necessary?
I see so many posts where people complain they haven't lost weight and then everybody comes in saying that EVERYTHING HAS TO BE WEIGHED AND LOGGED. I know that CICO is typically the key to weight loss, but can you be successful without all of this? Who wants to have to weigh and log or even just log everything they put in…
Labels, Marketing, Nutrition knowledge
So I went grocery shopping today and you know what I found out? Raw white potatoes are gluten-free! Who knew? Seriously though, I can see putting the gluten-free label on things like sauces or soups,etc, but I think that anyone that knows they should be avoiding gluten would know that fresh vegetables are safe. I've also…
What if you could get these data
Ok guys what if you had a wristband/bracelet that could give you many parameters such as blood pressure, ECG, heart rate, breath rate, mood/energy, steps, hearth check,sleep time(also deep sleep) and the amount of glucose in the blood , what application would you like to have that would use these data. It can be anything,…
Cheat Meal....yay or nay?
Hey there! What are your thoughts on one meal a week where you don't log and eat whatever you want? I don't have much, if any, weight to lose, trying to get leaner and stronger, hence eating to meet macros. However, I didn't follow that night of Super Bowl and ate crap (not a ton of it, but enough) and the scale went up 4…
Been hearing lots of folks at work and on FB start into the "latest" Detox/Cleanse, so I thought I would share this on here as a preventative measure. Full Disclosure : I stole this from another MFP member a few years ago and I have posted it a few times and will continue to do so as long as I still see "Magic Pill" posts.…
Out with the New and In with the Old
nypost.com/2017/01/31/eating-vegetable-oils-could-lead-to-fatigue-migraines-and-dementia/ Sound like the Fats debate is going full circle.
Infectobesity: catching obesity from a cold virus?
What are your thoughts on Infectobesity? May be old news for many on here but it is intriguing. Conventional science holds that obesity is only caused by an energy imbalance...thus the calories in, calories out mantra. However, a cohort of scientists are now viewing obesity similar to cancer...a disease with one name but…