Losing weight and Triglycerides Going UP...
So I went in for my semi annual blood work last week and my triglycerides came in around 230. Six months ago when I did my blood work, everything was groovy. Six months ago, I was stabilized as my weight goes, but I've been cutting the winter fluff now for a couple of months. I'm going to do a bit of research, but I'm…
I don't support the fat acceptance/plus size movement.
I'm 5'4 and I weigh 13 stones 4lbs ( 188lbs) and I want to be 10 stones (140lbs) I've lost 21 lbs so far. I don't support the plus size or fat acceptance movement, because it promotes unhealthiness. Overweight and Obesity can lead to type 2 diabetes, hypertension, . hypercholesterolemia, stroke, joint pains and CHD. Two…
They Aren't Curves, They're Fat Rolls
An obese person isn't "curvy". It's fat rolls. Tired of the political correctness and marketing ploys. I'm still over-weight but used to be 30lbs heavier. I was FAT. Period! I'm still over-weight but getting there slowly but surely. Let's stop lying and enabling and start being honest and do what we have to do. Let's call…
Should Aerobic Fitness Be Considered a Vital Sign?
Vital signs are measurements of the basic human bodily functions required for life. There are four main vital signs regularly monitored by health professionals: * Pulse – The rhythm of the heart as it pushes out and takes in blood * Blood Pressure – The force of blood as it pushes against the walls of arteries *…
Sugar, The Bitter Truth
https://youtu.be/dBnniua6-oM Sugar, The Bitter Truth.. This is about an hour long , but VERY worth watching. Very informative.
Advice Column
Here ya go: http://www.denverpost.com/2017/06/02/ask-amy-extreme-weight-loss-brings-extreme-problems/ Discuss!
Spot Reducing...This Should Be Interesting...
They say you cant do this...I say you can. I did it. I am just wondering what everyone else says about this...Now that I am back to exercising after stupid MOFO Lyme Im gonna wrap areas of my body that give me difficulty and start doing it again. My arms are terrible. Before lyme I lost so close to my goal but arms were…
CICO and fat gain
Just thought I'd through out an idea about the whole calories in vs calories out which would say that if I ate 3,500 calories over maintenance I should theoretically gain 1lb of fat that day. So if I were to eat 10,000 calroies a day, with a caloric maintenance of about 2800-3200 depending on activity level, I should gain…
No diet or exercise
Have any of you tried to lose weight without diet or exercise, such as taking diet pills, using body wraps, or even as crazy as freezing your body to get thin. If you have tried a different method what was it and did it help?
Does eating extra calories "boost" your metabolism?
I say no, but it sure does seem to be a common belief, both in the forums, and various articles. Some say one cheat meal a week. Some say a day. Some say eating at maintenance or above for a whole WEEK helps metabolism. But as far as my understanding goes, your metabolism is largely just how much you move/expend during a…
Debunking starvation mode
I was hoping someone could explain starvation mode to me - is it a myth? What causes it? I am a couple of months into my weight loss journey and I am so proud of my consistency. I'm currently sticking to 1,200 calories a day - I love the food that I am eating so this hasn't been too hard (most of the time). I've also cut…
Water: How much is too much?
I generally drink a lot of water each day - I don't like tea or coffee, and I don't drink alcoholic drinks. It's either squash or water. I'm aware of the fact that too much water will lead to you flushing through too much, and getting rid of some vitims. So, how many pints, litres, gallons or whatever your form of…
Another study about how Red Meat is going to kill us
Well, maybe- http://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/2017/05/17/red-meat-eaters-may-have-higher-risk-dying-from-these-9-diseases.html actual study- http://www.bmj.com/content/357/bmj.j1957 I've recently switched to a more whole foods, plant based diet with fish almost daily, (loosely basing my woe on one of the blue zones right…
Drinking tea is a better choice
Does anyone enjoy drinking tea when you're on a diet? Compared with cold water, tea is more tasty. Besides, tea without sugar is zero-calorie, so it's better than those sweeten drinks if you don't intend to put on weight. Also, hot tea is much more stomach-friendly than black coffee. I used to drink coffee to accelerate…
University of Birmingham study says there is no such thing as "fat but fit"?
Haven't read anything more than the article yet, but I'm sure this will spark discussion: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/may/17/obesity-health-no-such-thing-as-fat-but-fit-major-study
The pH for dummies infographic is belittling and unhelpful - Rational Discussion about Alkaline Diet
The pH for dummies infographic is belittling and unhelpful. I see it pop up so often in threads that talk about alkaline foods or food combining. Always by the same people who like to end discussion with a condescending jab. I'd like to talk about it more fully. If a change in a tenth of a pH point means the difference…
Low fat or high fat diet to control gallstones? Ursodeoxycholic acid? Not asking about surgery.
Has anybody used Ursodeoxycholic acid or Ursodiol for gallstones instead of having the surgery? I have a load of gall stones, found on a CT scan for another issue. Likely because of all of the weight I've carried and yo-yo-ing I've done with my weight in my past (I am not doing that anymore!!!). No family history that I…
Fat/Fit shows
What's your opinion on shows like Biggest Loser, My 600lbs Life, Super Sized vs Super Skinny? Does it help motivate you? Is it discouraging? Neither? Super curious what other people think of these shows :)
Anyone else find the Bill Nye: Fad Diet episode to be absolute garbage?
So I've been checking out the new Bill Nye show on Netflix, I'm a nerd and absolutely love science shows. Despite there being some things on other episodes that were patently false, I found the "expert panel" on fad diets to be the worst in the series. While it's true many fad diets, and detoxing are pretty much…
Advocare products with anxiety and metformin
I did the 24 day challenge and had results. I also take prozac daily for anxiety. Has anyone tried Clear Mood Advocare product and had results? I would like to ween off the prozac to help with the weight management. Also, I was told to start taking metformin for PCOS. I have not been taking it. Do you think i could take…
Salt and Weight Loss
So interesting article in the NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/08/health/salt-health-effects.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=mini-moth®ion=top-stories-below&WT.nav=top-stories-below Summary: Astronaut tests on salt intake showed that when they ate more salt, they drank less…
Give them a food complex or teach them a value of a calorie?
So on weekends my kids have a "budget" of 150 calories; they can pick whatever they want from our treat cupboard. I don't know how many calories they eat, but I thought it would be a good idea to show them that a) things have calories and b) depending on what you pick you could get more or less etc. Yay or nay? They're 7 &…
Elementary School Gym teachers telling kids to restrict calories!
I would love some input and advice from other parents.. or anyone who has an opinion on this subject! So, for the past few months I have been very concerned about my 11 year old son. Hes already very thin and has been talking about how fat he is. He has been eating much less, wanting to eat low carb bread over the whole…
CRP debate
This discussion was created from replies split from: Say goodbye to sugar. Hello, If you would like to continue your debate on CRP started in the "say goodbye to sugar" thread please do so here. Enjoy, 4legs
Weed smokers, how do you cope with increased appetite? What are your go-to healthy munchies? Does
Weed smokers, how do you cope with increased appetite? What are your go-to healthy munchies? I smoke weed but I'm also trying to get in shape. Do you find weed helps at all when exercising?
I could never give up
I could never give up the tasty delicious junk foods and chocolates/sweets and the occasional fast food. I would not have the strength and devotion to go on a strict diet. I still watch my calorie intake drink lots of water and exercise. But who agrees with me??
Performance loss, cutting, and it getting worse before it gets better.
I have lost a "kitten-load" of weight, well over 130lbs at this point. I'm at a healthy weight right now, but my goal is to really shred down as much as I can. I'd like to, if possible, get down to single digit body fat % and maintain it for a couple of months to coerce my skin to tighten naturally as much as possible…
Martial Arts and "chi"
So I'm a big Star Wars fan and love the "idea" of the Force. Wouldn't it be great to have those powers? But in martial arts, they've been promoting "chi" for centuries. When I trained as a kid, it was so believable because of the demonstrations they were showing us. And even today, you see demonstrations of it (no touch…
High Iron count? Anyone experience this?
I had blood tests last week and my iron was high. The Doctor said it wasn't good, but I forgot to get more information - I was more worried about the high cholesterol result. Anyone know what causes high iron? What are the risks? Should I be worried? Apparently giving blood can help bring it down - I have an appointment to…
Dieting and Body Positiveness compatible??
Seems like Body positive people always say to stop dieting. I want to love my body today because I know from experience I won't be loving myself still even after I lose the weight. But I still wanna lose the weight and only way I know how is actively counting calories and exercise. Do you think you can effectively embrace…