No junk june
It's time to get fit for summer. Let's ditch junk in June and set up some healthy habits to look hot this summer!
I am feeling overwhelmed all ready. So many people to talk to about different aspects of food and nutrition and stuff. Sometimes I forget things.
June 7th, Tuesday - 50 Crunches
I have found the best way to stay on track with an exercise routine is to always do something. No matter how small, go out of your way to do a few jumping jacks or run in place for a few minutes. Everyday I am going to submit a small challenge. If you happen to get around to doing it at some point during your day, comment…
Any challenges to put on muscle mass and strength I am skinny,6 ft and 11St 2 thanjs
Thanks for the challenge! I'm in! Especially now as its Ramadan and I'm fasting!
Add me too..
Cw: 185 Goal weight :150
Summer Biking Challenge
Let's see who can get the most miles ridden before August. My goal is about 2k miles, I put 62mi on just today
5 lbs 3 weeks - who's in?
I'm all for short term goals! Post here if you want to join. Weigh in by tomorrow. Post start weight and goal weight. Let's do this!
30 day challenge
Looking for someone to do a health challenge with me. For the next 30 days I have to give up foods people say. My graduation party is June 11 so I'm starting this challenge after it. I weigh 145 and am 5 foot 2 inches. I'm hoping to lose 10-15 pounds by the end of summer. I don't drink pop at all so don't bother saying…
June 6th, Monday - 100 Jumping Jacks
I have found the best way to stay on track with an exercise routine is to always do something. No matter how small, go out of your way to do a few jumping jacks or run in place for a few minutes. Everyday I am going to submit a small challenge. If you happen to get around to doing it at some point during your day, comment…
25lbs by July 4th
I need to challenge myself so I'm staring my own. If you join me then we can support each other and hold each other accountable. Log in daily and post your weight loss/gain, successes and/or difficulties.
Labor Day, Hooray! Challenge 2016
This group is a continuation of a long-running group most recently called "Something to Celebrate: Memorial Day 2016." We tend to use various holidays as a target date for reaching our personal goals which typically include goals related to health, fitness, and/or weight loss. We began this particular challenge on Monday,…
Alphabet Challenge
I'm in....as Prince would say "I'm going down to alphabet street!"
Lose 5lbs in May 2016 Open Group
This is a continuation of a group that has run for many months. Feel free to join in at any time! Here's what you do: Post your weekly weight, your successes and struggles and give support to the person above you! SW:(Starting weight) CW:(Current weight) GW:(Goal weight for this month) Weigh in dates: Start of the…
Weekend Mini Challenge 6/4 - 6/5
200 SIDE BENDS Stand with feet hip-width apart. Raise your arms straight up toward the sky. Slowly lean to the right, keeping your hips and legs in a stationary position. Rotate as far as you can and then move back to center. Repeat the move on the other side (that counts as one). If you’re new to this exercise, try it…
Daily Mini Challenge 6/3/16
200 QUADRUPED HIP EXTENSIONS These are great for toning up your rear-end! You can do these without any weights, throw on an ankle weight if you have them, or place a dumbbell (or even a can of vegetables) behind your knee. Here’s how to do them http://exercise.about.com/od/exerciseworkouts/ss/bestbuttexercis.htm That is…
I feel like throwing up. It is hard to keep food down
New challenges
How do I get different challenges than the two that are offered to me when I click on challenges? Right now, my options are the Jennie-O challenge and some JBL challenge. I am a vegetarian so the Jennie-O one is out. I want to join a challenge that I feel more accountable for logging my weight and not over snacking out of…
[CHALLENGE] 500 Sit-ups [Due 11th June]
Join my local Gym squad and I as we embark on achieving 500 sit ups this week, hoping to have them down by Sat 11th! Pressure is on so make time this week and post your results + any challenges you'd like to do in future! :) Good luck!
June Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred
I will be starting June 1st. Feel free to join me. I have created a group as well to help each other stay accountable and encourage each other along the way.
June weigh in challenge
Name:Kristen Age:32 Starting Weight May 29th:223 Goal Weight July 3rd:213 Weigh In Week June 5: June 12: June 19: June 26: July 3: Total LBS lost this week: Total LBS lost this month: Weekly Goals:I want to exercise at least 3 times a week and try to meal plan on the weekends :) Struggles:I struggle at being prepared with…
Hello I am gradually Going Raw Vegan
By this Fall I will be total Raw Vegan, right now I am using Fresh energy Cookbook to Gradually step into raw by 10/16 need friends who are already Raw Vegan to help me. The reason is I get Nausea If I eat fat foods and heavy Colories. ty
May Step Challenge
A new month and a new challenge! Our challenge is to do 10,000 steps in a day. You can do this for any one day or try for the entire month. Jump right in at any time! You can set a lower or higher goal if you wish. Our main goal is to keep activate every day! It's easy to join - Just post here to begin! You will need a…
Excited for squats-ouch!
Im in starting today!
June 5 lb loss challenge...count me in
SW:(Starting weight) 147.2 CW:(Current weight)147 GW:(Goal weight for this month)141 Weigh in dates: Start of the month(06/01 Wednesday): 147.2 06/04 Sat:147 06/11 Sat: 06/18 Sat: 06/25 Sat: End of the month(06/30 Thursday): Total weight lost:
Monthly step challenge
Ok, this will b good for me. I can use all the motivation i can get! I will probably need to work up to 10,000 steps. Gotta work in my health & cholesterol levels too!
30 day plank challenge
I've decided come Monday I will be attempting the 30 day plank challenge A couple of people have asked me how to get in on it (I just googled it for myself) so I though to post it and see if anyone else wants to get in on it too Good luck to anyone who does though :)…
Knee surgery coming up !
So this upcoming Wednesday I have to have knee surgery because the MRI revealed I have a torn meniscus. I had finally just gotten into the habit of eating healthy and going for my morning run every day. A little scared since I'm going to be in bed rest for the next week and in physical therapy for the next month. Mostly…
Daily Mini Challenge 6/2/16
CARDIO CIRCUIT! 30-seconds of high knees 30-seconds of butt kickers 30-seconds 'jumping rope' 30-second plank 15 plank jacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alRt2BPw1Zk REPEAT at least once... You're welcome to repeat more than once, but if you do, be sure to brag about it! Post once to accept and post back before midnight…
Biggest Loser
I'm looking for a group of friends to do a biggest loser style challenge with me for a month, based on percentages instead of just numbers. If interested message me and we can get started!