Wasn't sure where to post this...this seemed the best place. Yep...I know I'm about to get blasted and that's fine. I'm not going to be childish about this. I just deleted a bunch of ya'll off my friends list and I'm sorry...but I can't take the drama anymore. I came to this site in '09 to get my butt in shape...not to…
Concerned: pics of kids
Maybe it's just me... It concerns me when I see so many pics of kids on this site. It's so easy to get to this site without logging in or being a member. To browse around and copy, paste, add to photo bucket any image on this site. It is so easy for people to re-use other people's images. Does this bother anybody else?
Most Absurd thing ever...
I have been seeing this on my walk to work every morning... finally I remembered my camera. Only in NYC!
Soul Mate & Love at 1st sight
Just wanted to see everyone's opinion, do you believe in love at first sight and/or a soul mate??
Ted Williams : Homeless Man With the Voice of an Angel
what a voice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1ww2Xhrr2U
Two hunters went out to the woods when one of them falls to
He doesn't seem to be breathing, and his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other hunter quickly whips out his mobile phone and calls emergency services. He gasps to the operator: "My friend is dead! What can I do to help him?" In a soothing voice, the operator says: "Take a deep breath. Okay. First of all, you need to…
Anyone do p90x or insanity?
I am a huge fan of p90x!! what are you?
Are there any lawyers on this site?
Mo Money, Mo Problems
...Or Mo problems with no money lol. This has absolutley nothing to do with weight or anything but I am sooo bad with money. Like I dont know what my problem is. I'm like a 5 year old when they get a few bucks. They wanna spend it right away! I've always been like this always. I think I need to go to like AA for shopping…
LMFAO!! oh man.. if you're having a bad day.. check this out. PLEASE. i guarantee you'll cheer up! http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/parenting/dont-buy-these-the-7-most-inappropriate-kids-toys-ever-2430189#photoViewer=1
Does anyone else know about the search feature that you can use on this program? If you click view all under topics it takes you to another screen and you can search for something you are looking for. Sorry for venting but I get tired of seeing the same thing over and over again. Someone asking a question that's been ask…
I need suggestions for a safety topic for work. My turn is coming up again and I want something that no one would think of, me either I guess. Anyone got a good one. Thanks.
I'm just curious if, like me, anyone else here knows that they need to lose weight, but still watches shows like Man vs Food. I know it's all food that I shouldn't want to eat, but some reason I can't stop watching the shows. For example right now he's eating some HUGE dishes of Italian food!
How in the world do you add your ticker???
Ok...I must be completely Brain fogged today....I created this adorable little ticker in the style in liked and a URL thing came up telling me to copy and paste it...but where and how....I went to my signature...and pasted it under that...but it never showed the ticker.....HELP!!!!! :sad:
More and Less
I've started keeping a paired list of things I want to cultivate MORE of paired with what I want LESS of So here are a few of mine, and then let's see what ya'll want to add! More Exercise/ Less Sloth More Reading Less TV More Goal-setting Less Wishing More Political Activism Less Cynical Complacency More Going For It Less…
Vacation in Florida
Okay so I'm going to be in Florida for the end of January for two weeks. I'm gonna be in Starke, and I already know i'll be 2 1/2 hours from Orlando and about 2 hours from Daytona Beach. Any other suggestions on what may be fun near the area that I would be able to hit up???
Funny P90X Ad
If you aren't familiar with failblog, they post ad mistakes and other funny things. I thought this P90X ad was fun... look you can become an entirely new person! :laugh: http://failblog.org/2011/01/06/epic-fail-photos-before-and-after-photo-fail/
Driver's license Question
Just curious..... does anyone else have to lose weight to match what's on their driver's license? My hubby weighed this morning and has gotten down to what his driver's license. I updated mine when we got married, but haven't since. I have over 30 lbs to go before I get down to mine. Anyone else?
I'm curious to know...
how many people enrolled on this site January 1?!? I know at my gym I could hardly find an empty machine b/c of all of the New Years Resolution-ers (yes I know that's not a word... lol). I would be interested to know how many... any guesses? Is there even a way to find out how many members are on this site? Would be pretty…
Absolutely unrelated to health and fitness, but...
Hi all- I enjoy the MFP boards and thought I would start here as it would provide a wide variety of people from all over the country. We are entertaining the idea of moving to a warmer climate as my husband's company was recently bought out and we have no certainty that his department/position will be kept on. I am…
A bartender hears screaming from the bathroom in the bar.
The screaming is on and off every few minutes. Annoyed and curious, the bartender makes his way to the bathroom, opens the door and finds a drunk. The drunk says to the bartender, ''Sir, you have to help me! Every time I try to flush the toilet, something comes up and crunches my nuts!'' The bartender replies ''You idiot!…
English Bulldog Fan Club
Spin off from the Jack Russel thread. Any English Bully lovers in here? Originally I did not want a Bully because they were quite weird looking and stocky and I always thought my heart belonged to Basset Hounds since my parents raised and bred them. However, I've found that I am absolutely in love with the Bully breed.…
What is your biggest.....
Fear? My biggest fear is going out into public and not being able to fit in the tables or booths that are at some places. I also have a really hard time eating in public because it feels like all eyes are on me, even though I know they aren't. :huh:
Emoticon THIS
So it's January. Lots of new members here on MFP :flowerforyou: Please do us all a favor. (We are so glad you're here, trying to get healthy) Please read the Sticky Posts. Definition: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sticky_post A sticky post: A sticky post or sticky topic is a type of post or topic in an online forum that is…
What did YOU get for Christmas?
Whether it be fitness related or not...did you get what you wanted? Tell us what your favorite gift was! :o ) My two favorite gifts were EMU boots and a HRM monitor, both picked out by my husband! I got the HRM early (by about 5 days because my husband couldn't wait to give it to me! :o )) and the boots he picked out too!…
Anyone From Chicago?
Any MFP peeps from the Chicagoland area?
Biggest Loser?
Is there a new season starting tonight?
any other scots in
scottish and proud,any others in
Are you a Flash Developer?
I am a graphic designer and have dabbled in Flash for several years, but have never really pushed myself to go very far with it. I am familiar with basic to intermediate ActionScript, and am about to take an Advanced Flash online course starting in a few weeks. I want to take my career as a designer to a different level…