just seeing
if my signature is going to work
just testing
my siggie
Spray tan?
Okay just out of sheer curiosity....anybody do this? If so, how long does it last, and does it come off when you exercise? L.
Fun stuff to do in the Raleigh NC area?
My sweetie and I will be visiting my MIL and GMIL in a couple of weeks in their new home in North Carolina, a bit south of Raleigh. Anyone familiar with the area have some sites to see to suggest? Especially interested in free, offbeat, and or a little outdoorsy. The weather there is so nice (compared to where we are,…
Cute Love Stories
This past week my husband and I found out that 2 different sets of our mutual friends are getting divorced. Both of us have had several of our separate friends break-up too. Sometimes it feels like everyone around us is crumbling down. I just thought it'd be nice to have a thread that reminded us of the joys of love.…
Any watch the "Real Housewives"? Jerseylicious?
I'll bet that's spelled wrong! I watch just for fun...but the new make up artist is getting on my last nerve. If she stays, I go. She causes me stress, which releases cortisol, which increases body fat...who needs that? Is Kim (Atlanta) getting fat? Maybe she should join this site. And, I'm not talking about the baby…
Men are pigs from the very beginning
So my almost 2 yr old son LOVES the Price is Right. Has for a while. Not for the lights, not for the sounds. But for one of the models. She's this hot blonde named Rachel. So what does he do? He sees her, yells "RACHEL!! RACHEL!!" Runs to the TV, then lifts up his shirt to show "her" his belly, starts running around…
Wemon can BRING IT too!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxMwrcey5GA&feature=related Heres proof wemon can dot it too.
I just recently got an IPOD and was looking for some suggestions for songs while lifting. Something to raise the adrenaline (spelling). What do you listen to while on the treadmill /ellliptical?
Communications or Dance Majors
Hey guys! I'm a communications major and a dance minor! So I was just curious.....is there anyone else out there that does one or both of these things for majors or minors?? :)
Off topic: I need input from people who have never seen a be
Ok, basically, I want my show to be more enjoyable for non bellydance-fanatic audiences, and it's hard for me to step back and look at the show from that perspective. Sooooo: If a show were going on at some local venue, and a friend asked you to go with her, what would you expect? What would be really cool?
How does one go about becoming a personal trainer?
I've been working at the same crappy minimum wage job for three years. It's my own fault since I dropped out of college because for one I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life and I needed to get away from my parents. Now that I'm becoming more fit and I'm getting close to my goal I've decided what I'd like…
Any twitter users out there want to be my tweet buddy? I tweet interesting things... I think. :/ twitter name: vincewwalker
How tall would you have to be?
Just being goofy, I decided to play with the BMI calculator to see how tall I would have to be now at my current weight to be in a healthy range. I would have to be 7'6" tall! I'm 5'4", BTW.
why do people say "bump"
I am new to this forum but I noticed a lot of replies say "bump". What does that mean?
Ode to January
Got this in my e-mail this morning, gave me a laugh. Sorry if this has been posted before =) Twas the month after Christmas, and all through the house nothing would fit me, not even a blouse. The cookies I'd nibbled, the eggnog I'd taste At the holiday parties had gone to my waist. When I got on the scales there arose such…
I've been bad
I've slipped the past few days. I took my son to the dr on Friday to find out that he has strep throat. So, I've been cleaning and dealing with his sickness which has lead me to eat unhealthy and just lay around with him. I feel horrible for not exercising or eating right but my sick child comes first!! On a lighter note,…
How did you come up with your screenname?
Mine is my middle name
Any poets out there?
I write poetry, just wondering if anyone else does. Would love to read your stuff!
Birth Control SUggestion...
What kind are you on? Weight gain? Side effects? I'm looking to start some BC soon, and would like any input, thanks!! :smile:
Race Nerves!!!!!
I am starting to get nervous about my half tomorrow. I am just hoping for a finsh. I am in shape enough to eek it out. Keep a steady pace and just do it. It is gonna be realllyyyyy cold and I am getting told I am CRAZY. But I am just keeping up on my resolution..wish me luck guys.
I want a CUTE, CHIC gym bag!
First let me open by saying I'm a purse-aholic. I don't need designer, but I LOVE ME A CUTE BAG! :bigsmile: I want to find a cute gym bag and am not having any luck. Checked a few online stores, but not getting "the bag" of my dreams. I pack water, zumba toning sticks, keys, yoga mat, belly skirt, and a few small items.…
in the poll for best blog we have fallen behind! Still need votes! Please vote for Todays Letters as best 2010 blog here: http://www.blogguidebook.com/2010/05/vote-for-your-top-blog-2010-free-polls.html Thank you for this favor! You can read the blog at www.todaysletters.com
Week One, Weigh in tmrw @ moms
SO week one is narrowing down. So much has happened this week that has impacted my life in a tremendous way; I got a job opportunity working for RGIS. RGIS is a nationally known company that does inventory audits for millions of stores. As well as,I got accepted into Keiser Career College. I went to this college to look…
Biggest Loser USA
Hi! Over here in the UK we are so behind on the Biggest Loser. Today on tv they just started showing season 9 with the guy that is the heaviest ever - over 500 lbs I think. What season are you up to in America? I just love this show. It is so motivating and I love seeing the results at the end!
How many acronyms can you come up with about cars?
Chevrolet- Cracked Head Every Valve Rattles Oil Leaks Every Time
good for a laugh
i love some of the comics at theoatmeal.com http://awkwardworkouts.com/ hehehe :) )
Who's seen the Little Fockers
We are going this weekend because this has been one of very favorite movies in the past...reviews?
Thoughts on doing things or buying things "on the cheap"
I'm a pretty frugal person. We live on one income in my household, which is mine, and glad to have it. I drive an Acura with a billion miles on it, and the wife drives a Honda with just a little less than a billion on it. I don't buy my clothes at Saks, though I like their stuff. I'd like to have personally tailored suits…