SO.....what are your plans for tomorrow night?
How will you be bringing in the New Year? For me I will be in Long Beach, California at the "Reef" and we are having an awesome church service there. It's a black tie event. Looking forward to it.
What do you think when you see a ripped female?
I've never been close to being 'ripped' but occasionally i've lost enough that I realized there actually were muscles underneath all of this mush. However I do workout all the time and appreciate muscle definition...working on building more of that. But what's good enough? Obviously this is a personal opinion type…
Losing weight sure can be expensive... Last spring i totally splurged (read: went overboard) buying new bras as i had been wearing my old worn-out nursing bras for at least a half year after my little guy was weaned. Anyhoo, i went overboard and bought MANY nice new bras, all of which are like new, but wayyyy too big on me…
My Christmas 2010 Memories
Not sure if anyone is interested, but I thought I'd post this just because I had such a great Christmas vacation this year, and wanted to share the joy... lol... http://todefyego.blogspot.com/2010/12/christmas-2010-memories.html I hope you enjoyed your holidays too! And, Happy New Year!!! :-D
Parents of a Girl, Funny!!
Long, but very funny!!! Daddy's Rules for Dating Rule One: If you pull into my driveway and honk you'd better be delivering a package, because you're sure not picking anything up. Rule Two: You do not touch my daughter in front of me. You may glance at her, so long as you do not peer at anything below her neck. If you…
2011 goals that don't include weight loss.
I know we are all probably going to have weight loss listed as one of our goals for 2011, but I have been thinking a lot about other goals. It would be fun to see some of yours... List them if you would like. Marlene :heart: 1 - read the magazines I get in the mail in the month they are for :) 2 - remove clutter from my…
Fashion faux pas, let's have 'em!
What are they, in YOUR opinion? This thought just sprung into my head as I pondered whether or not to buy a pair of panty hose to wear with my Christmas dress. I came across a magazine article that said that panty hose are SO out and that they are not coming back in!! While I enjoy to be in the latest style for the most…
Boredd random quest.
Why is chinese food so big on New years eve and or day??
Insecuritys*spelling lol
So I dont know why but like whenever one of my boyfriends friends starts dating a girl who is like WICKED pretty..i get like all insecure and jealous and feel like i look like a cow. Im like afraid my boyfriend is going to think that they are prettier than me maybe? lol I dunnooo. Im crazy
New kids/ backstreet boys
Alright peeps! Is there anyone else who is super excited that these 2 are going on tour together!!1???
"I used to be fat" ... show on MTV
So MTV has a new show thats called I used to be fat. I watched it for the first time last night(I'm addicted to reality shows...its quite sad lol) It's a good show. I enhoyed it. Has anyone else seen it?
Top 5 Favourite Christmas Movies.
Go go go!
Volunteering for the Boys and Girls Club
I volunteer weekly but thought I'd give more of my time to the community and want to spend more time helping others and giving more of my free time. I heard that the boys and girls club was a rewarding experience. Does anyone else do this?
Out of the Mouth of Babes
I had to share this because I am equally horrified and laughing. My husband recently hurt his back and was nursing it with a heating pad. He got up to get something and our 2 year old (who is potty training and is diaperless) sat on the heating pad. After a moment or two he got a perplexed look on his face, looked directly…
Okay, now I know this is gonna look a little rough, cuz it's my first one EVER! But I'm so proud of this. I love sock monkeys, and am starting a collection. I now have two. One I bought last week, and the one I just made. Enjoy!
Stress Eating
Ok, got a ticket a few months back, so had traffic court yesterday. Walked out of court w/ a $500+ bill. So, I went home and ate a few pieces of sweet potato pie. Afterwards, I felt guilty and tried to sleep my depression away. Not good...sweets and then sleep. Oh well, I'm going to use yesterday as my cheat day. I'm…
Question about LoVe - not MFP related.
L O V E What is it? A Profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person? Your souls recognition of it's conterpoint in another person? ( Thanks wedding crashers ) Or an Evil succubus that can haunt you forever. Any who - Here is my big question. Why are some people so scared of love? I love myself, Most days. I…
i got a ring!!!
hilarious story. its thursday, the 23rd (Justin and I's 6 month anniversary!:love: ) i'm on my way to his house after work, and i know he's in there finishing up wrapping my gifts and stuff while i'm not around. so on the way there i'm texting him (while driving.. i know, dangerous!:ohwell: ) and asked him several times if…
Go Time!!!
I had a rough start to my "jumpstart" week. A couple setbacks caused me to get crazy with eating junk and not exercise stay out late and have a few too many drinks. It all ends tonight and I am back in action!!! I am utilizing my 24/7 membership and hitting the gym before i go to work!!!!
Diet/Exercise books
I was wanting to know if anyone had any good books they found and love or they plan to read about diet or exercis, or health, nurtution, weight loss, healthy cookbooks.... I wanna see what titles we can come up with!
Seriously Serious Start
I don't know if it's a bad sign that I signed up for my online account while munching on some cookies but I figured it's better to get started while I'm down and out then succumb to cookies without any resolution. I also realize that 40percent of the planet is planning on dieting right now..at this moment. So.... even…
The thought that broke the camel's back..
What was the thought/event that finally made you change the direction in which your weight was heading? For me: "Fat pants" quickly became skinny pants and "skinny pants" became "yeah right, you wish" pants. Also, my 4 year old announced that I was going to have a baby to the grocery store..... I'm not pregnant. You wanna…
Open letters
(Couldn't find the previous thread.) Dear Server at Perkin's on Christmas Eve morning: I don't know what it was exactly...but between your age, looks, diminutive height of maybe* 5'-1", and sweet, gentle demeanor, you reminded me of my Mother who passed away just over 9 years ago. I was doing fine until I went to the…
Beer as a closer.
This is my first night not taking down the pantry with my mighty late night boredom. I had calories left and I chose to close the night out with a beer. Is that terrible?? The day was actually pretty awesome considering I managed to turn my back on the table of left over holiday chocolate candy and flavored popcorn mess…
Any college football fans here?
I'm sure there has to be a few...Huge Alabama Crimson Tide fan and alumni here...But just a shout out to anyone who might be a Boise State fan. Last night, in the bowl game, they showed why they are champions. Man, they could have cashed it in since they lost that game to Nevada, but they came out and beat the crap out of…
Pic war, anyone?
The idea is to post a picture that in some way relates to the last picture posted. I'll get it started
Last minute Christmas gifts-HELP!
Ok, so my second shift supervisor surprises me with a Christmas gift including an electric tart warmer, 6 packs of a 6 piece soy tart set and a really nice night light. Usually every year we all as a department chip in and get the first and second shift supervisor a gift card to somewhere. I feel like I should get him a…
Favorite "diet" quotes
1) There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable. ~Mark Twain 2) We're the country that has more food to eat than any other country in the world, and with more diets to keep us from eating it. ~Author Unknown 3) If you have formed the habit of checking on every new diet that comes along, you will…
I am sooooo sick, I need a pick me up, anyone got jokes?
Forgot to use flash on before pics... :(
Okay, so I had my husband take some pics with our DSLR, but we forgot to pop the flash up so it would flash and the pictures came out really dark. I tried using Picnik to lighten it, but it comes out cartoony and makes my gray shirt look really too dark. Is there anything I can do to fix it (if one of you can do it, I'll…