Next sale !!!
hey, anyone been the next sale yet ???? Just having a cup of tea before heading down there. Any good bargains or usual stuff they wheel out every year. Lol
new starts...
as i commented once...i had a guy i thought was great...then things started to go down hill. i then found out he was talking to another girl. he denied it and immediately had a story about it. i had all the signs..i would get a max of 4 texts a day that were lol, ha, haha or a misspelling of the three, he silenced my calls…
Help - Who Said This Quote?
Playing a Secret Santa game at work and need to figure out who said this quote: "i'm thinking of donating my body to science, even scientists need a good laugh now and then" I've googled, bing'd, and asked...but no lucky. I guessed Roseanne Barr, Janice ****inson, or Joan Rivers but have not found anything to support that…
everyone binge eats over christmas right? well i hguess not everyone but ive eaten so much food in the pass few days and im starting to feel guilty now so please tell me im not the only one thats probably eaten twice their body weight over christmas????
Hi Everyone, I am trying to come up with some songs to put on my playlist for the gym. I love all kinds of music and I am open to all suggestions. So, what songs motivate you? Thanks! :)
Who watches The Bachelor?
I don't know if I'm ashamed or excited to say this - The Bachelor starts next Monday! Yes it's terrible TV, but it's my guilty pleasure. L.
Let's play - My 5's!
Hit reply and replace my answers with yours!! Then repost for everyone to read :) Five motivators 1. My health 2. My upcoming wedding :flowerforyou: 3. Wanting ti get healthy to have children 4. Wanting to wear cute clothes 5. Wanting to look HOT, without a muffin-top! Five things I can't resist 1. Mac-n-cheese 2. Chicken…
Excuse my ignorance, but what does bumping mean on MFP?
My Holiday Indulge
Had a BUNCH of sweets today! Don't even want to know my calories, but I barely ate dinner so I can eat more sweets, but definitely didn't eat enough calories to gain a pound. Too bad my belly is a little achy from not being used to so much sweet stuff anymore. Oh well, it was worth it! One day a year isn't bad! I took all…
Terrible-Funny Dream..
I woke up this morning and drink a glass of water.. I was still sleepy so I laid back down. Then I started dreaming.... I was at the fitness gym, I was so tired I was laying on the sofa in the lobby, after a while I got up and gathered my things (gym bag-purse) and got out on the floor and started exercising, when I looked…
Merry FIT-MAS presents to you and urs
Did anyone else do that?? Get yourself or a loved one new workout gear, gym renewals, new gym memberships??? I renewed mine for my dad and myself as well as I actually bought a new one for me for three months so I can run before work...as well as workout after. It is at a 24hr kinda crappy gym...but cause it is safer in…
10 Days Challenge
Haha! My guilty pleasure :x So, anyone up for this game? Each day I'll ask you to answer or tell us something, during 10 days. * Day ONE: Ten things you want to say to ten difrferent people right now.
Calculating calories burned
Im goin to be playing just dance 2 and was wondering if anyone knew how to calculate the burn for it or can I just put it under the dancing, ballet or whatever it says on here and what I use to calculate Zumba??
How are you making your holidays healthier??
From now till any winter holiday you celbrate how are you makiing them healthier? I MUIST do the real cookie thing...thats the only thing. I find that with the real butter and sugar and what not in it I eat less and they come out better. I tried a fat free pumpkin cake one year and even after culinary school and working as…
Merry Christmas
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsgVzy_tHig copy & paste this classic jib jab video :-)
The Phisics of Santa Claus
1. No known species of reindeer can fly. BUT there are 300,000 species of living organisms yet to be classified, and while most of these are insects and germs, this does not COMPLETELY rule out flying reindeer which only Santa has ever seen. 2. There are 2 billion children (persons under 18) in the world. BUT since Santa…
The Gospel According to Linus
And the angel said unto them, Fear not, for behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you this day is born in the City of Bethlehem, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a…
Santa Claus Comes Tonight!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, or just Have A Beautiful Weekend MFP family! Whatever your beliefs are, I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with family and love! :smooched: (and for a few of us seinfeld freaks) FESTIVUS FOR THE REST OF US! :bigsmile:
magazines all selling the same stuff
Ok is it just me or does anyone else get sick of the same headlines on the mags? "your best year ever" or other mag, "secrets to your happiest year" "how to drop 2 sizes in a month" Sexy legs! Tight Butt" Come on really that's just from two. Wow I like reading the stories of people who've changed their lives and some of…
Merry Christmas
As many of us are getting ready to visit family and friends. I just wanted to wish my friends here a very Merry Christmas! For the ones who have reached your goals...enjoy the holidays...and remember you have come so far and achieved so much! I bet you look great and you should be so proud! And for the ones who are just…
Santa Sighting in Central Florida!
On Christmas Eve, around 6pm, you may see something streaking across central Florida sky! Is it Santa Claus?? Actually, it's the International Space Station! It should be visible in the sky for 3-4 minutes, starting in the southwest, heading toward the northeast. Depending on your location, it could be high as 81 degrees…
I have not been on mfp for a few months and cant seem to find my friend arewethereyet. Does anyone know what happened to her. She isnt even on my friends list anymore...thanks
A great loss
I wait for the day when I can say I'm not sorry for a great loss;) And celebrate:)
2010 in 38 questions I am a secret nerd :)
One hour of work left :) how much of this time can I kill <3 1. What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before? Run a half marathon... a goal that I have had for sooo many years, graduate from college... become financially independent from my parents :-D 2.Random thought? I want a cat and I kind of want to name him…
look what my roomie made me!!
http://elfyourself.jibjab.com/view/hDGfFmtOkbg2bdJH?cmpid=ey_fb_friend lmao!! these are too funny!! :laugh:
To mothers with children with ADHD and on meds
I need to know when your child started taking meds how long did it take to start showing improvement?
What does BUMP mean?
I see that when people do posts. Instead of saying anything that just put "BUMP."
My profile picture:)
Vote and tell me which picture on my profile you think should be my main:) or just message me;)
New Year's Resolutions
I know it's a couple of weeks away, but have you made or thought about your resolutions for 2011, (if you make them). I'm just starting to think about mine. 1. 100 oz of water every day 2. Some form of exercise every day How about you?
Getting a bit fed up of the snow now!
I don't know how you guys cope with proper snow but in the UK we don't handle it well, this was my view from the back door this morning.