VR Exercise
I'm sure you've noticed that people are using VR to exercise. Supernatural is popular, along with Beatsaber, among others. Would like to see that option under exercise tab so I can log it correctly.
'Added Sugar' column needed
According to multiple sources, e.g. https://www.medicinenet.com/does_natural_sugar_count_toward_daily_intake/article.htm, natural sugars do not count, and thus the column for sugars needs to be re-labled 'Added Sugar', or a separate column added for this purpose.
Diary sharing
I’d like the ability to share my diary with my dieting group instead of having to take multiple screen shots. I also think the ability to create groups inside the app would be an easier alternative. Much like a social media platform where individuals can chat and view diaries in one central location.
Exercise calories - User can set percentage of calories adjusted
I realize this is not very complicated to do manually but it seems (based on information online) most people that turn on setting to adjust daily goals when exercising don't add back all the calories. It would nice if I could determine the percentage of exercise calories that should be adjusted. Some days I can exercise…
Copy Recipes
I’d really like a function added to be able to copy a recipe. Sometimes I have a base recipe I love but want to chance a few ingredients. I either have to go through the motions of creating a new recipe or edit the original. If I could just “copy recipe” it would be awesome to then make minor edits.
Add more fields to personal recipes
It would be great to have for personal recipes the same fields that are available for community recipes: 1. Photo 2. Directions 3. Time to make 4. Time to cook
Put salt instead of sodium
Because 99% of the foods have indicated the salt and not the sodium it should be useful to substitute it with the salt. A lot of foods have in the sodium the grams of the salt that is absolutely a mistake.
Recipe Category
Would love to see a recipe category for the Mediterranean diet/way of eating.
Lengthen the time for fasting
I practice different intermittent fasting schedules. The limit of 24 hours makes this feature useless. Please extend the time out or remove it. Thanks
Lock a macro
Maybe I am missing something but I can't seem to find how to lock a macro. As an example, no matter how much or little I exercise, I want to get 150g of protein. That's my goal, not more or less. Currently, any time I exercise a lot it suggests a lot more than 150g and when I have a sedentary day protein drops a lot. This…
The bar code scan was a great idea, more accurate than trying to find a comparison for your food login. So much easier. Ditch the "H2O, look at you go" motto. Bring back the bar code!!!!! :)
"Remember me" checkbox on web login
Pretty simple. A checkbox in web login so that the cookie does not expire.
Default Metrics and UX/UI fatigue
Please consider voting or commenting this post if you share this experience Story: So here’s my scenario. I have a hard time imagining that anyone working on body composition and also preparing their own meals isn’t sharing this experience: You grab a container of food, grab your food scale and pull it close on the…
Delete entire meal
I don’t know how many times I copy the wrong days meal into the current day and have to individually swipe every single entry to remove them. It’s so annoying. I imagine a “clear all entries from meal” would be super easy to program in.
[easy] more options on Units settings (for non US people)
This idea is pretty simple, let us change the units on Vitamin A, C, Calcium and Iron on Settings --> Units. Please, forgive my paint skillz.
ADDED sugar
Can you please add "ADDED sugar" as a data entry option for food logging? Thank you
Added Sugars
I am trying to manage my sugar intake and appreciate the Total Sugars feature that your app has. It would be great to have a subcategory for added sugars and have a value that appears on my dash board so that I can monitor my daily intake. This is a value that already appears on the nutritional information box for most…
Improve syncing
I regularly have to re-add Samsung Health as a connected device. Since I only adjust that setting when I don't see sync happening I'm not sure why it mysteriously disappears. Also, right now, syncing with MapmyWalk does not seem to be happening. Funny that MapmyWalk synced with Samsung Health beautifully this AM. But none…
IF Tweak
having recently decided to try fasting, seeing this feature is amazing and it works so well - but, i would much rather set my END time than just my start. and also, when the fast countdown is on. How long i’ve been fasting isn’t as important as how long i’ve got left and also i need to see what the end time is! - set END…
Magnesium tracking
Is there any way to add magnesium tracking as a nutrient option? In apple health, there is an entry position for it, but MyFitnessPal doesn’t populate.
Calorie intake (daily and weekly goal + exercise adjustment)
I do not know how many people will need that but I was thinking that it would be good if we can turn on and off the calorie adjustment when exercising. Also I want to say that I love the daily nutrition goals. However, it would be great if we can link that to a weekly goal so if it happens to eat a bit more or less the…
Water reminders / customization
* It should be possible to add reminders also for water/beverages * It should be possible to set a time range (from/to) when the reminder will be active * It should be possible to set frequency (e.g. 7x in set range) or it could be computed using time range, goal and preset glass volume * It should be possible to customize…
AI Ideas to hit macros
Not sure if there's a way to do this but when I'm planning my meals I find myself trying to hit my macro goals by improvising what foods to consume. It would be great to have a way to ask the app to suggest what meals or recepies I could eat in order to have the right combination of Protein Carbs and Fat. I'm sure there's…
Menu items by location
The app should be able to use my location to ask what restaurant I am at, and then show choices from their menu with nutrition information.
Web Search frequent/recent should match app frequent/recent
When searching for frequent/recent foods the list online never matches the list on the app. They should be the same.
Clean up the corrupt food database.
Recommend someone go through and eliminate the totally wrong food nutrition entries in the food database. It is to the point now that I can't take most of the foods in the database at face value. I always go to a second website to verify. This is very time consuming!
Minimum / Target Macros
I'd like to be able to set a macro minimum. This would be especially useful when aiming for the typical protein target of 1g protein per lb of body weight..
Display weight loss from a specific date
Instead of limiting the weight loss graph to display weights over a given time span (one month, three months, starting weight, etc.), it would be great if the user could select a specific start date. This way, the user could track how much weight was lost since enacting a specific lifestyle plan.
Scan multiple items all and once for future use
When I bring my groceries I would like to scan all my items and save them as my foods for future use, then I won’t have to scan them again
Menopause Diet & Exercise Calculator
I think most menopausal women would LOVE to have more guidance on diet and exercise plans that can help with belly fat, weight loss, hot flashes and a whole host of other issues related to menopause. Everywhere you turn there's a program for "determine your hormone type and eat whatever you want and lose weight!" and other…