Is it acutally rubbing off???
Sunday My DH & I took my 5 yr old step daughter to Brunch. It was an all you can eat buffet--my husband & I gorged ourselves, literally( for one meal off), meanwhile, we let hsi daughter choose what she wanted, she was able to get it herself-she old comes back with a box of special K cereal "I think its good for my heart"…
pain in ribs
I workout regularly and do cardio. I am trying to lose weight, but all of a sudden I am getting this pain that is under my ribs on the left side. It is worse when I breath out (and seems worse at night), It moves too and I have felt the pain radiate into my shoulder and neck on that side. It almost feels like there is…
This is just tooo funny
The Pastor's *kitten* The pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won. The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race again, and it won again. The local paper read: PASTOR'S *kitten* OUT FRONT. The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the pastor not to enter the…
How Strong is Your Mind/Body Connection?
Wanna take a quiz? http://www.beliefnet.com/section/quiz/index.asp?sectionID=203&surveyID=356&WT.mc_id=NL54
went home for 5 days for my birthday!
so i went home for 5 days for my birthday! It was awesome and had loads of fun but......i ate so much now its back to the old calorie counting. i dont know how much i gained but hopefully its not too much
To A Beautiful Woman
To A Beautiful Woman Now I lay me Down to sleep I pray the Lord My shape to keep. Please no wrinkles Please no bags And please lift my butt Before it sags. Please no age spots Please no gray And as for my belly, Please take it away. Please keep me healthy Please keep me young, And thank you Dear Lord For all that you've…
A leather dress
When a woman wears a leather dress, A man's heart beats quicker, and his throat gets dry, he goes weak in the knees, and he begins to think irrationally.? Ever wonder why? Because she smells like a new truck
home made food caloric info?
I think I read SOMEWHERE on one of the threads of a place you can go to figure out how many calories are in something you make homemade. I have done this on my own, but it is very time-consuming, so if there is such a site and I didn't dream it I sure would like to know where it is.
Do you have pets??
Thought I'd start a post totally off topic. Since some of us don't yet have kids and our pets are like our kids, I was just wondering who has pets and what kind? My husband and I have 4 loving animals...Dakota and Cheyenne are our two Brittanys (like in my picture...although this is just a picture from the internet).…
I talked to Janet's daughter
For all of you who knew Janet, I talked to her daughter (B) last night. She was finishing cleaning out Janet's home. She just was so grateful of all the support you all gave, and asked be to send her thanks again. Thank all!!!!
I am doing a procedure called mesotherapy better known as lipo-dissolve. On my stomach and ams. Lipo-dissolve is being marketed as an innovative alternative to liposuction that involves a simple series of medicated injections which dissolve unwanted small localized areas of fat. I hope it goes well because I have been…
How did u come up with your goal weight?
Hi Just curious because.everyone is built so differently I'm 5'7 and started here a few weeks ago at 155...I'm now 144 Initially, my goal was 138ish....I weighed 138 before getting my with my ds 4 yrs ago (also have a 2yr old dd..)...I was pretty content with my weight at that time...was a comfy 6-8... I'm thinking of…
I don't understand it but I'll accept it...
Okay... I well over-ate my points yesterday, although to be fair I didn't overeat by much according to THIS site. Was at a carnival with a group of children yesterday. Ate all the stuff I like, and a lot of stuff I shouldn't have: 1 and 3/4ths funnel cakes, 2 steaks on a stake (well worth it, I must say - they melted in…
Valentine's Day Plans
So what's everyone's V-day plans and how are we going to combat all the wonderful chocolate that will no doubt be around?? :heart:
ahhh why can't I stay motivated!?!
okay I know what I need to do and for a few days I will do it, then............I get lazy. If I could be consistent I would probably be @ my goal by now! anyone else have this problem? need advice/help! :sad:
Does anybody know where to find ALL the Applebees nutrition facts? They aren't anywhere. I can only find select ones. Thanks, :heart: Danielle
Yep! Eat more, lose more!
Okay, so last week posted about the fact that I'd lost no weight the week before and decided to up my calories from 1200 to between 1300-1500 per day (with exercise, of course). Well, it worked! I lost 4 pounds last week! It sounds so strange to eat to lose, but our bodies need the fuel to keep our metabolisms running. I'm…
Please Help, Dentist Appt today!!!!
I have a dentist appt at 11:30 today. I haven't been to the dentist in about 10 years and I am SCARED!!! I hate to go to the dentist. I would rather give birth, no lie!!!!!!! I have a really small mouth and when they get in there and start messing around it just about kills me!!! I shiver and shake the entire time I'm in…
So Upset
Weighed in today.....gained 2 pounds. I'm so mad at myself because I had a rough weekend and ate over my calories. I knew it was going to be bad today. It's so frustrating : ( UGH!!! Just angry at myself...had to vent:explode: :grumble: :mad: :angry:
Celebrex & Weight Loss
I have osteoarthritis and have had all sorts of remedies- - -maniscus operation/shots in my knees (cordizone/eufexxa). Still have problems...especially trying to do leg exercises at my 24 hour fitness. My doc has now given me some samples of Celebrex. I have now looked on the internet and, lo and behold, it'll undermine…
It is working!!
I just had to brag, because I can't believe it myself! I have finally seen major results after a month of doing this and really following my guidelines. As a result I have lost THREE INCHES!!! My pants are too big and my belts, well, I have to get new ones!!! WOOHOO!!!! I hope everyone stays on it, because really, if I can…
A question...
I don't know how crazy this will sound...but I can't seem to lose weight...AT ALL. Actually, I'm more likely to keep gaining it... I'm insanely active...I walk from class to class on a huge campus, I use the treadmill or elliptical for half an hour on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and I do yoga for an hour on Tuesdays…
donating for cancer victims
As a few of you know, my sister in-law was diagnosed with Breast Cancer back in October at the age of 30. In honor and support of her, I decided that I wanted to donate my hair for cancer patients in need of wigs. This past weekend I did it! I was so excited b/c not only did I have enough hair for one donation, I had…
Best cat ever.
Okay, so this is kind of off topic, and leave now if you don't feel like reading about my cat for the next 90898978979798 hours, but I have to say, my cat is the most awesome thing ever. Every night he works out with me. If I try to skip, he just keeps chasing the rope and getting smacked in the head. And when I'm on the…
Need help, have a sticking point
Hey everyone, I'm a college student from Michigan and I have a small problem. My diet and exercise regime has been working out pretty good while I'm at college in my own apartment, but when I go home for the weekend (which I do approximately every two weeks for the weekend) I always end up backsliding. It's become very…
I need to complain
ok, I live in New Hampshire and we had a week long snowstorm last week- easily over 24" of snow. I just found out that tonight we are expecting another 8-12". :explode: I am beginning to hate snow. blah:grumble:
cloth size
Does anyone typically how many pounds it takes to drop a size?
Bad Weekend
I had a really bad weekend. Started off that I had my mom and daughter at the house. I had to cook for them and I fried, yes fried, some pork chops. Mistake #1. Then Saturday morning I started feeling bad with a really bad headache. By that evening I was throwing up. Sunday morning and all day Sunday I was throwing up. I…
Hi my fitness pals, I have been at it for two Months. Yahoo!!!!!!!! 8 weeks, 8 lbs.! How about we list some of the rewards we are experiencing because of our healthy eating and dedicated exercise. Here are some I have noticed: My skin is improving. I feel good that I am eating food my body actually needs. My endurance is…
Shin splints
Despite my best efforts to do this the smart way, I woke up this morning with a shin splint :grumble: Not only is it painful, it makes me mad because I was trying so hard not to end up with this. So moving on....any ideas on how to continue getting cardio while this heals? Any suggestions for quick healing? I do not have…