Torn muscle?
Bodybuilders... anyone ever strain or maybe tear a muscle right behind the sternum? :neutral: I have an ache there that only hurts when I twist certain ways or when I crunch. It's not a horrible ache but it's there and making me concerned. It doesn't hurt when I breathe but it hurts when I push on it and when I twist my…
Gaining Chest Mass
I've tried just benching and flies and also tried push ups and incline/decline bench. It seems like my chest gets stronger but I get no mass. I do see a difference in my shoulders and arms. I'm guessing they are taking more of the load than my chest. I'm doing bench press currently and I'm wondering if maybe my grip is too…
Hey all! Today is my first day back on this app in a while, I've been going hard at the gym the last two months and now the only thing that's missing is the nutrition factor..ready to build some fit muscle and tone even more:) any recommendations in regards to upping my calorie intake more than I'm use to?
How much fat should i consume during a bulk?
How much fat should i consume during a bulk?
Bulking help
I have my app set to gain .5 per week and I'm trying to bulk I'm scared that the calories the app is telling my to intake is to much and I'm gonna gain the fat I lost again.l
HIIT training whilst doing SL 5X5
Just a quick one regarding doing HIIT training as well as SL 5x5 3 days per week, since starting the 5x5 6 weeks ago I cut my HIIT down to just once a week but have noticed a big decrease in energy levels since doing so, the main reason for cutting them was to get the rest days inbetween my weight training. If I was to…
19% bodyfat at 165 pounds.......
here's my body atm.. Hello I've been working out for 19 months now. I'm 165 at 19% bodyfat I'm 5'9. I only eat clean I drink a gallon of water and sleep 9 hours of every night. I lift 6 days a week for an hour to an hour and a half. How do I lower my bodyfat without losing weight?
Hiring a coach (body/muscle building)
Looking for some input and advice. What kind of benefit would I gain from hiring a coach or trainer? So some background: -I have been lifting for a few years now. I have run two successful bulk/cut cycles, I have built a physique I am very happy with. But just wondering if I could take it to the next level with my next…
Amputee Bodybuilder
Im a 27 year old amputee, currently weighing in at 84 kilo and have made significant progress March to July 2017, any advice on lateral and anterior delt building as this is my weak point. Thanks
3 day fullbody or 3 day split?
Hey guys. Been doing a fullbody routine 3 days a week and I'm getting bored with it. I found a really fun upper/lower split but I can't bring myself to spend 4 days a week at the gym. Would doing a 3 day split be worse than doing a 3 day fullbody? The split has more exercises and includes everything the fullbody routine…
Need to reduce body fat...
Hi Team, I need some help... 6 weeks ago my body fat was 30 % and having checked this week not change. I feel like I'm doing everything right but clearly I'm not! Please can those who have reduced their body fat offer any tips, rules and things in general that should be avoided.
Do you agree lats workout is not for men who like to wear suits?
I used to always workout with light weights for my lats and never had an issue wearing slim fit suits and regular fit suits .But ever since I started working out with heavy weights my lads started to grow and dress shirts became so tight that I just didn't feel comfortable . So do you agree that lats work out which builds…
Tips for gaining mass with bad anxiety that renders it difficult to eat?
Hi! I have bad anxiety, and the less I eat the worse it gets. But eating is really difficult. I'm seeing a psychologist and I feel.somewhat better but my chest and my throat still feel tight, most of the time the thought of eating makes me want to gag. I force things down and I certainly haven't lost weight, but I'm not…
New here!
Been using this app now well over 100 days and totally just now seen a community section. I expect to be quite active from now on.
Tweaked lower back.. Nervous about taking time off! Advice?
Today I was dumb and had a small annoyance in my lower back.. decided to deadlift and made it 10x worse to now its painful to do anything. I'm going to Hawaii for the first time in about 3.5 weeks, but now that I think I might need to take some time off, I'm worried about being in good enough shape/maintaining what I've…
2,400 Calories A Day Over 6 Meals
Hi, Since I'm soon going to be eating 2,400 calories a day, I need some guidance. I'm still going to be dividing my meals up to 6 times a day. I'm aiming for about 550 calories for each main meal and 250 calories for each snack. I still want to stay low on the fat side, keeping it at or under 56 grams a day. Are there any…
Fussy eater trying to gain weight
Hi, i am such a fussy eater due to having health anxiety, my main anxiety is aimed towards my weight. I lost my sons dad just over 2 years ago and the weight just fell off me. Now i want to build it bk up, fruit is a no go but some veg im ok with. Can any1 advise me or know of cook high calorie recipes??
Food Plan Ideas - 3500+ Calories (Bodybuilding)
Hi I was just looking for high protein meal ideas to achieve 3500+ per day (excluding peanuts) Please add anything of interest.
Fat loss and Muscle Gain
Hello, Have been in the gym to build muscle recently but owing to lifestyle haven't had time to do cardio and am just getting back into doing both now. Mostly circuits and metafit classes combined with heavy weights. Am looking to shed some body fat and have therefore set the calorie monitor on my app to lower then the…
Loosing weight by diet, weights and cardio
Just started on this endeavor! I am 68 years old think I have a good routine and diet but would like to see if anyone knows about a good app to use for weight lifting that might tie in to this app or just to use. Looking at "Strong" but not sure it is the best. Any suggestions?
MFP Accuracy?
For those who have been doing this awhile, have you found that the calorie goal this app sets has been realistic for what you want? I'm seeing people on here who are saying they're throwing back 4,500 calories a day to gain. I'm on just over 3,000 to gain a pound a week. It does seem to be working pretty well, I just don't…
Want to gain muscle but scared to go into a calorie surplus
I'm female, 5"3 and 105 pounds. I want to gain muscle so I look fitter and less skinny. For my exercise I usually do running, squats, hip bridges and crunches about three times a week. I'm worried that I'm not doing enough exercise to build muscle and by going into a calorie surplus I'll just gain fat instead. But I've…
Help my squat
So I noted that during my squat, my knees have been buckling and I've been driving through my toes. I read that I need to look up and push my knees out, maybe curl my toes up. I spent about 30 min working on my form today and wanted to see what you guys think. https://youtu.be/DSEBfHH8Fp4 https://youtu.be/sPJbWIOIVN0
Seeking specific advice from EXPERIENCED bodybuilders
I'm young. 18 years old, female, 5'5 and 125 pounds. Skinny fat, lean, with a mesomorph frame (I'm not swole but I can lift heavier than most of the non elite natty girls at the gym) I want to know if what I'm doing is the right thing to see a good recomp (fat down, muscle up). Unfortunately, because I don't know my exact…
Anyone recommend a weight gainer from gnc?
I need your critique. I'm trying to bulk. I think.
I am trying to set goals. I have been doing my own programming for about two and a half months. I am considering myself in a bulking phase. Stats: Female 27 5'8" 160lbs (fluctuating up and down three pounds depending on the day) Eating around 1800 calories. I am pretty strong and have some goals to get yoked. Do people…
Motivation issue.
I currently weigh 63 kgs and I'm 5'11. I have gained around 15 kgs in 5 months. I'm still a bit skinny and people generally don't make out that I'm hitting the gym. When will people start noticing that I hit the gym? How much time will it take? Please let me know so that I get a bit of motivation as I'm a little frustrated…
Bulking, eating when full, meal prep?
Im 5'3 110 lbs my next goal is 115.what can i eat that is high in calories to increase my caloric intake without eating more than 3 times a day? i work long hours sometimes i dont even have time to eat 3 meals. also i get full really fast. does anyone have pointer on eating more when your full? i want to meal prep but i…
Lost last 10lbs, reached GW 98lbs - now skinny fat and need to gain muscles
As the title says, I have lost the last 10lbs and reached my target weight of 98lbs. However I'm currently skinny fat, so still have a lot of fat around my thighs, waist, arms. I don't want to lose anymore weight, but get toned and gain some muscles. However I'm worried that if I eat at a surplus to gain muscles I will put…
Muscle Maintenance Plan
Hi all, I'm starting training for a half marathon and I'm looking to greatly reduce my lifting time committment to balance it out. Goals: 1. Spend majority of time training for half (I have a performance goal in mind but this is mostly for enjoyment) 2. Maintain Muscle Mass 3. Lose these last 10 stubborn pounds. I'll be…