Protein shakes
Hi, i am currently severly underweight for my height, and have been told to do absoloute no exercise. So if drink protein shakes without exercise will it store fat or will it help me gain a more healthy weight along with a good balanced diet or do i just not need them.. Any advice would be great, thanks
Bulking gain vs. Cutting loss
Just out of curiosity, how much did you gain on your bulk and how much did you have to then lose on your cut to get to your goal physique? My first bulk I gained about 10lbs, and lost 3-4lbs to get to my goal. I was pretty comfortable with that (40% of what I gained). My second bulk I gained 12lbs and I am now down 3lbs…
High caloric meals
hello im trying to gain mass and im looking for high caloric meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner any piece of advice in well aprecciated
Anybody else a "tubie"?
My reason for gaining weight is because of chronic illness. Of my various health issues, one is a compacted stomach, which means I can't eat much at one time - or I get cramps/nausea. Even eating 6 times a day, I barely get 1800 calories. Soooo, I got a feeding tube to help. My goal is 3000ish calories, until I get to 90…
Insta bodybuilder theme ?
Ok so bodybuilding is something i know nothing about hence my question which might seem a little dumb but I see a lot of bodybuilder accounts online always posting pictures of boxes of pizza or tubs and tubs of ice cream that they have demolished and eaten etc and I'm just wondering how this is added into bodybuilding ? My…
Please explain the scinece of muscle building
It has been confusing me. 1. We get fat when we overeat ( not only junk). Then how do we gain muscle in surplus ? Is it only matter of fact if you do weight lifting or not ? Do all of you eat gets used for muscle building ? 2. How much surplus is ideal for muscle gain with minimum fat gain ? ( because I already lost weight…
I need new gaining buddies ! :)
Hey guys my friends list is pretty dry. want to be friends!! ? !!
Protein powder bad
So I've heard alot that protein powders are bad and full of fillers. Needs some advice
Bodybuilder in progress
Getting ready for my next bodybuilding competition in July!! Got 13 weeks and 4 days to go!! :) Looking to meet cool people here!!
How long did it take for your non-dominant side to catch up?
I've been working primarily with dumbbells in hopes of getting a little more balanced. My left arm is considerably weaker and gasses out before the right even feels like it's getting warmed up. I've been eating right and lifting 3 days per week. How long do you think it will take to balance things out?
Weight tracker
When your on a mass gaining plan with at set amount of calories and in the sidebar its says 0lbs gained are you supposed to manually update it or will it update itself when you have reached your calorie goals? Thanks
I keep injuring myself (pregnant)
I've been doing so well in staying consistent with working out. I really got serious when I was 20 weeks pregnant and for the past 12 weeks I've been walking/jogging several miles in the morning and then doing a 30-35 minute workout of lifting weights/cardio circuit. (Walking 7 days/week and exercising 5-6.) Even being…
Foods with foods
I've been told to eat apples with nuts from a Ipswich town FC nutritionist Reason was the Apple fools our bodies and does something to it (can't remember what thro haha) Is there certain foods your meant to eat together
Can you please let me know your results if you sync your FitBit with MFP?
I'm not 100% how this works. When does it sync? What exactly is sent over?... If I exercise I can add my calories whenever and take a look at the change right away. Will the FitBit not show that until the day is over? How does it work and has it worked for you? I just reset my MFP goal to sedentary and to lose 1lb per…
Trying to bulk and get lean
Hey guys, this is my first post and I'm new to nutrition, I've always been an active person but never ate the right foods. Right now I'm 5'10 about 145-150 pounds and I'm aiming to gain muscle mass without any fat. I put myself on a 3000 calorie diet while working out around 3-5 times a week. I split the macros 40/40/20…
Trying to get my abs to start showing
Been lifting weights and doing core work for 3 months. Lost the weight that I needed to and just having a bad week thinking that nothing is really showing on my abs. My back arms and upper body are getting bigger. But no sign of abs yet.
Where are my girls who weight train?❤️
Add me!
ectomorph body type -Female
Iv been weight training for about 2 years. I'm 5'5" and iv gone from 112lbs to 125lbs. I consistently hit a plateau at 125lbs. 135lbs is my goal. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thx!!!
Gain muscle and lose fat at the same time?
Hey!! I am a little new to this and would love to make new friends and have helpful tips!! So I am in the position where I definitely want to gain muscle, but I still have a little bit of stubborn fat in places, but not too bad...is there a way to gain muscle while losing fat? I count my macros and would a lower carb…
Weight Gain
Any tips on how to meal prep succesfully and how to keep a good diet routine for weight thanks, any help would be appreciated!
Squat help
So I have broken my plateau for squatting! 4x15 at 60 lbs! Huge deal for me. But now I really notice my weight is not in my heels. I squat really low, boody out first, follow all the best resources for proper form... but I have been a dancer all my life and I tiptoe even when I walk around the house (though not in real…
Cut the fluff
This is horrible, but I'm going for it. I'm looking to add quality friends (male or female) who use this app the way I do (if you use it otherwise that's your prerogative
How to get straighter legs?
Hey guys! So as you can see in the picture below, my legs aren't very "straight". The thing is, I've had an eating disorder 2 years ago and was weight restored for a year but for some reason I feel like the weight didn't "distribute equally". Is there any way I can get straighter legs? By weight training or gaining weight?…
24-50 rep/set scheme
Has anyone heard of this 24-50 rep/sets principle? I was wondering if there is any science behind it or if someone is just spitting B.S. https://www.t-nation.com/training/set-rep-bible
Can you grow a butt using body weights?
I am new to weight training and everything but I don't want to go to a gym and I don't own any equipments to do it. I was wondering if I could see results using body weights instead of equipments. My diet is pretty normal I don't starve myself or anything but I also want to shed some fat on my tummy and also build s butt…
Dead lift help
I have watched tons of videos and asked this before but I still either feel not much going on when I do RDL and then when I do regular deadlifts I feel most work being done in my quads. I don't have access to a trainer but I am pretty sure my form is good. The largest plates I have on my bar is 10 lbs (currently lifting 60…
Low carb crisis
Hi! So I am a teenage girl, and I recently discovered that I have a form of insulin resistance that causes me to break out when I eat foods that are high in carbs or sugar that raise my blood glucose level(this is a self-diagnosis, but I am almost positive that this is what causes my acne to flare up). I did low carb about…
Back to My Journey!
Haven't been on here in so long. I've been going through a lot regarding my health, but things are finally getting better and my doctor cleared me to start my weight gain journey again. In the end of March of this year, I had bottomed out back to 94 pounds. As of today, I am 105. My goal is still 130 pounds hopefully by…
Cutting/Saving Muscle with Injury
I need a new plan. I need high volume/frequency, light weight. What do some of your body part workouts look like? I'm used to sprinkling in isolation work around my compound lifts because I'm a power-lifter. It's not the worst. Piriformis syndrome, most likely. But my sciatic nerve still feels pinchy when I squat and…
Need to gain
Recovering from surgery, I lost 18 pounds trying to gain it back but in a healthy way. Only execise right now is small walks.Thank you.