I’ve been eating such a large amount of food high in protein and fat but can’t gain weight I want to bulk up so bad but I’ve tried everything I can think of can anyone help I’m about 140 but I wanna be 180
Weight lifting
Tomorrow I’m starting a 5x5 strong lift program. My gym has the smith machine not a standard bench press. Is that ok? Or will I hamper my progress
Refeeds - no Layne Norton YouTube on the new research....thought y'all might enjoy
Bad Macros?
I’m currently trying to bulk but I feel my macros are not fitting well. I gave myself 180g/Protein and 90g/Fat but I keeping carbs below this and protein that high have made dieting unrealistic and something I don’t see myself sticking too. What kind of macros should I use? 1g of protein a bit overkill I feel unless…
Weight gain results
Okay so my goal is to put on a few extra pounds while attempting to build a bigger buttocks. No, i do not want a huge bottom just the one that Has been hiding since my high school days. Anyway, when i started my weight gain journey, i weighed 143 lbs. my stomach literally made me look like I was with child. I didnt…
Should I use a home gym machine to make my chest exercises easier?
Hey there! To give you a bit of insight, I had gynecomastia surgery half a year ago and while the doctor approved I can start exercising again about two months ago, chest bodyweight exercises (for example push-ups) still feel really difficult, no matter how much I do them. I do have a multi-gym machine at home, and while…
Am I underweight?
Hi there I'm a 30 year old male who stands at 6f 3" and on Monday I weighed 151lb. I've been getting it in the neck constantly from my family saying I'm dangerously underweight, My body is eating necessary fats from my organs, if your carry on your gonna die. Yes that last bit was from my sister. I have lost almost 5 stone…
Cut bulk with Dexa
I’m towards the end of a cut right now then moving in to a bulk. I will be getting Dexa scans along the way if anyone is interested if I get a few people as friends on here I will blog everything
Cutting advice
This is my first real attempt at cutting. Anyone got any advice? I can maintain on 2300 calories and was thinking of a deficit of around 1900 - 2000 calories bringing carbs down to under 200.
Can I lose fat and gain muscle at the same time?
Is it possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? I want to get rid of the rest of my baby belly but I also want to gain muscle because I have my first OCR race coming up and needs the muscle. Can I lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? If so, how? How much protein should I be eating? Or can I at least gain…
Weightlifting program for runner
Hi everyone! I am training for a half marathon currently and wondered if someone could point me towards a weight training app with pre-planned workouts that I can customize for myself as a female? I’d like to train three days a week on my easy running days. Thank you in advance for your help.
Booty Gains-Help!
Hi everyone, I’m a 19 y/o female. I am new to fitness and working out and I have only one goal rn: growing my booty. I was wondering what is the fastest way to do so I’ve been doing a few glute isolation exercises like glute bridges and fire hydrants with resistance bands at home and based on my measurements, they somehow…
Lifting at the gym while doing martial arts training.
Hi fellow gainers! I have trained in a gym before and i have trained martial arts before but i have never done it at the same time. I want to start competing (at an amature level) again and i really feel like i will have to strenght and endurance train beside the martial arts classes if im going to do that. My martial arts…
Calves: When and how much volume
Hi all... I am a 22 year old student who has been weightlifting for about 10 months. During these months I think I did quite well. But one bodypart is lacking compared to the rest: my calves. Recently I started a german volume training program. During leg day I tire out very quickly so don't really feel like doing calves…
Switching to Athletic Mode for BFat %?
I’ve been working out hard and dieting for over 9 months. Weight has gone from 24lbs to 206 this morning. Now can see a six pack (still needs more definition). All that said my BF% as it registers on my Withings/Nokia scale really isn’t moving... the physique changes I’m seeing suggest that’s not right. I don’t want to buy…
Gaining weight/muscle
Hi everyone, I'm a 5'6" woman (38 years old), weighing 110 lbs, which I just found out is 5 lbs underweight. So I need to put on a bit of weight, but of course I'd like it to be muscle, not fat. I understand that to do this I need to eat a little bit over maintenance (about 200-300 calories over?) and do some strength…
Weight goal differences in African American women vs other races
Let me start by saying I am 140lbs 5'4 African American Woman with a BMI of 24. I am currently 27 years old. Over the past 5 years I have worked hard to GAIN 30lbs ( I started at 110lbs). Let me tell you, I STILL get called skinny, asked if I eat...or told I could gain a few pounds. Also, I am regularly checked by my…
How far to continue loosing
How far should I continue to cut before trying to increase healthy calories and macros to gain lean muscles. 34 years , started at 230lb , came down to 205 lb and then had a setback with injuries and gained all the weight back.Finally working around injuries and almost down to 200lb and at 1500 calories per day with weight…
Looking to gain some muscle definition at home, body weight or home gym device?
Hey guys, I have lost a lot of weight in the last year or so and I would like to gain some muscle definition (since my arms look like branches xD). I don't have money to go to the gym, so I am either opting for body weight exercises or use a multi station home gym device my brother has + some dumbells(picture bellow).…
What would you consider 5'4 and 140 weight wise?
I have been trying to gain weight for years. I started at around 110 and now im around 140. I am african american and still get called skinny from time to time (alot less than before). I know u can only judge so much without a photo, but I am pear shape... I would like to be in the "thick"/curvy range and not be considered…
Is it ice cream time?
Title basically lol. Best flavor of ice cream?
Bulk or continue to cut?
Hey guys i started at 215 pounds and have got down to about 190 and i am 6 foot 2. I’m feeling a little scrawny so should i start to try and gain muscle or continue to try and lose more weight first? Thanks in advance!
Follow me through my journey!
Hello my name is Austin Griggs! I have been on my fitness pal for about 5 months and I currently only have the free version. My main goal is to to weigh 200 ibs (hopefully muscle) right now I am at 193ibs. This is while I have been in bulking. I started bulking in March and my current weight then was 178ibs yes I know I…
New Friends Please
Hey y'all☺️ I love to workout and do so at least 5 days a week. I eat well for the most part but I'm ready to step out of my comfort zone and take it to the next level. I welcome friends, recipes, advice, workouts.
Help a clueless girl out?
I consider myself in fairly good shape but all I've focused on over the past couple years is cardio. My usual gym routine is running 6 miles (6mph pace) then using the elliptical for 45 minutes. I'd say my endurance has definitely built up over the past year, but I've got some flab on me and not a lot of muscle tone. I'm…
Cut more or bulk in my position?
After some advice, I posted this on Reddit but would like opinions from people more knowledgeable, I can't get past my belly fat, left over from a being a former fat boy. Others have said go on a slow bulk and add some muscle but as I say can't get past the stomach fat. I think I have built a bit of muscle. In my position…
How to gain weight anyone help me
Hi, guys am new here I have some issues about my body I'm so weak I am 22 years old and my weight is just 45 kg, my diet is fine but doesn't know why I cant gaining my weight. Anyone here who can help me with the issues I have. Thanks :'( :'(
Is cut or bulk just personal preference?
I’ve been lifting for 6 months and started to do more reading about how to eat to maximize results. Then I came across about bulking / cutting? How do you know which one to do?
Increasing DL
Hey ya'll! So I have a powerlifting meet on July 14th and have been prepping like crazy. I am following a program curated by a fellow powerlifter at my gym, and am very excited about it. I have recently hit DL, squat and bench PR's along with being able to rep what I was maxing at last meet. My squats and bench seem to…
Portion Clueless HELP!
Hi all, so I’ve only just started my weight gain/bulking/muscle gain journey. I know what to eat, but I’m completely clueless when it comes to portion sizes when it comes to meals and snacks. I’ve added tonight’s dinner as an example. Too much, too little, just right? Little background info I’m Ectomorph, I’m 35, I’ve had…