DL vs squat
Why is DL called a pulling exercise for lower body and squats are pushing ? I know there is a slight difference in using quads vs hams but the overall direction/type of leg movement seems almost the same. Also, what’s the difference between glute bridge and hip thrust. I tried looking up pictures but still couldn’t discern…
Resistance bands before or after lifting?
Hello all, I was wondering if anyone has an opinion on this topic. I've been using resistance bands as a warmup forever, to activate the muscles that I will be working. However, I've been hearing about using resistance bands at the end as a "burnout." How/when do you use your resistance bands?
Culking Fall of 2017!!!!!
It's time people. It's time to move on to a NEW SEASON!!!! I know we are coming into the Bulking season for many people- so figured it was time to start a new one! I'm afraid I'm not going to be bulking this year- I didn't get down to the weight I really wanted this year- so I'm thinking I'm going to keep pressing on with…
Can’t gain weight, help !!
Hi I’m 19 years old, 5’3 and 45.5kg, I’ve been trying to gain weight for years now and nothing seems to be working. I signed up to the gym a few days ago but I don’t know anything about what exercises to do or what kind of things to eat for quick results! I’m so insecure and the fact nothing is working is demotivating. Any…
Anti-Breakfast brigade?
Before anyone freaks out, I'm NOT saying that I think breakfast is bad for you. I've just never been a fan of breakfast. I'm the one that ate a pack of pop-tarts every morning in high school because I wouldn't want to eat before I left in the morning, but I needed something to tide me over until lunch. My stomach thinks it…
What's your average workout like (gym)?
I'm a 19 year old beginner bodybuilder (female) trying to figure out how other peoples workouts tend to be structured; I have a few very general questions for anyone who works out but ideally people who go to the gym, weight-lift/ want to gain muscle weight/size all over or specific areas...if you could include gender it…
Power Lifting for women
I seriously want to get into power lifting, but I don’t know where or how to start? I hate cardio running, stair climbers, bikes, etc so I usually stick to weight training. I’m at noob basic weights and reps so what is the best way to Up my weight, form, and build strength?
I'm struggling to gain any size?
Frustrated with this folks, I can't seem to gain any major size. I'm 173lbs, 6ft Tall. I do have a bit of belly fat and around my chest but the rest of me is small. I do have definition around arms, lats and all the rest but they are small and fine. I am increasing calories week by week slowly since I started my bulk in…
Gaining Weight with COPD
I'm posting on behlf of my mom. She's severely underweight due to her COPD and I thought I'd sign her up for so we can keep track of what she's eating in hopes of getting her to atleast 90 lbs. The nutritionist we saw wants her to eat six small meals a day but it's hard to get her to snack between meals.She does eats the…
Deloading after a break?
Some unforseen events have happened and I'm forced to take about a week off. I suppose that's a good thing because I haven't really taken more than a 3 day break from lifting. My question, should I deload when going back into it or should I just pick up from where I left off?
Weight gain advise
Hello, hope you all are having a great day. I would greatly appreciate if you could advise me with the following; I'm 28years 5"9' around 64kilos. I started going to gym 2 years ago more seriously in the last year or so. I came down from being 90kilos fat to 60kilos being skinny. Now I want to get on the plus side of 70,…
https://worldnaturalbb.com/drug-testing-banned-substances/ *Some of these are quite hilarious...glycerol FFS Poll/out of curiosity, how many among us would be unable to claim "natural" status based on the list of WADA substances? You can simply state, banned, not banned, or not sure (label reading ignorance & there are…
Help needed in workout plan
Hello everyone, thanks for reading this post, I am desperately looking for a workout plan for my self to help me gain muscles and get ripped. I have been gyming for the last 1 year with little improvements , my weight is 70kg and my height is 5.7 ft. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
No longer taking advice in the weight room . . .
Our local small town weight room is manned by volunteers. The other day, the volunteer who was working in the room came over to tell me I was not using one of the machines correctly. She changed a few things and had me try again. Right away I could feel stress in my knees (it was a leg machine). I did a few reps, as I…
PHAT?? Can anyone explain the program to me and how to do it at home?
I have a pretty extensive home gym - complete dumbbell set from 5lb all way to 100's. Pull up bar, horizontal parallel bars, bench, Barbell with 400lbs. So I have most of the stuff I would need to do the routine except I don't fully understand the program.. Things I'm missing (Squat Rack, knee extension/leg curl machine) I…
Working off 4 years of beer and pizza
I just graduated college and am new to the whole working out thing. I’m trying to burn the extra fat I gained during school while building muscle. I am 6’ 185ish I’m assuming 20+% body fat (I have a breakdown next week so I’ll know exact). My problem area as far as fat goes is my stomach. I’m looking for Any advice from…
Vegan Bodybuilders - where you at?
Any vegan bodybuilders around here? I’ve been vegan 2 years and just started lifting to gain, going well so far. Would love to get in touch with some other vegans putting on weight to share tips and keep motivated
Looking to gain weight
I gain weight but it seems like I lose it all the next day. I been trying to eat a lot and work out but I dont eat enough. I eat breakfast lunch and dinner but doesnt seem to be enough. Any suggestions?
20+ lbs added since the star of my lean bulk
Currently I've been Bulking for 5 months going from 160-185lbs I'm 6'3, so do you think going for 200+lbs while maintaining sub 14% bodyfat is realistic for my next 1 year of training goals? I mostly focus on strength training.
I want to get SHREDDED!!
Hello ME guys!!
4 months weight lifting progress- before & after :)
I've finally stuck with something for more than 3 weeks during this up and down weight in college. I'm 4 months in and just want to share my journey!!:) I've been doing weight lifting 5 times a week and cardio/LISS 3-4 times a week. MFP has been amazing with motivation!! My next task is to find a program. I've been writing…
Increasing weights while strength training
Started strong curves a few weeks ago and just curious how frequently to increase my weights. For each exercise there is a suggested range of reps. For maximal muscle gains and results, should the goal be to max out the reps (x3 sets) before increasing to a higher weight during the next exercise session? Or, if you can do…
Muscle Gain
Anyone got any good impact exercises for arms and chest they can suggest - I’m am struggling to increase weight levels in both these areas consistently
Cutting and going up in weight
I started cutting about 2 1/2 months ago and I decided to keep going up in weight rather than reps and I found that it’s helped me lose more weight faster I’ve lost a total of 20 lbs is this just me or does this work for anyone else?
Lifting with a minor hamstring strain
I'm fairly certain I managed to strain my left hamstring. When I completely straighten out my leg(only while laying down) I feel a bit of pain. However, whenever I go to exercise (squats/deadlifts) I do not feel any of that pain whatsoever. I was wondering if it was alright to keep on lifting like this. I have deloaded,…
First Time "Cutting" - Advice on Length and Rate Needed
Hello all. For context: I'm 5'11"/M/55/205. Last February I started working on diet and some cardio fitness for about 3 months prior to beginning strong lifts (later switching to Starting Strength). I had never lifted before other than an occasional month or so with no real program - or results for that matter. I started…
Calorie changes when bulking/cutting.
How many calories does everyone recommend to add and to minus when clean cutting and bulking? I have been adding 250 while bulking until I hit a plateau and then I add a further 250 and I have found that works okay for me.. I’ve found you put weight on at a good manageable rate this way. I’m yet to do a cut but I think I’m…
Dumbell bench form
So every time i do dumbell flat press , i tried many times to get that feeling on my chest that "burn" feeling like i do in dumbell flys. However it just doesnt do anything, i feel like its just pushing. Usually i arch my back and push the dumbell at nipple height. I also lower the dumbell until it touches my side of pecs.…
Burning Muscle and Not Fat. HELP! PLEASE!
This Monday, I weighed myself at 161.5 lbs and today I weigh 158.8 lbs; body fat percentage stayed at %12.5. I lift weights, do bodyweight cardio, prioritize protein, and limit junk food intake. I have no idea what I am doing wrong. Can someone help me?
Recommendation for a 4 day Upper/ Lower Split Routine
Time for a new routine and after reading some of the Helms and Shoenfeld data about hitting upper and lower 2x per week each, I'm in the market for a routine. Anybody have on they recommend?