Working off 4 years of beer and pizza
I just graduated college and am new to the whole working out thing. I’m trying to burn the extra fat I gained during school while building muscle. I am 6’ 185ish I’m assuming 20+% body fat (I have a breakdown next week so I’ll know exact). My problem area as far as fat goes is my stomach. I’m looking for Any advice from…
Vegan Bodybuilders - where you at?
Any vegan bodybuilders around here? I’ve been vegan 2 years and just started lifting to gain, going well so far. Would love to get in touch with some other vegans putting on weight to share tips and keep motivated
Looking to gain weight
I gain weight but it seems like I lose it all the next day. I been trying to eat a lot and work out but I dont eat enough. I eat breakfast lunch and dinner but doesnt seem to be enough. Any suggestions?
20+ lbs added since the star of my lean bulk
Currently I've been Bulking for 5 months going from 160-185lbs I'm 6'3, so do you think going for 200+lbs while maintaining sub 14% bodyfat is realistic for my next 1 year of training goals? I mostly focus on strength training.
I want to get SHREDDED!!
Hello ME guys!!
4 months weight lifting progress- before & after :)
I've finally stuck with something for more than 3 weeks during this up and down weight in college. I'm 4 months in and just want to share my journey!!:) I've been doing weight lifting 5 times a week and cardio/LISS 3-4 times a week. MFP has been amazing with motivation!! My next task is to find a program. I've been writing…
Increasing weights while strength training
Started strong curves a few weeks ago and just curious how frequently to increase my weights. For each exercise there is a suggested range of reps. For maximal muscle gains and results, should the goal be to max out the reps (x3 sets) before increasing to a higher weight during the next exercise session? Or, if you can do…
Muscle Gain
Anyone got any good impact exercises for arms and chest they can suggest - I’m am struggling to increase weight levels in both these areas consistently
Cutting and going up in weight
I started cutting about 2 1/2 months ago and I decided to keep going up in weight rather than reps and I found that it’s helped me lose more weight faster I’ve lost a total of 20 lbs is this just me or does this work for anyone else?
Lifting with a minor hamstring strain
I'm fairly certain I managed to strain my left hamstring. When I completely straighten out my leg(only while laying down) I feel a bit of pain. However, whenever I go to exercise (squats/deadlifts) I do not feel any of that pain whatsoever. I was wondering if it was alright to keep on lifting like this. I have deloaded,…
First Time "Cutting" - Advice on Length and Rate Needed
Hello all. For context: I'm 5'11"/M/55/205. Last February I started working on diet and some cardio fitness for about 3 months prior to beginning strong lifts (later switching to Starting Strength). I had never lifted before other than an occasional month or so with no real program - or results for that matter. I started…
Calorie changes when bulking/cutting.
How many calories does everyone recommend to add and to minus when clean cutting and bulking? I have been adding 250 while bulking until I hit a plateau and then I add a further 250 and I have found that works okay for me.. I’ve found you put weight on at a good manageable rate this way. I’m yet to do a cut but I think I’m…
Dumbell bench form
So every time i do dumbell flat press , i tried many times to get that feeling on my chest that "burn" feeling like i do in dumbell flys. However it just doesnt do anything, i feel like its just pushing. Usually i arch my back and push the dumbell at nipple height. I also lower the dumbell until it touches my side of pecs.…
Burning Muscle and Not Fat. HELP! PLEASE!
This Monday, I weighed myself at 161.5 lbs and today I weigh 158.8 lbs; body fat percentage stayed at %12.5. I lift weights, do bodyweight cardio, prioritize protein, and limit junk food intake. I have no idea what I am doing wrong. Can someone help me?
Recommendation for a 4 day Upper/ Lower Split Routine
Time for a new routine and after reading some of the Helms and Shoenfeld data about hitting upper and lower 2x per week each, I'm in the market for a routine. Anybody have on they recommend?
My progress has stopped and I don't know why
I've been regularly working out for 4 months now and been maintaining a caloric deficit with relative ease. How ever it seems as though my progress has come too a halt. Despite me being in a caloric deficit of just 2000 calories a day with workout sessions 5 days a week I haven't made any significant progress recently. I…
Will macros give me a different body shape?
I’m trying to lose 10 lbs. Is counting macros better than just being in a calorie deficit alone? I see all this pics of women who do macros and their bodies look toned Af and then I see “skinny” people who just cut calories . Am I doing this wrong. Should I be counting calories and macros to get the best looking body?…
Gaining weight on a primarily plant based diet!
I have been skinny my whole life I started working out 2 years ago and for the first time in my life I weighed over 120lbs. I am now 19 and I weight 150lbs but I got to that weight eating unhealthy foods, I still have a low body fat percentage due to me being very active ectomorph. Recently I started eating all healthy…
When/should I increase my calories
Hey guys! I’m on a lean bulk right now and my weights been stalling for two weeks now and my lifts and the gym have plateaued as well. Would it be safe to increase my calories 200+ right now? Should I weight another two weeks? Current Stats: 6’.5inch 180lb First year lifting 13% BF Currently at 3,000 calories I started at:…
Summer bodybuilding/transformation competition?
Starting today take a picture each month and post it in this forum. The competition will end on November 4th. Whoever has accumulated the most like on their final picture will win!!
Need a little help with high protein diet etc
I have loss a lot of weight with hypermis and now need physio as I have muscle weekness in my glutes and abdominal areas with nerve pain I want to build up my muscle mass in theses ares and lose some more weight and one got any or experience
Entering my first cut.
Hi all I’ll be entering my first cut at the end of this month as I’ve been bulking for 5 months now and I’m kinda going in blind.. At the moment all I know that I’ll be doing is cutting my calories by 250 and keeping the protein the same and I’ll also be sticking to the same workout aiming to still progress and make…
Last stages of cutting after a bulk
So I spent the winter bulking and for the most part was a clean bulk but I over estimated on the calories because I gained too much. I am 5’7 and was up to 203. I have been cutting slowly since the beginning of February and and now trying to get from 13% BF down to 10%. I am still training hard as I can with limited carbs…
Lean bulking
Hey guys, trying to do a lean bulk, sticking with the 1:1 lbs per gram of protein. Currently weighing in at 163. Been intaking 150g protein daily for about 4 weeks. Strength is increasing and body is being defined, I want to continue growing. Should I? 1) wait till I hit a strength plateau and then increase in protein? 2)…
My journey
In the final 2 weeks of my first bodybuilding contest. Follow my final stage for motivation and just keeping up to date
Long Recovery & Muscle Soreness After Lifting Legs
Right now I'm training for a bikini level body building competition. I'm 21, am 5'8, and I'm weighing about 123lbs right now. I'm counting my macros, aiming for 1,700 calories a day (I need about 2,200 to maintain my weight. I've lost some weight, I'm down from baseline weight of 136lbs. I've gone up 20lbs in my bench…
Anybody on supplements?
Now that I’ve accomplished my weight loss goal, I’ve decided to make a new one - muscle gains. I’m on creatine monohydrate right now (I’ve done my research on creatine; many mixed views out there but a lot of positive ones too). I’ve noticed a very slight improvement in terms of muscle endurance (mind you, I’ve just…
Hammer Strength Box - how much benefit is lost?
For bench and squat, I'm using the guided Hammer Strength box at my gym rather than using full free weights. For a bunch of reasons, I'm not at the gym at a consistent time where I could find a training partner (3 kids in activities, coaching hockey, etc., etc.) to act as a spotter. I've had minor back issues in the past,…
Ladies Who Lift
Lifting Ladies.. How did you overcome your fear of getting out on that gym floor and picking up the barbell? Currently I go to the gym with two friends, however we have very different fitness goals. Mine is to gain weight and lift HEAVY, another wants to reduce her fat percentage and do a lot of HIIT, and another wants to…
Any intermediate lifters setting lifting PR's - while on a cut?
I'm four weeks into my first cut and have set some squat, bench press, and overhead press PR's. I've lost maybe 1 lb in 4 weeks but planned on losing 2 lbs. Just a fluke? Perhaps I'm still realizing gains from my bulk? Perhaps my cut isn't really a cut and my 1 lb is just scale inaccuracy or water issue? Perhaps recent…