Logging process won’t show anymore
It’s been working fine and the tile at the top of my app has worked like a charm and then today it’s basically basically saying it’s no longer going to show my logging progress because my calorie goal is too low. I just don’t know why you guys have any say about what my goals are. I’m paying for a premium service and you…
Days in a row incorrect
Days in a row incorrect
ADC and AFV acronym
When searching for a food and the acronym ADC or AFV appears at the end of the food what does this mean?
Fitnotes App
Can you please facilitate connecting the Mobile application of FitNotes to My fitness pal? I have to register my workout plan daily twice, once in FitNotes, and once in My fitnesspal app.
No steps being recorded.
I've been using this app for over a week. No steps are being recorded. I have it linked to Google Fit.
why is the Search Food Data base not working properly?
Help! The Search Food Data base is not allowing me to add foods which are on the list to my daily record.
How to connect Samsung Health to MyFitnesPal?
How to connect Samsung Health to MyFitnesPal?
Amazfit (Zepp), GoogleFit, MyFitnessPal. Has anyone made it work yet?
I'm a pretty tech savvy guy and I can't get anything sensible from this combo on Android. The Amazfit watch is hands down my favourite fitness watch I've had but doesn't talk to many apps. You are forced through GoogleFit. GoogleFit "interprets" what it gets from Zepp so what you see is their version of what you think is…
Can the GUI of MyFitnessPal get more intuitive and sexy?
I hope so. Cause it doesn’t reflect the quality of the app which is one of the best on the market…
Every time I select the “community” option in the app (iOS, iPhone 11) I am asked to accept cookies, which I do, and I get asked again next time, and so on. Perhaps the concept of a cookie has been overlooked here, but surely when someone accepts cookies, the first thing you do is save a cookie on their device to remember…
How do I edit "My Foods"?
I can no longer edit many of the food items that I previously created under "My Foods". I can edit recently created items but not older ones. Food producers sometimes make changes to the calorie and nutritional content of their products and several of the items I created are no longer correct. How can I modify these…
Workouts not syncing
I have a Samsung galaxy watch 5 pro and just upgraded to the Galaxy s24 Ultra phone from the S22 Ultra. My steps still come over from the health app to MFP but my workouts don't anymore. Are there any known compatibility issues with MFP and the S24 Ultra as of right now? I've checked multiple times and all permissions are…
Query About Protein Calculation in Breakfast Entry
Hello! I noticed that after entering my breakfast, which included homemade pancakes (1 banana, 2 whole eggs, vanilla, oats, and oat milk) the app is showing that I consumed 0mg of protein. Could you please help me understand if this might be an error? I thought these ingredients contain protein. Thanks for your help!"
App Logging Out
Every time I open my app on my iPhone, I am logged out and have to reconnect through Facebook. Anyone else having this problem?
Exercise calories keeps turning on
I don’t track my exercise calories. I have the setting for exercise calories in goal turned off. I’ve noticed that every couple of weeks it’s turned back on. A couple times I didn’t catch it in time and I thought I had more calories available than I really did. I’m not sure if this is happening every time the app updates,…
I can’t change goal % to mg or g
Hi at the goal page. Vitamin & calcium & Iton only show 100% what is it meant in in hờn g so I know, can you explain as I want to know can this measure in a way I can understand. If I want 1200mg calcium & 8 mg iron daily allowance is my goal how can I set it so it can show & not %. % mean nothing to me or how to…
How do i edit recipe??
there is no option to edit pretty much anything.
The app is not registering my exercise.
I can see the exercise entries I posted this morning, however the app shows zero exercise. Update: I just entered a cardio exercise and it registered. The previous entries were strength exercises. Why does this make a difference?
Why are all my emoji files so large?
All of a sudden all my jpg emoji files are huge on my PC. I'm using windows 11. These were never a problem a couple months ago. On my Android phone they look fine in the app. I'm wondering what MFP is trying to do? I like using my PC for my group posts and my phone for logging food.
Food Scanner NOT working
Why is my bar code scanner not working?
Apple watch HELP
I just left Fitbit after being with them since their beginning. I am new to Apple Watch. I am familiar with MFP; was a user quite some time ago. So I enter all my food and water intake on MyFitnessPal? Where do I log my weekly weigh ins? MyFitnessPal? Apple health? And I need a step app to count steps?
I used to have my own fitness blog on here where I personally blogged about my weight loss goals, etc. I don't see it any more. Just the MFB blog. Did it move? It has been quite awhile since I blogged on here.
Water App Track
Disappointed there is no way of tracking water intake….used to be a great feature…would be enough to take me away from paying for app….hope this gets sorted….
Does anyone know why the data from Myfitnesspal app isn't transferring over to Fitbit app?
How do I make the calories goal stop being adjusted?
I noticed with any physical activity I do that causes me to burn calories, my calorie goal always increases allowing me to eat more calories. How I do stop this from changing? For example I only want to eat 1,500 calories a day but when I burn calories my app jumps to a 1,700 calorie goal just because I have that extra…
Image size ignored
It seems we can no longer post smaller photos. Every photo I try to post on a community thread gets enlarged to page width. I've tried resizing photos to a smaller pixel dimension and it gets enlarged to page width as well so it ends up looking very blurry and pixelated. Our whole team is having this issue. This is desktop…
Why did my calorie intake go up from 1530 to 1750 if i still need weight to lose
When i started almost a month ago my calorie intake per day was 1530 until today.. i realised while filling out my food somehow it went up to 1750. Is that normal? Should i somehow change it back? I don't understand. I lost close to 4lbs within this month does that have to do with anything
Tracking added sugar
Why doesn’t MFP separate added sugar from total sugar?? This seems like an important feature that is missing. I saw this question asked 2 years ago and they responded they could put it in an update but nothing yet…
Problem tracking water?
Hi - relatively new using the app... is there a "fix" for he water tracking? It doesn't always save the entries and it's getting really annoying. Thanks
Hi, hope you can help as I am returning to use the app. I looked at the Plan section, and I can opt any of them. Are they free in premium or have to pay again to use Plan.