I want friends
Anyone want some friends? Little about me: mid-20's, Married, 2 kids Interests: Knitting, television (bad me!), yoga, 20 minute exercises, reading (lots of thrillers) Common stumbling blocks: sugar, chocolate, motivation and/or time to exercise, not eating much for fresh fruits/veggies
One name celebrities
New game.... Name a famous celebrity who goes by one word. Cher
those really cute cartooon pics???
where does everyone get them?? they show your weight and what you wanna weigh??? i really want one but dont know where to look HELP!!
What's on your X-mas list this year?
I am just curious to see what people are asking for this year for Christmas. My mom has asked me for my list and I would love to hear other people's lists to help me get some more ideas. Here is mine so far: - Leafs lamp - winter jacket - mascara - leaf mitts - new runners -lip gloss - personalized licensed plate -leafs…
So...Who bought5 ab-rollers 20 yrs ago....who actuall used t
I bought, did not use.
Time Change Affects
I really do not like the time change. It affects the way I feel when I leave work and have to work out. I work 6am-6pm. I guess it makes me feel like it is too late to get started or something. I like to run outside and it is already dark. It also seems i have to push myself harder to get through the workout. It is kind of…
Days of Our Lives
About 9 years ago a friend got me in to watching Days of Our Lives (after I made fun of her for watching it LOL!). I watched it for about 4 years but due to my work schedule I couldn't keep up. For some odd reason I decided to set a DVR timer to record all the new episodes so I've been trying to get in to it again. Even…
I've been sitting here at work all day with the same song stuck in my head: "Come Sail Away" by Styx ... and I don't even like Styx! It's just one of those songs that gets stuck in my head easily. :grumble: So, what song gets stuck in YOUR head? :tongue:
1 name of someone who served....
Thank you to all who served and those who await those who are serving. God Bless you and your family. May they be safe and sound and healthy. Now please place the name of at least one person who has served, or is serving in the armed forces today. My daddy Carlos Vincenco Patricelli. He was in WWII (the big one:laugh: ) I…
Now I honestly don't like the term. I mostly believe if you are doing more than 1 thing at a time you are probably are not doing them very well. There was a story about an executive who went to watch his son play baseball. He brought his laptop with him so he could get some work done while watching the game. He did neither…
1st trip to the ER with my baby!
So my 1 year old son just fell into the coffee table about 2 hours ago. He got a cut right about his eye that needed a stitch. Besides that he's got a cold and a double ear infection! UGHHHHHHHHH! He's home now and just went to bed. Mommy needs a glass of wine now!!!!!!!
Useless memories.
So I thought it would be a fun thread to ask this question: "What is some useless piece of information that you can remember from your past that serves no real purpose to recall?" For instance: I'm 25, but for some reason I can remember the last Barbie doll I ever received before I became too old to play with them. It was…
Bachelorette Party Advice!
A childhood friend is getting married next month and her Maid of Honor (also a childhood friend) planned a pretty extravagant bachelorette party to a CASINO this weekend. We're travelling about 4 hours to it, spending the night, gambling, going to dinner AND paying a cover for a night club. Not to mention drinking,…
Has anyone ever tried that "easy hair removal" product. I t
Does it work?:indifferent:
Veterans Day, Send a Care Package!!!!
Hi everyone. I came here today to ask a favor! Many of us MFP'ers have loved one's who are serving or have servced in the Military at some point. Regardless of whether they're Active, Reserve or National Guard and which country they're in, they're all deserving of the recognition!!! Currently, my husband is in Afghanistan…
What "weight loss" products did you buy off of t.v. ads and
Ab-roller. I know I posted a thread on ab roller but could not find a way to edit title.
Today is Armistice Day
Just wanted to post about it being Armistice Day, as I was in a School today at 11am, they rang a bell and the entire school observed the two minutes, it was very moving. I knew two WWI veterans personally, one of who fought at what he knew as "Wipers" but we call "Ypres" He was mentioned in dispatches and remained…
Take a moment to thank a veteran
Take A Moment To Thank A Veteran When you see someone in a uniform, Someone who serves us all, Doing military duty, Answering their country’s call, Take a moment to thank them For protecting what you hold dear; Tell them you are proud of them; Make it very clear. Just tap them on the shoulder, Give a smile, and say,…
Thank you
"All gave some; some gave all." Thank you to all the men and women here on MFP (and EVERYWHERE!!) who have fought for our country so that my family may live in freedom. I am SO thankful for your courage. :heart: Happy Veterans Day!:heart:
Forum Spellchecker :)
Message Board Spell Checker http://www.iespell.com/download.php :wink: Because sometimes we all just need one. As with anything, unfortunately, it doesn't catch everything... but when I remember to right click and use it, I'm pretty happy with it so far. :blushing: It's so easy to get typing too fast and transpose…
Read this Quote and tell me what your response is...
"If you KNEW you couldn't fail, how big would you dream?" To me, it seems like the sky is the limit. But I asked the same question to my boss, and she is very grounded by reality, so she said she wouldn't dream too big. What are your thoughts?
If your having pimple problems
my friend and i came across something online where we read a great way to reduce your pimples when you're working out try washing your face with just water around 3-5 times during the workout NOT AFTER. or even better If you have a swimming pool, swim for a couple hours which is not only great exercise but clears pimples…
so how is everyone going to handle thanksgiving? i admit ive never been as motivated to lose weight till this year, so thinking about a strategy when it came to thanksgiving was something i never had to come up with. How are yall going to tackle the day? counting calories? portion control? or not worry about it at all…
Veteran's Day and what it means to me
In 1972, I joined the Marine Corps. My father was a Marine and so was his father. Still, he tried to talk me into college or at least another branch of the service, but he was a Marine and I wanted to be just like him. After boot camp, I ended up being stationed in California several different times. Since I was close to…
Has anyone seen MegaMind?
I want to know if it is worth the $$$$ to take family.
is this seriously news headline material?!
:indifferent: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40109803/ns/technology_and_science-science/?gt1=43001
Got rid of the Halloween candy...
Been covert tonte. My son's teacher sent home a ziplock of candy as a "prize" today (OBVIOUSLY trying to get rid of Halloween candy). So my daughter and I waited till dark and snuck over to her house (yes I know where she lives) and left a bucket with about 8 pounds of candy in it with a note that said "what you give, you…
I wrote this 2 months after my husband died. A reminder abou
Title truncated A reminder about love and life http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/hambitsgirl/view/i-wrote-this-2-months-after-my-husband-died-48896
Anyone else looking for that Elusive six-pack?
I have never had it, but I want it. I want to see that a obease individual can turn it around to that degree.
Another thread has died...moment of silence