give us a laugh !
heyyy everyone ! im in work and so bored ! just seing if anyone had any funny stories they could share to cheer me up a bit ! it can be about anything x
Stupid addicting games
It all started back in the day with a little game I like to call Snood. Then came Bloons. Then Diner Dash. Then there was Bubble Spinner. Currently? Clusters. (Can't beat level 21! Been stuck for 3 days now, lol) *....sigh....* If only you could burn calories playing silly computer flash-type games. Anyone else have this…
Turkey Turkey
I hope this post finds you all well. How are you doing today. I hope that we all can find something to be thankfull for today
What are you thankful for?
In the spirit of the holiday...what are you thankful for in your life? Sometimes it's hard to take a step back and look at the big picture. It can be easy to get bogged down by the negative stuff, I know I do sometimes. And that's why I'm thankful for: My amazing boyfriend. He is the kindest person I've ever met, and I'm…
christmas gift ideas for a boy age 8-9
we are celebrating christmas at thanksgiving and i have no idea what to buy my nephew. his birthday is two weeks before christmas so it is a double hit (which we are also celebrating). i bought him the 3-book 'swindle' series and silly bands for his birthday so i need a toy/game/sports for christmas. anybody have any cool…
Snow Day!! How do you enjoy a day off?
No school today due to snow and icy roads. I wonder if the students or the teachers are the happiest about this fact....teachers!! I just came in from a 20 min walk. The streets that haven’t been driven on were so beautiful. Watching the kids playing in the snow and laughing was a wonderful site. However, I’m now frozen to…
I was just sitting here and thought it would be great to chat a bit you start the subject
All I want for Christmas...
...is my TWO FRONT TEETH! He he he he... ANYWAYS...I know its early. But last year I was too busy getting a hysterectomy and stroking out to really enjoy Christmas. So I'm jumping on the Merry Wagon, listening to Christmas carols and being all Ho Ho Ho Happy! Ha ha! But what do you want for Christmas that is FITNESS…
Post your favourite You-Tube song
This is one of mine. Angie Stone - Wish I Did'nt Miss You. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QcMZ0gUcCo
Looking for like minded people...
Hey there! I'm looking for friends on here for motivation, support and chat. In return, you'll get to experience my awesome sense of humor and quick wit ;o) Send me a message or just send a friend request! Thanks ;o) Jess
Great gift buying guide for you guys out there in MFP land!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_F2md4uGmMU lol
Feeling great!
I threw my scale in the towel closet almost a week ago and it feels great not seeing it every time I go to the bathroom in our bedroom. I was always tempted to go on it, especially in the morning, which I ended up doing causing me to get depressed for an hour over it fluctuating. Especially since the last few pounds are…
Keith Urban - Get Closer
Hey Keith fans! Just wondering what you guys think of this newest CD? I for one, can't stop listening to it :) Personally, I think he's one of the most underrated performers out there. His guitar skills alone should be recognized, and yet he's always getting jipped out of awards! Okay, done ranting and back to listening :)
Getting Your "Grove" Back
So this last Saturday I went to my best friends moms house for a BBQ and party kinda thing because she came up from L.A. where she now lives. I felt really good because most of the guys were saying how pretty I was. Now, when I was younger (before having kids and gaining a ton of weight) I got this all the time when I went…
tv programs
Hello I am running out of ideas for things to watch. I wonder if any of the members of MFP can give me some ideas or suggestions. I currently really like Gossip Girl and the Vampire Diaries to give you an idea of the kinds of programs I like. XX
How many of you get really sweaty when you work out? I swear, when I work out I get so sweaty! I mean, I don't mind it cuz to me thats means I am doing the right thing and I love to sweat in the sauna too. BUT one thing that does annoy me about it is that my hair gets drenched as if I took a shower! With all the salt in…
Adjusting recipes
I have a quick question, when you change a recipe to switch out reg sugar for spenlda or whole milk for skim milk do you adjust the calories accordingly or leave it as the original calories with reg sugar and whole milk or anything that would lower the calories> Just courious.
Calories that Don't Count
Just in time for the holidays. Calories that Don't Count The following food and situations have no calories to speak of ... OTHER PEOPLE'S FOOD: A chocolate mousse that you did not order has no calories. Therefore, have your companion order dessert and you taste half of it. INGREDIENTS IN COOKING: Chocolate chips are…
who wants to talk
What's up folks
starvation mode
so at 8 p.m. I realized I had gone all day and not eaten a single thing! How bad is this?
Help me pick a hair cut
So i have longer hair now, here is a picture of it currently. I am on the right And i was thinking of something shorter like this
McDonalds Made Me Fat??
I was reading another thread and did not wish to hijack it so I'm here. The gist of what got me to post is that McDonalds is the evil empire that forces folks to eat and become obese. IMHO: Why is it McDonalds' fault? Don't eat there. Yes they make it and advertise it, but who's eating it and why? People need to stop…
Confessions of a Wannabe Crime-Fighter
So, I get up early on Sunday as usaual. Make coffee, watch the news and wait for the sun to come up so I can go on a walk. I'm just about dressed and I hear my wife get up. Phone rings. I hear her pick up. I hear her on the phone and can tell something is wrong. I walk up stairs and see that she is writing something down…
Fantasy Football Widows - Anyone? Or just me?
I cannot tell you how much I HATE football season. Now don't get me wrong - I love watching the games and have several teams I follow (Go Chargers!)... but my husband is so OBSESSED with his stupid fantasy teams that it feels like I'm a single woman from September to February. He's constantly on the computer checking stats…
lol I said to my Canadian Husband, everyone on My fitness pal is apparently going on holiday, it's a funny time of year isn't it? He tells me that you North American types call Christmas and Thanksgiving 'holidays' and what we call holidays is 'vacation' to you. Hence the confusion! I was recently asked by a Canadian…
Christmas letters
I know this isn't a weight loss anything but i'm curious, what do you guys write in chrismas letters. I dont want to write a whole letter because quite frankly i've had nothing exciting this year and the few things that have happened I do NOT want to talk about. So what do i write? (please no generic "just write merry…
anyone from glasgow ?!
heyyyyy out of interest do we have anyone from glasgow scotland here :) xx
Thanksgiving Button
Okay, Thanksgiving is just about here. And so is all the food. It's sure to be too much to keep track of...log in...and count the calories! Let alone even remember ALL of what you ate! MFP needs a THANKSGIVING BUTTON. Just for the one day. Eat, drink and be merry, for Friday, it's back to calorie counting.
If my body was a car, this is the time I would be thinking about trading it in for a newer model. I've got bumps and dents and scratches in my finish and my paint job is getting a little dull ... But that's not the worst of it. My headlights are out of focus and it's especially hard to see things up close My traction is…
Thanksgiving...what scares you?
What scares you more about Thanksgiving? All the yummy tempting food, or the sure to be there family drama?