Weather where you are?
What's the weather like where you are? Omaha ~ 60's now ~ forecasted to be 80 & sunny. Loving it.
Self tanning lotion
Does anyone use a good a good self tanning lotion or know of any? I mean not looking orange, not streaky? I need some color and I used to go tanning but just by tanning once...your chance of getting skin cancer goes up 75%..SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT! I'm pretty sure I have cancer. And the sad thing is that I want to be…
Ads on MFP
I am not just in from the playground... I understand that this website makes coin by selling ad space. But I just saw a Dairy Queen Bacon Cheeseburger ad and a Domino's two-fer pizza ad on the same page. Must stay strong... Must control urge to grab keys-jump in car-head to DQ. :love: Just seems odd doesn't it??
testing Pic Attachement (please ignore)
Yogi Brand Teas
I started buying Yogi Brand "Get Regular" tea for some assistance with, well, you know :blushing: . Yogi has tons of different types of tea. I just bought the Detox kind for healthy liver and kidney function. Does anyone else buy any different types of Yogi Tea? What kind do you like? Why?
It's Time to Diet & Exercise when . . .
It's Time to Diet & Exercise When... ...you try to do a few pushups and discover that certain body parts refuse to leave the floor. ...your children look through your wedding album and want to know who Daddy's first wife was. ...you get winded just saying the words "six-kilometer run." ...you come to the conclusion that,…
Come on... shouldn't laundry count for exercise?
I mean really... today I've made countless trips down the stairs to the laundry room.. bending over... picking up.. lugging that heavy laundry basket.. loading unloading .. bending over picking up.. lugging that lighter and cleaner laundry to the bedroom.. dumping ll leaning over, picking up.. up the stairs ..picking up..…
Donating Platelets
Hi all, I've got an appointment to donate platelets this weekend and I'm wondering what to expect. I've donated whole blood before and although I've gotten a bit light-headed, it's never been anything I couldn't handle. Are the side effects from platelet donation similar? Worse? Better? I know to up my iron and calcium in…
Favourite Household Chore - Oxymorons :)
What is your favourite household chore? I love ironing my husband's shirts. I hate changing the cats' litter boxes Cheers jewel:flowerforyou:
Top 25 CDs if You Stranded on an Island
OK - Your ship/plane wrecked tumbling you onto an uncharted island. Luckily you grabbed your solar CD player and CD case on the way out (maybe some beer and your dog. LOL!) You only have 25 slots in your CD case. Name the Bands you have: Skynyrd AC/DC Zepplin Who ZZTop Green Day Beatles AeroSmith Eagles KISS Bad Company…
Peace Corps
I need to help people in my life. I can't join the military. I know that is something I can't handle but the peace corps is something I think I can do. I wouldn't be joining until after college. Does anyone have any information about the peace corps? There's the website sure but that doesn't give me the best first hand…
Potty training
OKay I need advice on potty training. My little girl is going to be turning 3 this weekend. I'm pretty sure she's ready to train, but I'm not. She tries to change her own diaper if I don't do it right when she wants it, and is fine sitting on the potty. I just don't know where to start. I just put in new carpet and don't…
Add to the story (1 line only) Part 2
Once upon a time there was a young lady by the name of Lily who lived in the town of.........
I need someone to calm me down
I'm about to explode, my son is going through a terrible custody battle over his 5 mos old baby boy, we received an affidavit today from the mom, and I could just drive over there right now and beat the living crap outta her. She has made serious and ridiculous allegations about my son's contact with his son. I know these…
life changes
hey everybody, i don't know why i keep taking on life altering obstacles but i do! i am currently finishing the last of my courses in my honours psychology BA, all i have left to complete is my thesis next year. i am also a social service worker that has the hardest time finding a job in this industry. i have attended like…
Do I get more calories....
if I had to yell at my students all day??? They were all cooped up because of the rain, they are excited about Spring Break next week, and Lord knows whatever else was going through their minds! I know that I really don't get extra calories.....I just wish behavior management counted as a calorie burn! :)
Good sports bras
I own a total of six sports bras. Two are inside those work out tanks. Only one fits but it's a little big so it's not that supportive. I usually wear a tighter tank over it and that helps. The other doesn't fit anymore because of my belly so I can't wear it yet. 2 are Nike sports bras and I love them, they're great and…
Headed for Italy
Hi, Going to Italy in June - Looking for meal Ideas containing "Good Foods" to eat around Italy that don't break a 1220 calorie day? Trying to stay away from grains too.
Spring has sprung - Calling MFP Gardeners!
Wow - I just burned over 700 calories hauling mulch for 2 1/2 hours. So much more satisfying than squats. I am an avid but lazy and sometimes not so competent gardener, and I'd love to chat with other plant lovers. Got some tomato starts ready to go, and now I get to go seed shopping. Isn't spring the best!:flowerforyou:…
I'm Not a Webble Anymore!!!
I finally got around to having my sister take a few pictures of me so I could get rid of the Webble Icon on my profile. This is very hard for me because in my late teens and early twenties I was a runway model and paper thin. I had to GAIN weight to join the Air Force I was so thin! To face my reality like these pictures…
So I need some personal advice. I am in a long distance relationship with a guy now for almost 6 months, we met early int he summer, and didnt make things official until the fall. I live in MI, and he lives in FL. And I really like the guy, but since I have been working so hard on my future lately things have been really…
Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution is on!!!
Right now, CST! Its rerunning last weeks sneak peak! Highlt recommmended watch for the entire family! My son eats whole wheat pasta now! Just from watching the sneak peak last week!
Freaky Eaters
Anybody else watch this? It is so funny but so disturbing!! I could not live like that!
Need Help!
My Husband and I are thinking about getting a great dane puppy. I know that great really big but I would like to here from anyone that has one or knows people who have one and if they are a good choice to live in doors in town. We would like to have kids in a couple years also. Just need to hear some stories to help…
Has anyone ever gotten married in Vegas?
My boyfriend and I of 9 1/2 years are going to vegas in April and we are talking about getting married while we are there. Neither of us want a big wedding. But my question is if we decide to tie the knot...where is a good place to do it!! We aren't wanting to spend a ton of money, but I don't want to be married by Elvis…
What should I say to my daughter?
She is upset and saying "I'm fat!- I need to go on a diet!" She's only 9!!!:noway: She's grown about four inches since the beginning of the school year and she needs all new school uniform pants and stuff- she was in tears earlier because her pants were too tight. She's athletically built (tall and sort of muscular, like…
Dollar stores are dangerous...proof inside.
I got a little more than I bargained for at the Dollarama tonight. Word of advice...if someone is being rude to you, maybe it's best to just ignore it lest you get a large plastic gun broken to bits on your face. I knew she was rude, but who knew she was actually insane? :(
Scared to get my hair cut
I've been growing my hair long for about the last ten years and I'm fed up with it and want a change. I don't want to hack it all off (Short, short hair is NOT a good look for me) but I am ready for something different. Any suggestions?
Veggie food quiz...
I used to :heart: quizes on Myspace. I found this on a blog somewhere and thought it was fun for MFP. Copy and paste and put in your answers. 1. Favourite non-dairy milk? I was never a milk drinker, but I do love Almond milk on my cereal. 2. What are the top 3 dishes/recipes you are planning to cook? I'm looking forward to…
Where's all my Missouri people?
I feel like I'm alone out here. Who all is in MO?