Hubby bought me Polar FT7 . . .
for our anniversary!! :heart: :heart: I've been looking at HRM's for about a year, and last month decided I really wanted this one. Wasn't going to get it because of financial issues, but we went shopping after we went to dinner Fri and I was droolin' over it at a local sporting goods store, and he grabbed it and wouldn't…
I just thought we all could share a little about who we are, such as what we do for a living.. I am certified nurses aide, i work in a nursing home first shift, been with the same place for 19 years.. i love taking care of people young and old. It especially makes me happy when someone comes in that just needs…
this diet is costly......
man, this diet/life style change is costing me........ in toilet paper!!! damn, drinking all this water has me constantly in the bathroom peeing and using tons of tp!!! theres all my money, going down the drain!!! :laugh:
Spring is almost here!!!
So Saturday will be the first day of Spring. I just wondered what people were doing to get ready for Spring, or what excites you most about spring? For me, my daughter's birthday is that day, so that's exciting. Also, we're planting seeds to sprout so we can plant the seedlings for our vegetable garden in May (New York has…
OT: Song Title
Ok, i am so trying to rememeber the name of this song (so i can look it up on youtube).... I think Mark Shultz MAY have song it and it is a Christian song. Its about a dad whose child is born "slightly left than perfect" but he adores the child no matter what (just as God adores us though we are less than perfect). I only…
The Scale finally moved today =)
I kicked it across the bathroom floor :laugh: Thought someone out there could use a laugh
Random question
So, my boyfriend (love him!) flushed this little toilet-bowl cleaner/freshener earlier this week. We thought it had passed through the pipes, but the toilet began to clog. Now, we can't use it. Thank goodness we have two bathrooms! Well, we bought an auger. No luck with that at all! We talked to a friend of a friend who is…
52 FUN FACTS - put a star beside the ones you knew!
52 random fun facts. Put a star (*) beside the facts you already knew. :) 1. Mosquito repellents don't repel. They hide you. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you're there. 2. Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles…
So, significant weight loss results in an outward transformation - but an inner one as well. Would anyone care to share how you've changed - things you've noticed along the way (including the completely unexpected)??? From the major to the minor - the awesome to the subtle.... share away. Oh yeah, pictures are welcome too.…
Happy Mothers Day to all Mummy's today :happy: Hope we all have a healthy happy day :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: One thing to remember is it is just one day and if we do happen to go over on calories or eat something that we wouldn't normally, IT'S OK!! Tomorrow is another day, just enjoy it and get back to…
I've never ever had....
a corn dog/fried corn dog and I have NO desire to have one.... what about you?
I got called skinny...me?!
Well, I have been having a truly wonderful week, so I just thought it would be nice to share some good news rather than my usual blahs. Starting with my topic...twice this week I got called skinny. What?! I mean obviously it made me very happy, and I have been working very hard, so it definitely shows. I'm not really doing…
what the hec is 'bump'?
So I may be way behind the times when it comes to computer language, bu can someone please tell me what it means to 'bump'
Does it bother you when...
Does it bother you when skinny girls complain about how many calories they've eaten or how they really want a muffin but they know they shouldn't? And I don't mean average sized girls, I mean girls who are naturally very skinny and seem like they don't gain an ounce no matter what they eat. For some reason, this really…
Every day for 6 years- a video.
This guy took a photo of himself every day for 6 years, and made a video. I found it very surreal and beautiful...and kind of sad. http://www.vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=99392 I wish I had started taking photos from day 1 of my weight loss...that would be interesting to see 2 years from now.
Sven and Olaf work together in a Minnesota factory. Both are laid off, so they go to the Unemployment Office together. Asked his occupation, Olaf says, 'Panty stitcher. I sew da elastic onto da ladies cotton panties.' The clerk looks up "panty stitcher". Finding it classified as unskilled labor, she gives Olaf $300 a week…
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle...
...when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 Beers. A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if…
suggestions on a new mattress
Wife and I will be shopping for a new mattress next week. Any ideas on what to look at? Tempur-pedic, Sleep number, etc. ?????
I must buy me some grapefruits AND Apples: Grapefruit In a recent study, Louisiana State University scientists discovered that people who ate half a grapefruit three times a day lost 4 pounds in 12 weeks, even though they hadn’t deliberately altered any other part of their diets. Although the mechanism isn’t clear, the…
Super Size Me
So I finally got around to watching Super Size Me. Wow. One part of the movie really got me thinking. When he is talking to a guy about a dinner party scenerio and how one individual was bashing another person for smoking and saying how bad it is for you and how could he do that to his body. At the table there is a large…
Off the topic- ear problems
This is totally off the subject but I have been searching the internet for an answer to this problem with no luck. I'm having some strange ear pain. I wouldn't really call it pain, it's a mild discomfort. It feels as if there is warm water inside my left ear and I'm having some dullness in the right ear as well. The…
Height, weight, size?
I am a tall girl, and around a size 12-14. I'm 5'10, and 193 lbs. I'm just curious as to what others are, I'm not sure if its even possible to be a size 5 at my height. Just wanted to know if anyone else wanted to share. Thanks!
Hey All - I'm relatively new here.....been at it for about a week now and have lost 4lb with about a million more to go. I've been thinking about goals and setting some. But what do you do to celebrate when you've reached a goal? In the "eat all you want world" (you know, the one we've left behind) I would have gone out to…
I'm A Smart Woman!
With time, women gain weight because we accumulate so much information and wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room, it distributes out to the rest of our bodies. So we aren't heavy, we are enormously cultured, educated and happy. Beginning today, when I look at my butt in the mirror I will think, "Good grief,…
people are so ignorant and rediuclous!
SOOOO i just read that a high school in missisippi is CANCELLING their prom because a female student( apparently she is a lesbian big deal!) is was going to bring a girl as her date and wear a tux..so they cancelled the prom. Im sorry dont want to offent anyone but that is the stupidest thing i have ever heard! People need…
Hey ladiessss. Does anyone use dry shampoo?
moving to England
Hey there! My husband and I are moving to RAF Mildenhall in MAY! O_O'' I just wanted to see if there's anyone on here from the area! We've been in touch with a housing agency that suggested the Newmarket area, so we might be letting a house there, but we'll see! We're super excitedt to go, but I am terrified about the…
what is your favorite 'food quote'?
"Too few people understand a really good sandwich." ~James Beard
How many of us are there?
Any idea how many members there are?
The Top 5 Game
Here's how it goes. You give a topic. You name your Top 5 in that topic. The next person below gives their top 5 of the above topic, then names a new topic and gives their top 5. I don't know if that makes sense or not, but let's try it. Top 5 workout songs 1. My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama- Frank Zappa 2. Beast And The…