Would you be so kind as to...
- add items only once to the database - do not add the same thing multiple times, just because you misspelled something - delete what you added by mistake more times (provided such an option is currently available) - do not add an item which is already there if you're sure it has incorrect values, but rather correct it…
Fantasy Baseball
Anyone play fantasy baseball? I have a league with 3 open spots and the live online draft is tonight! Need some extra exercise today because I love draft nights and will be indulging a little :)
Worried about...
Opera_Bound.... The last time I talked to her she was going on a road trip, and she hasn't been back since. Anyone talk to her? Or have her home addy? I'm worried!!
I'm mean.. but I just have to say..
Overly allergic people get on my nerves. This is the second place I've worked where someone complained about my perfume or my lotion "closing their throats". Is it really preventing you from being able to breathe way over there? How is it possible that you're even smelling it? Why haven't you said anything the last two…
BBQ Etiquette
BBQ RULES We are about to enter the BBQ season. Therefore it is important to refresh your memory on the etiquette of this sublime outdoor cooking activity. When a man volunteers to do the BBQ'ing.... the following chain of events are put into motion: The Routine... (1) The woman buys the food. (2) The woman makes the…
I was wondering what supplements everyone is taking during their weight loss journey, (ie, Vitamin B-12, special teas, powders, etc)
Is this corny?
Ok, so i actually sat down and took like a 20 minute lunch today and tried writting a love song for my wife.... I am not a writter... But I thought I would break out the ol' guitar and sing this to her. If yall think this is too dumb I will just sing her the song we got married to ( I Do, its a country song). Ok, here…
Just a random thought
Sometimes i come on here after having a bad (food) day, and think ugh im never gonna lose the weight, ive come close a few times to just giving up and admitting defeat, but everyone on here is so great and supportive and and some of the random fun stories on here cheer me up too! anyway my point if you fell like giving up…
How Much Water is Too Much?
I know that we should drink at least 8 glasses (64 oz.) of water a day, but I drink a lot more than that, maybe 12 or even 15 glasses a day. How much water is too much? Am I drinking too much?
Couples Therapy
I have a quick break at work and need everyone's advice (Don't worry about hurting my feelings) Me and the fiance are in a small argument right now (really its just me being angry) and I need to know if I am being crazy/stupid or if I am right to be upset. So here is the story: Last night he sat in the living and played…
Men's Health Magazine sub discount
I'm not affiliated with the magazine or the seller, but have been a customer of both in the past. I subscribe to Men's Health and never buy it at full price. The current deal is: www.discountmags.com Use coupon code: 3201 3 Years, 30 Issues: $17.97 ($5.99/year) 2 Years, 20 Issues: $13.98 ($6.99/year) 1 Year, 10 Issues:…
Laser Hair Removal
Hey All...This Saturday I am going in to have my underarms lasered. Has anyone ever done their underarms? Did it hurt. Just curious to find out how it could go. Not nervous but ready for it to be over. How sad? Hasn't even happened yet and already anxious to get it over.
Childbirth at 65
Too good not to pass on, Enjoy !!! Another great one! With all the new technology regarding fertility recently, a 65-year-old friend of mine was able to give birth.. When she was discharged from the hospital and went home, I went to visit. 'May I see the new baby?' I asked 'Not yet ,' She said 'I'll make coffee and we can…
i just figured out how to do them. :flowerforyou: :drinker: :sick: :smokin: :embarassed: :glasses: :flowerforyou: :explode: :happy: :laugh: :smile:
ipod mp3 playlist
WHAT'S THE PERFECT PLAYLIST FOR WORKING OUT? Born To Run - Bruce Springsteen Walk This Way - Aerosmith Bicycle Race - Queen Pump It Up - Elvis Costello ???????????????????
Essex UK, MFP
Anyone one here from Essex?
GOOD Article
Top 10 Fitness Myths Exposed Fitness Myth #1: No pain, no gain. If you haven’t worked out in a while – or you’re trying a new kind of exercise – you’ll probably be sore the next day. Believe it or not, that’s a good thing. These aches are called “delayed onset muscle soreness,” says Wendy Repovich, Ph.D., a fellow of the…
New Moon
New Moon comes out on DVD this Saturday! I am so excited. Who else is as excited as I am and who plans to have a movie watching weekend with Twilight and New Moon? I'm gonna try.
St. Patrick's Day Wishes
May there always be work for your hands to do; May your purse always hold a coin or two; May the sun always shine on your windowpane; May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain; May the hand of a friend always be near you; May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.:drinker: :flowerforyou:
If you had all the money in the world, would you give your children everything they wanted? ** This just came up at work. A co-worker was complaining that she had to buy her son a new truck... I asked how old he was and she said 32. Now, my boss meanwhile, is asking 'how do you cut off your children' His oldest is 24, and…
What's your favorite Irish toast?
May you have food and raiment, a soft pillow for your head. May you be forty years in heaven before the devil knows you’re dead. Slainte!
Why can't I lose the fat from my thighs instead of my finger
OK, so I'm just venting, not asking a real question. I've lost about 10 lbs and 1/2 a ring size. I am now a ring size 4 instead of a 4.5. This is crazy!! If I keep up at this pace I will have to get my wedding ring sized to a 3!! I'm not sure that is even possible. I went to the jeweler and they said they can do a 4, but…
NCAA Tournament
Hey, Our office is doing a NCAA bracket contest and I have ZERO idea about anything basketball related. Any basketball fans out there have a suggestion of who will ultimately win this thing? Who will be in the final 2? Who will be in the final 4? Thanks :flowerforyou:
little ralphy...jokes (slightly rude)
A teacher asks her class, 'If there are 5 birds sitting on a fence and you shoot one of them, how many will be left?' She calls on little Ralphy. He replies, 'None, they will all fly away with the first gunshot.' The teacher replies, 'The correct answer is 4, but I like your thinking..' Then little RALPHY says, 'I have a…
Lying to yourself
In what ways do you lie to yourself when you cheat somehow? My favorite lie is, if I sneak this bite of food and don't log it, my body won't know I ate it and therefore won't take in the calories.:laugh: How about you?
Pic inside of my Birthday Cake!
Didnt know where to post this, I didnt think the diet board was the right place, but I had to share such a beautiful cake!
Any of you out there, watch and love DRAMA, like I do? Last nights finale was boring, HOWEVER, I can not wait until the Reunion show next week.
Biggest Loser tonight! Do you watch?
I love to watch. Obviously this reality show isn't set in reality, but the people and their issues are. I find so many inspirational quotes during the show from the contestants and trainers. I keep a pad of paper on the table and will pause, rewind, play, pause, rewind, play until I get it wrote down as they said it. Last…
There was this really cute pink vintage style cruiser bicycle on Kijiji a few months ago, and I was going to buy it. I didn't, and now I regret it. Ah, I feel better now. What do you regret?
Can I share something with you all?
I got married just about 6 months ago to a wonderful man, my three children have accepted him and he has become part of their lives with great enthusiasm. At our Wedding, my wonderful son gave me away and my two gorgeous daughters were my bridesmaids. My Son has ADHD and an Autisic spectrum disorder, but he was fabulous on…