I was just wondering if anyone has any experience in getting visitation rights for grandparents? I would much prefer custody, but I know that grandparents have minimal rights. long story, but any responses are much appreciated. :) Thanks.
Shower technique - Woman vs. Man
How To Shower Like a Woman... Take off clothes and place them sectioned in laundry basket according to lights and darks. Walk to bathroom wearing long dressing gown. If you see husband along the way, cover up any exposed areas. Look at your womanly physique in the mirror - make mental note to do more sit-ups / leg-lifts,…
For anyone who has pets...
(I had to share this, it's so true!!) FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE PETS, THIS IS A TRUE STORY. FOR THOSE THAT DON'T, IT IS A TRUE STORY. The following was found posted very low on a refrigerator door. Dear Dogs and Cats: The dishes with the paw prints are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my…
This story happened a while ago in Dublin , and even though it sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock tale, it's true. John Bradford, a Dublin University student, was on the side of the road hitchhiking on a very dark night and in the midst of a big storm. The night was rolling on and no car went by. The storm was so strong he…
The London Lawyer and the Irish Garda
A London lawyer runs a stop sign and gets pulled over by an Irish Garda. He thinks that he is smarter than the cop because he is a lawyer, from London , and is certain that he has a better education than any paddy cop. He decides to prove this to himself and have some fun at the Garda's expense!! Irish Garda says," License…
Going to bat against breast cancer - Vote for me....
I am a 4 year survivor of breast cancer and I have entered to be an honorary "bat girl" on Mother's Day for the Altanta Braves in the MLBs Going to Bat for Breast Cancer awareness program! Look me up by "Chrissyh" or under the Atlanta Braves as my favorite team. Vote now-vote often! Thanks for your support!…
Wisdom, passed down.
I can't explain except through the following examples: My grandfather used to tell me that I could stop learning when all of my fingers were the same length. My father used to tell me that if the bells of Rome struck while I was making a face, my face would freeze like that. My mother used to tell me that all ladies are…
TV Commercials...
so i'm cleaning my room and the TV is on... and a commerical comes on for a water pill... then a weight watchers commercial... then a zantax 3 weight loss pill commercial... then a jenny craig commercial.... Seriously. 4 commercials about weight loss in a row. i think it's insane but i really think it says something about…
Mom I Miss You.................
Mom, it was 17 years ago today that I got that call. I love you and miss you each and every day. It’s been some time, since you’ve been gone I thought by now, I would be strong I think of you, and shed my tears I wonder who, will still my fears. Your memories remain, inside my heart My soul it seems, to be torn apart You…
Who has received an invitation from badoo excepted it withou
realizing what the site was completely about. I did then I cancelled it a few days later after logging on & seeing what it was about, not particularly my cup of tea.:smile: Anyway had to get that off my chest moving on.:laugh: Jason
How's everyone doing? New pics
I've got some new pics to put up. I wanted to say to all my fellow MFP friends even though I've been away for a while. I'm still keeping up with my diet and exercise, and feeling better than ever. My boxing is improving, and so is my confidence. Life is just good sometimes you know?
WordNerds -words and phrases that tickle your fancy
Alright- taken from another board. What word is kicking around your brain right now, that you're really enjoying? AND, please use it in a sentence, to illustrate why it amuses you. ie: Obnoxious. That unidentifiable constant noise from down the hall is completely obnoxious. Your turn.
A little Easter humour
A good friend sent this to me via email this morning, made me chuckle, thought i'd share. Three stupid guys just died and are at the pearly gates of heaven. St. Peter tells them that they can enter the gates if they can answer one simple question. St. Peter asks the first man, "WHAT IS EASTER?" The man replies, "Oh, that's…
Happy Easter All!!
Happy Easter Everyone!!
quit smoking!
This is day 3 for no smoking for me!
Tell me your secret....
Ok, this is going to probably sound really dumb, but for the life of me, I can't figure it out! Have you ever met someone who smells SO good?! I mean, not doused in cologne good, but, freshly laundered good! I LOVE that smell, and no matter WHAT I do, I can never achieve it! Actually, I just want my towels to smell like…
Vote for my Puppy!
Alright MFPs...I need your help (if you dont mind...if you dont want to do it...that's ok too). I'm entering my puppy in a contest through our local news channel. See instructions below. Vote for him! I need a getaway! Thanks!!! 1. Go to kdvr.com 2. Pick the contest button at the top 3. Click on snow dog contest 4. Create…
Pavlov's dogs
Do you remember learning about Pavlov's experiments with dogs? Every time he rang a bell he would feed the dogs. After they learned that a bell noise meant food he stopped giving it to them. The dogs were conditioned to start drooling when they heard the bell because they expected food. My boyfriend spends too much time on…
Easter Eggs
Does anyone out there, besides me, still boil and color actual easter eggs with their kids? I can't help it. I love coloring easter eggs! I'm such a kid sometimes. What will YOU be doing with your kids for easter?
Can't eat just one...
This came to my mind because I just sat here at my desk and was only going to eat a couple animal crackers to hold me over until dinner tonight and ate a whole serving without even realizing it. So my question... Whats the one thing (your guilty pleasure maybe) that you cant eat just one of? Mine obviously is Animal…
Credit links
Just thought I'd put this out there for the rest of you guys. I went through this process because there is another girl within 50 miles of me that has my name, and I keep getting letters for her delinquent credit accounts. annualcreditreport.com…
Long-Distance Moving
I'm moving from New York City to St. Paul, Minnesota in about 2 weeks. Anyone have advice? Things to watch out for or be aware of? I've moved around a lot (when I was dancing and modeling professionally), but that was only suitcases, etc. This will be my first major relocation: furniture, wine collection, ugly nick-nacks…
Out of sync....
So I've had a week off work and found that I've not once set foot in the gym and my eating habits have not been so healthy. My intentions were to spend some time with the boyfriend :love: as he also had time off work but I also made a promise to myself I would hit the gym most days even if it was just to swim. Instead I've…
A Math Crunch!
I wasn't sure where to put this! I just thought it was kind of amusing and kind of pointless so I settled for here. So the daily amount of calories I can eat in a day to maintain my current weight is somewhere around 2000. If I tell MFP I want to lose 1.5lbs a week it gives me 1340 calories a day. If I tell it I want to…
This clip from an article should be a good laugh for us
This is a section from an article online on how to stay young. It stays we can live until 150 if we eat 1000 or less calories a day. Believe it or not, we have recently discovered a link between caloric intake and aging. Scientific studies and proven that a restricted calorie diet can double life expectancy in all mammals.…
opinion on what happened on biggest loser last nite
ok wat a surprise twist last nite with biggest loser not only did they let one come back but 2 wow.........every season is a shocker idk i dint see stephanie as a game player unlike the red team shes evil my lord shes crazy she has that crazy look in her eyes......im also shocked vicky only lost 2lbs on her first week at…
Movie Quotes Having to do With Weight Loss
Dominick DiNapoli: [to Frankie] You know what your problem is, Junior? You dont know how to run your plate. See? You gotta make the bread come out even with the eggs. Dom Deluise in the Movie "Fatso"
A romantic dinner for... 4?
So as yall know I love suprising my wife with flowers, gifts, romantic dinners, etc. Well last night she was so kind to me (I worked late and was so wiped out from work and the kids activities, etc). I usually do the dishes, laundry etc while she spends time with the baby, but last night I fell asleep with the baby (baby…
Boyfriend needs anger management, can someone relate?
Well, I've been dating him for 2 1/2 years. We've been living with each other the whole time (weird I know). I've been having a lot of trouble on deciding if I should stay with him or not due to the fact that he has serious anger problems. He isn't mean towards me, it's just when he is losing in his video game, or when my…
Fashion Advice...skinny jeans
Ok, so I need some fashion advice from those more knowledgable about these things. I grew up poor with a mom who cared nothing about looks, so haven't had any female role model about these things. I always thought skinny jeans were just for pencil thin models. Well, I accidentally bought a pair yesterday...I loved the thin…