Help with diet, exercise please
Hi this is my first forum and I need help, I’ve workout before and have worked in construction for many years but I’ve never seem to get it right with diet and exercise to reach my goals, I’m a bulky guy and I’m happy with my frame but I would like too lose my gut and gain muscle in the process, I’ve tried the typical no…
How to stop hormonal weight gain?
I think I am gaining weight because of hormonal issues! I get tired easily from working out..I hate exercises and routines I loved to do to lose weight now! I feel rush to eat fast as well and basically I eat 2-3 hours only on weekdays after work with green tea in the morning and on weekends I eat regular, whatever I want.…
Garmin Connect - what am I doing wrong?
Is there still a MFP glitch? Or are my settings not right? I can’t get GC and MFP to link together for some reason. When I had a FitBit it would track everything, the Garmin has been hit or miss, but it hasn’t transferred anything for weeks, maybe months. I found a setting via GC that had my info locked, but I partially…
Xpost: People that have issues with accountability in the past how did you fix that?
The reason why I ask is that My personality is such that I am externally motivated. ie I have a hard time doing things for myself. I tend to do things because someone else needs me to do them. I Cook healthy dinners for my family. But don't actually eat all that healthy for myself. I meet my deadlines for work. I make all…
IF and your workout routine
Just hired a personal trainer As a treat to myself for 2 months. I'm also going to start back IFing For those who did intermittent fasting while working out what was your routine like? I'm doing 16:8 IF. I workout first thing in the AM or at 11am
Quitting Birth Control Pill - Any tips?
Hi there, I started taking birth control pills 4 months ago, I was at 188lbs and now I am at 205lbs. I have tried fasting, cleansing, cutting carbs, removing dairy and red meats and nothing has worked to continue losing weight. I had previously lost 111lbs before starting birth control pills. I decided to quit taking the…
Best diet plans (with pre-made food)?
When I try to just eat better, eat less calories, and exercise more - I fail - everytime. I do a lot better when I follow a plan that says eat this now, eat this then, do this workout. I also do better when I am NOT cooking my own meals for breakfast and lunch - I do much better with PRE-MADE MEALS whether that be frozen,…
Hobbies that help lose weight without feeling like exercise (low impact)?
Looking for a hobby - something to maybe get me outdoors or get me active. But I do NOT want it to feel like exercise. I want to do something that is fun, interesting, and that I will continue doing. Needs to be year round. Must be LOW IMPACT. Even just jogging causes stress fractures in my feet when I try to do that a few…
Saving Calories / Fasting
So my wife bought me a cheese of the month subscription for my birthday before I decided to try really watching my calories. I’m fasting today to save my calories for when the cheese arrives so I can have a little extra (skipped my lunch). Are there dangers to doing this? Should I not make this a habit?
Tryin’ to feed a body good (with a glass of red of corse) 😉
PCOS & weightloss
Hello everyone! I was wondering if any of you were struggling with PCOS as well. I have been trying to lose weight and have been counting calories and intermittent fasting 11-7 and the scale still doesn’t move I also go on runs which I enjoy but the scale doesn’t move down it only goes up lately. I was wondering if you all…
Anyone read any of these HEALTHY LIFESTYLE books?
Looking for a good read - not a diet to follow - just a good read that is related to healthy living, relatable stories, tips and tricks, ideas, etc. Anyone read of of these and have opinion:Target 100 Healthy as *kitten* Elephant in the Room Mini Habits The Obesity Code
I have this rash on the inside or my arm and neck. Comes and goes. Also notice pain just under my right rib. It’s a red shiny burning rash. I am 6 years out from Gastric Sleeve surgery 9/2014. Gall bladder removed in 10/2019. Any advice??
Are you happy with your decision to have bariatric surgery?
Higi Station vs my station
I work at a retail pharmacy that has a Higi station. Well, of course Higi says I weigh pounds more than my own scale. Maybe it is the heavy work shoes I wear and work clothes vs stripping down to min clothing. I also have higher blood pressure than at home. Apparently at work I weigh almost 7 pounds more than at home.…
Activity level
hi Ive been logging for over 2 months ive lost 11lbs i only have 6 more to go but im unsure if i my activity level is correct as ive binged a few weekends which i don't want to start this Currently light active as i have a desk job 3 days a week 6 hours a day but I work out 5 times a week ( HiiT weight based training) and…
Angry with myself
I am so angry at my right now because I reverted back to old habits and gained 30+ lbs. I promised myself I would never go over 300 but now I’m 310 and really annoyed. I need to get back on tract immediately.
Adding a recipe
I'm having some trouble. I've added ingredients for a recipe (a package of this, a can of that, a pound of something else, etc), to equal a grand total for the batch. I can't figure out how to create my own specific serving sizes? Help?
Why am I so lethargic?
I'm currently doing calorie cycling, and the daily goals range from 1499-2280 calories a week. So far, it's been a success, but I'm noticing a drop in my energy levels lately. I mean, I still get up at 6am to do my morning walks, but I am no longer motivated to lift weights nor do my HIIT workouts. It worked all really…
How do I lose weight instead of building muscle???
Hi all, thanks for taking the time to read!! I am 5’1 and ~159 (down from 165, woo!), but I feel I’ve reached a standstill. I have been trying to eat around 1700-1900 calories a day (I admit I ate a lot this weekend on my birthday) but I feel like every time I try to lose weight, I don’t lose any weight and build muscle…
How to disguise your overweight body?
I hate looking in the mirror, hate seeing photos of myself, hate standing next to anyone regular sizes, hate walking past stores and seeing myself in the window reflection. I am male. 315lbs and 6ft 3" tall. Got a giant belly, double chin, fat face, thick gigantic calves, etc. Even if I lost 100 pounds I would still be a…
Anyone lost major weight just eating better (no exercise)?
I want to focus on one thing. Eating better is easier for me because it's based on what is around, decisions, etc. - already getting a meal delivery service for dinner (EveryPlate) which drastically reduces how much I eat and increases the quality of foods and portions. No seconds or thirds since there is nothing left over…
Anxiety and panic attacks
Hey guys! In 2015 I was doing great losing weight until early 2016...I started getting anxiety attacks and since then my weight loss has suffered a lot every time I get hungry I get very anxious and I eat a lot when this happens because I get very desperate. (I also have pre-diabetes) I have gained weight again...I don't…
Fat cells
I saw on the Netflix program Connected that fat cells live 9-10 years. Can anyone confirm?
Clothes Size and Weight Loss
As someone who likes clothes, setting off and losing 140lbs did lead me to think how much longer will my clothes fit and what size will I end up at. I have spent quite a bit of time trying to work out where my clothes size will end up. But now as I'm just at my halfway point, I'm already under where I thought I would…
21 days of gluten free, because wheat is so addictive and toxic
I am starting 21 days of gluten free nutrition I noticed that I binge alot when and I cant control my intake at all does anyone want to join me? I hope to lose around 5 pounds.
Calories logging tips or how heatlhy food consumption is like helathy financial behaviour
TL;DR - How do you eyeball calorie intake of a meal in the long run? -- I repeatedly try to log calories (on this app and other tools) but miserably fail every time, mostly I think because I can't correctly "eyeball" the food I eat. At the times I try to be meticulous and search for each ingredient and be very precise I…
Weight loss plateau due to under eating
I'm 5'4, 167lbs, and have started using MyFitnessPal a month ago. I couple my weight loss plan with a fitbit, and I do Muay Thai 2 times a week, hot power yoga 2 times a week, and regular yoga once a week. I also reach 10k steps at least 4 times a week. My goal is to lose 1 lb per week. I have always had a pretty high…
Too much food?
I've only been doing this for a few days, but this app is trying to make me eat more than I am accustomed to, based on the amount of exercise I get. Help! This thing is going to make me gain weight if I really follow it. I have been eating the way I do (very little) ever since I went thru menopause and I CANNOT seem to…
Discovered a new exercise :)
Ok, not really. But am going to combine 2 things I can do to improve myself and the environment. :) I've been noticing such an uptick of trash along the roads lately. Heading out today, parking my car at one of the worst places, and walking to pick up trash. So many positives from this, exercise, environment AND it'll keep…