Transitioning to Bulking! Need help!
I was gonna wait til I got down to my goal weight of 175 to begin bulking but after my Gym manager advised to start putting on muscles I decided to begin bulking Friday. My maintenance calories are around 2450 so how much more should I eat above maintenance to gain muscles?
Very discouraged and frustrated
Hello everyone! I just wanted to get some advice and vent a little. I am a 39 year old female, 5'6", and weigh 195 as of this morning. I started MyFitnessPal two weeks ago, and have been on a 1290 calorie diet. I am moderately active due to what I do for a living. The problem I currently have is that I have gained seven…
Starting to 'binge'...
... on granola clusters mainly :frown: I'm in the need of gaining weight, a couple of kilos, which is why I've been eating at TDEE (or what I think my TDEE is) + 10%. However, I'm currently at my father's (and will be for the next couple of weeks) and my control is slowly slipping. It's never happened and I feel absolutely…
Can I gain muscle without gaining weight?
I'm at 110 pounds and my ultimate goal weight is 105. I just started 30 Day Shred and I'm going to actively try to gain muscle. However, I still want to get down to 105. Is it possible or am I going to see scale increases because muscle weighs more than fat? Btw, I'm 5'2" and I usually eat ~1300 on average. I haven't eaten…
Transition to bulking today! Who is with me?
Ooh, fancy new forum category :love: . Since this is about bulk/cut cycles do I have to move this back and forth every 6 weeks or so :laugh: ? I'm pretty much at my ideal weight, but my lifts have stopped progressing. I am excited for the aesthetic changes that will come with recomping, but hitting my strength goals…
Cardio or weights?
If I want to loose weight (I weigh 200lbs now) should I actively do cardio first to loose the inital fat and then build muscle by strength training or should I work the other way around weights first cardio second? What worked for you tell me your story?
question on weight gain
I have lost close to 50 pounds the last 2 years. I do not lift weights due to a neck problem I have, but I do the elliptical, zumba, and other forms of cardio. Recently I added crunches to my work outs. I do 300-350 everyday I work out which is 5 days a week. I have been doing a good job of keeping under my daily calories,…
Former skinny guy syndrome
I was reading about the former fat guy syndrome. I have it. But I was never fat. I've always been thin, and for the last few years I was pretty skinny with both low bodyfat and muscle. Now after about 8 weeks of eating more, I've gained about 4 lbs, which is a good, pretty clean rate. Lifts are going up at a rapid pace, I…
One week update :)
I joined the website last Sunday and I weighed myself last Monday. I was 137 and while that was a gain from the end of last year, I was pretty down because I thought I should've weighed more. I weighed myself a few minutes ago and I am now at 141. Four pounds gained. All from exercising and eating healthier. I am so…
Will this avoid gaining so much weight
For a long time i have been depressed and it effected my eating habits, i would only eat about 1200 calories a day, and drink nothing but water, i also exercised alot. I lost alot of weight, but now i want to eat more(but not gain so much weight), i heard that my metabolism should be low right now cause of this, meaning if…
healty natural weigh gain
Greetings fitness pals, I'm 6'2" 153lbs and under weight my goal is simple as to gain some mass, it's amazing how many sites there is out there to lose weight, but nothing for hard gainers, I have tried countless programs, and numerous so called weight gainers but it seems I'm flushing it down the toilet so to speak, I…
Calories Burned
I am trimg to figure out how many calories I should eat a day.....Can someone tell me how My finess Pal figures out calories burned?
mini cut?
How to fo a mini-cut while bulking? Fo I need to decrease my calories slowly? Is it too early to do it after 3 kg ? I think that I'm losing my shreddiness xD maybe I raised calories too much or too fast? I've been adding 45 / 50 cals per day till 2678 and now my macros are 185 / 351 / 60 p/c/f. My weight is around 151 lb…
how to explain a bulk to someone..
after losing 50 pounds and starting a bulk I still keep getting asked "hows the weight loss going".. when I tell them I am bulking or when they see me eating like a horse, noone seems to understand and just laugh and say they knew I wouldnt keep the healthy eating up!! I tell them that I am looking to build muscle and that…
Feeling great so far!
Hello everyone! I've only been a member for about a week now, but this site has really helped me in my quest to gain weight so far. I'm eating healthier and it feels great to be laying off the junk food, fast food and caffeine. I honestly don't miss those at all. My next weighing day isn't until Monday, but I already…
Macros for Gaining LMM
Hey guys... I wanted to get some thoughts of different macros for building LMM. I would like to keep the fat down so we are talking about clean eating I would think. I was thinking about going with a 40/40/20 plan. Does anyone have any thoughts or input if this would be optimal for my goal... if not what might be a better…
Recovering anorexics - fear foods?
Just curious . Mine are bananas ( I know, crazy) and pizza.
Weight gan-MAJOR
I am 168 cm and weighed 45 kg on Saturday morning. I am not diagnosed with anorexia or anything but i was on the edge of it, i think.Anyway I was on a very restricted diet( 500-600 calores-that i would spend on exercise anyway, no sweets, unhealthy foods etc) for 5-6 months and then when reaching my goal weight i…
gaining weight and lifting light weights??
Currently i do not have access to heavy weights so I make do with what i have. I have been on a "weight gaining diet" given to me by a nutritionist. i run around 18-20 miles /week,eat around 1400 on sedetary days, 1500-1600 on active/workout days. I need to gain 3-5 pounds but am concearned because of my 5'1" frame. All i…
New to MyFitnessPal.com
Hello everyone! My name is Brandon and I joined the site five days ago. I joined because I have been wanting to gain weight for a couple years now and I'm more determined than ever at this moment. I am 5'10 and only 137 pounds. Though I am four pounds heavier than I was last year, I want to get up to 150 pounds by…
What's for Dinner?
Figured this would be a good place for all of us people in a bulk to share our meals. For me it was: * Sweet Potato Gnocchi in a butter and sage sauce * 1/2 cup Edamame shelled * 2 Full Eggs & 4 Egg white omlette. * Dessert = Homemade Casein pudding with Graham cracker crumbles and bananas! 764 Cals, 64P / 67C / 27F Yum! :)
Would somebody please explain cutting?
Hi, I've recently started eating around 300 calories more than my maintenance to put on a bit of weight, although now I think I've put on a bit too much BF%. I lift heavy 3(4)/7 days and cardio 2/7 What/how/when should I cut? Do you still lift as much as you were? I'm 6"3, 180 lbs Thank you in advance
I just had liquid calories .
Apart from bananas and pizzas ( which will never happen ) liquid calories are like my biggest fear foods, I'm freaking out but a little bit proud . Sorry, I just wanted to share that.
Good high calorie foods?
H there! My son is almost 17, 6' 3" and 150 pounds. He eats a lot, but he can't seem to stop the pesky growing up instead of out. :smile: I would love to hear suggestions of foods to help him put on some weight. I would prefer high fat, high protein foods.
Bulimia. Please don't judge me, I need help.
I've set up this page so I can ask this question and not disappoint any of my MFP followers and friends. The past almost 2 years I've lost a lot of weight and reached my target. I have the body I dreamed of. My problem is my appetite overtakes me sometimes and makes me panic so much. Last year in October or November, I…
Can I gain back the weight in muscle?
Long story short, I went to the doctor and they told me if I don't get my weight up, I'm going to be hospitalized. I ran every morning and did pilates in the afternoon until my doctor told me I had to stop last week. I wasn't snacking inbetween meals and supposedly my portion sizes were messed up, causing me to lose an…
Eating Disorder Support
Anyone on here trying to gain weight in recovery from anorexia? Any tips on not getting scared about the rate? Anyone using a meal plan instead of calorie counting...aka trusting a nutritionist? Weighing daily or weekly? Dealing with how you think people think of your new body? I have struggled with literally every…
Recovering from Anorexia...
Honestly, not that underweight, so I'm hoping I can continue to diet as long as I change my mindset?
I feel like MFP is finally being inclusive
Need motivation
:happy: Hi, I would really like it if someone can help me get motivated i am really tring and need help I ended up losing 30 pounds, then I got sick and can't get that motivation back. Pleashelp me get on track:flowerforyou: