How can I at the same time gain muscle and lose fat?
If I do too much cardio , I lose muscle and fat. If I straight weight train with eating plenty of protein I gain muscle and keep fat
I don’t know what I’m doing
I’ve lost 95 lbs since last February and since around September I’ve been doing a workout I found on YouTube of Caroline girvan with 20 lb dumbbells. I started using weights simply because I saw some really old weights of my son in laws in my storage building and asked could I have them. I’ve never been to a gym before and…
Weight and muscle gain
Is there anyone else that is trying to gain weight having difficulty?
I love to be fit always do you think it keeps us healthy or it doesn’t mean anything
Health is wealth I think is underrated
Cut after bulk. 42 yo male
5’8” Male 191 lbs 12.6% body fat. July 2022 I was 252 lbs. May 2023 I dropped to 178 lbs with a combo of calorie deficit, 5-6 days a week with strength and cardio workouts. Also counted macros. July 2023 I decided I would focus more on weight lifting, but not count calories. I made sure to get 175g’s protein a day, and…
I am going to mention Sex
I am 60 and I do lots of cardio work and strength and resistance training at the gym, I have a personal trainer too. The problem with this routine is that I am broken. I have numerous issues brought about by living life. It's quite hard not to let these issues harm your motivation. Tell me about your pains and aches too…
Deficit break - looking for maintenance
Hi all. I’ve been on a deficit since March of 2023 and have lost about 52 lbs - it’s been a small deficit - focusing on protein intake to maintain as much muscle mass - strength train about 5 days a week for the past 2 years consistently. Now taking a break bc I don’t want to lose much more weight and want to better fuel…
5'6(F) 255lbs want to gain muscle and lose fat
Today I started lifting heavier weights at the gym and walked for 45 minutes outside. Can I lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? I've been using 310 Nutrition shakes. I'm 37(female)with large build(seriously I have size 12 feet).and previous weight loss down to 150 and you could see my ribs. I lost weight the first…
Am I injured?
Hello everyone. I have started going to the gym since September of 2023. Everything is going relatively fine, except my tricep exercises. I cannot even do tricep extensions with 3-5kg with my right arm, while I do these with extreme ease with my left arm. I have no pain in my right tricep, it just feels weak. It feels…
Suggestions for bulking/ gaining weight
I am currently 130 around 10 percent body fat, and I want to bulk up. Any suggestions on foods with high calories that aren’t as filling. Thanks
Thoughts on weekly protein average vs daily protein?
For weight loss, if I have a calorie goal of 2000 calories per day and I hit 1800 one day and 2200 the next, as long as it averages out to be 2000, I'll lose weight. Does that go for protein as well? If I have a goal of 150g of protein daily and hit 200 one day but only 100 the next, will I still put on muscle as long as…
FTM 5'5 206 LBS looking to lose fat and gain a fair amount of muscle
I think body recomposition would be in my best interest, but I don't want to look too big. I want to have broad shoulders and a big back. That's for sure. Legs are too big!! I think I already have a decent amount of muscle. I just have a high body fat percentage. I'm currently taking in ~1,200 calories a day since I'm…
What should be my intake when bulking?
Hi all, After years of training alongside sport, I’ve recently quit sport and now decided to gym full time as it aligns better with work. I have never bulked before and want to make sure I get it right from the start. I have been struggling to calculate my intake for when bulking. I am 6’3 (191cm) and weigh 220lbs (100kg)…
when do I start cutting?
I’ve been bulking for about 2-3 months and just started lifting in august. I take weight lifting in my high school so i can’t really do all that i want but it’s at least something until i can get a gym membership
Can I bulk at this body fat percentage?
A very good afternoon, it’s Matteo. I’ve realised that I’m 16% body fat and I’ve discovered it with a scan. Do you think I can lean bulk with this bf percentage? Also, I was thinking of bulking until 18% body fat and then cut down. Another question: how long does it take to lose 1% BF if I will aim in the future a cut of…
Bulk meals
Hey guys, I’ve been lifting for about 2 years now but this is the first year I’ve done a bulk. I’ve been struggling to find good protein and calorie filled meals to bulk up, if anyone has any recommendations I would really appreciate the help.
Bulking For Hard-Gainers
I'm starting a 4000 calorie diet with a 40-30-30 split. After 3 years of going back and forth between 170-200 I've decided to throw my temporary happiness to the wind on the road to my long-term goal of 225lbs for absolute satisfaction of beating my metabolism and achieving my goals. The hard part...eating this much in a…
For help with bulking
Bulking – A Complete Guide For Beginners
There are many that come through and ask questions and I'm sure there are some that lurk and are probably afraid to ask so I wanted to share one of my favorite readings when it comes to bulking. It's straight forward without the frills and nonsense. The author a member of this forum and on bb.com. I have had the pleasure…
How many calories are you taking in daily?
Opinion on leg day program
Hi! I'm a bit lost to bodybuilding as I've been trying to bulk for a while now but I keep hitting a plateau or even lose weight sometimes. (I'm a woman, 19y, eating 2,400kcal) I workout 4 times a week (not legs only but I don't know if I'm doing it right on this day specifically - I train legs 2 times a week) here's my leg…
Body Building
Anyone have a good bodybuilder spilt / routine? (Training for aesthetics) Currently 176 lbs 6’0 6%
Body builder
I have been using the MyFitnessPal app and I have been tracking my calories and also I’ve been ordering from Uber and trying to get the highest calories that I can find eating healthy and I’m having a hard time bulking eating two plates at once but I’m trying to fit it in I’m drinking a lot of water 32 ounces to 36 ounces.…
First Time Bulking
I have a lot of question for this topic, I have been training for 2 years my main goal since the beginning was to loose weight and I did, by stupidly being in a caloric deficit for about 1 year... YES I lost the weight but I never felt that I looked the way I wanted... because I was never able to build muscle; so now...…
60+ Bodybuilding
Any masters bodybuilders here? Training, nutrition, and recovery are my areas of focus. Mutual respect and support are my M.O. ✌🏼
Weight gain tips
Weight gain
Is it okay to go over my calorie goal if I’m trying to gain weight
Is it okay to go over my calorie goal if I’m trying to gain weight? I’m trying to gain weight for the gym and to be a healthy weight but should I go over my calorie and macro limits if I can or will this have a negative effect?
Skinny support. Calorie surplus & workout advice welcomed
Hey, quick introduction: I’m 27, have been skinny my whole life. I’ve always disliked the feeling of being full and bloated so have continuously skipped meals if I didn’t feel hungry enough. Now I’m creeping to my 30s I have a desire to really increase my overall size. I’m currently around 130 lbs and have a target of 3000…
trouble gaining weight?
does anyone else feel like they can’t gain weight for the life of them? i was recently sick and i lost about 10 pounds i really can’t afford to lose. i have tried to eat more, and more nutritious foods, but i just can’t force feed myself all day long. it’s really hard for me to be hungry, because once i eat i feel full for…
How to gain weight from 47 kg to 70 kg please suggest me
How to gain weight from 47 kg to 70 kg please suggest me