Gain weight and building muscle
hello! im 5'10 and 50kg, if i may ask if going to the gym while im 50kg help in gaining weight? im also doing calorie surplus.
New and looking for people to journey with!
Hi, I’m new to the community and just want to meet people on whatever their goals may be on here. I’ve been learning a lot since starting down my path and I’m interested in everyone’s journey whatever they may be. When I started I weighed 163 and in the 2.5 months I’m at 180(ish) - I’m currently trying to build mass and…
What does a cut involve?
When you cut, do you have to eat perfectly healthy and a certain amount of protein, or do you eat what you would usually eat, but less? do you stay the same weight when you build muscle?
Inconvenience to log weight.
Does anyone else find it inconvenient to log their weight daily? I have to go to my profile, edit it and then also accept that I want to change my daily goals… too many steps right?
Can’t gain weight on 4000 calories
I am female, 23 years and recently I’ve struggled to gain to a healthy weight I used to have slightly chubby face a few years ago and now its gaunt and boney especially if I eat a normal amt (1500-2000 calories) I usually binge and try to be in a caloric surplus, im not active I have been eating 4000 calories but I still…
New here, a little desperate
Hello everyone! To get to the point, I'm lazy when it comes to food and horribly underweight. I don't think I qualify to have ARFID but I think eating is a hassle and a lot of the time nothing "sounds good" so I just chug an 8oz strawberry plus equate shake (Walmart brand knock-off Ensure, 350 calories). I'm 5'8", female.…
35 YO male, 6 ft 261lbs. Good chunk of fat around my stomach, some muscle, nothing crazy. Just started inputting my food and setting goals. Question. I want to put on muscle, should I lose a chunk of body fat first, or just start eating to build and see where I end up. Any response would be appreciated, I’ve tried to read…
Trying to gain weight by eating and workouts
I am a 26 year old male struggling to gain weight. I am trying lose this toothpick shape
New to tracking macros
Hello new here to tracking nutrition in order to gain muscle mass. 180 pound male 6 ft any advice
Calorie intake vs training
So without trying to sound like a complete noob. I’ve always had a bit of trouble gaining weight, I now realise how important diet is. I am current consuming 3500 calories a day. Made up off 315g protein, 360g carbs, 100g fats. If I burn 500 calories during a gym session should I be making that up. Meaning should I be…
My Competition Goal
Hi folks :) I turned 49 today and have always been a gym user / sporty but in the last few years I've had a goal in my head to compete in a bikini competition by the age of 50 (or during my 50th year). Anyone got / had a similar story they can share for inspiration? I'm female, 5ft 7" and weigh-in at 80kgs. Need to get…
How to lose the dad bod at 43?
Hi everyone, i've used MFP for al long time but never posted before. I'm 5'11 185lbs and work out 3 times a week full upper body exercises, i wants to add legs but i struggle for time and not sure yet how to fit this in. Been doing this for 4 weeks now thinking i go to push pull legs routine. I do train with intensity and…
Finding Maintenance Calories !
Hi guys just asking does anyone know the best way to find my maintenance calories so i can add more to bulk. It’s just u don’t know what website to trust cause they are all giving me different answers. Thanks in advance
Am I overtraining?
Background; 62yo male novice weightlifter (less than two years). I eat right and get enough sleep. Still gaining strength but always tired. My workout is below; tell me what you think. Day 1. Barbell dead lift 4 sets of 8 Chin-ups 4 sets max reps Barbell bent over row 4 sets of 8 Barbell bicep curl 4 sets of 8 Barbell…
Body building
Hi MFP peeps! I'm new on here and I am in need of yalls help. I am starting my body builsing journey. Any of you out there current body builders, male or female. I want to pick some brains and gain some knowledge on nutrition and work outs. Thanks guys!
Lady wanting to gain weight
Hi, i am back on mfp after a long time because i need to gain weight. I am 60 years old, hold too much weight on my waist but overall am quite slim. I recently changed to a dairy free diet due to an intolerance but 4 weeks on i have lost alot of weight which i am really upset about as i was not heavy to start with. I am 5…
Help with bulking
I am trying to bulk I take two shakes a day along with my meals the shakes have 1350 calories and 50 grams of protein in each but I feel so sick after drinking them idk what to do
Are you a hard gainer, please read!
Since one of the most common threads in this section seems to be that people struggle to gain weight, I wanted to create a one stop source for members to read on how to gain (particularly, specific foods to help and some techniques). First, you have to eat enough calories to get above your maintenance levels; you cannot…
8 Month Progress Update
Checkout my first workout Vlog here. Current weight: 155 lbs Starting weight: 142 lbs Goal Weight: 170 lbs I'm looking to hit my quads twice a week as they are a weak point. I'm starting with the standard squat at the start of the and ending with weighted lunges but I'm thinking about swapping out standard squats for front…
Gain weight and lose the belly?
I'm trying to build up muscle and put on size, but I can't seem to shift my belly and see a six-pack. I'd like to think I'm eating fairly well, but yes could probably be better. I'm in the gym 5 times a week, early mornings. I don't have any cardio or hiit in the program, it is purely weight training. Any advice or…
Bulking and supplement tips
I’m a 5’9 guy who weighs 116 pounds and i’m very active from football practice and the gym but no matter how hard i try i don’t gain i eat about 3000 calories a day while on creatine and all i’ve been doing is maintaining my weight i’m lost on what to do to gain any tips would be greatly appreciated
Lifting and Breathing
Breathing at the gym. This sounds like such a stupid question , but it is becoming an issue for me and I need suggestions. I’ve done yoga for years and have always focused on slow yogic breathing. I have no breathing issues whatsoever during a challenging power class, because I’m so accustomed to linking breath to…
Gaining weight and muscle
So I eat 3000 calories and almost 200 grams of protein a day. Should I work out twice a day to gain more muscle since I am a skinnier person?
Staying Off SARMS
Anyone else slightly concerned at the prevalence of SARM usage - especially at such young ages? See it all over tiktok - and young women especially seem to find it 'better' than traditional tren injections. We all want capped delts and *kitten*, but what are some good reasons to stay off the SARM juice?
Time to Gain! Anyone running a bulk?
Hi everyone! It's time for me to transition into yet another bulk cycle. B) Anyone else bulking now or soon? Feel free to discuss your goals, methods used, share your progress, or even if you aren't bulking but have any questions or want to share your past results, you can do it here As for me, this will be bulk #4. I did…
Fighting my metabolism and labor
Hey all, Firstly and basically a TLDR, I'd like to say I would like to find friends that are on a similar ectomorphic journey to gain weight. So I decided to start a new journey to better health, primarily mental. I've struggled with adhd all of my life, been diagnosed and unmedicated since about 9. I finally got…
Gaining weight recovering from an eating disorder
Hi, Id like to talk to anyone else that is in the same issue as I am. And see how they got out of their eating disorders. Men and women welcome to share, I need all the help I can get :)
Help gaining weight and muscle (1kg per week)
Im currently 65 kg Consuming around 4500 calories per day Including 2 mass gainer shakes I’m working out 5 days a week doing a combination of isolated weights training and animal crawls and movements. Any advice on gaining weight, building lots of muscle or supportive supplements would be great!
Gaining weight back after surgery
A month ago I had a partial glossectomy (removal of part of the tongue)after being diagnosed with oral cancer. Recovery is going as expected; it's slow and painful but I'm getting there. For the first 3 weeks I was on a liquid diet. I've always needed to eat around 2400 calories just to maintain my weight and it was harder…
Help - 4 day split (Strength / Hypertrophy) plan
Hello, I am new to the community and was hoping I could solicit some help. I am trying to develop a 4 day split (Strength / Hypertrophy) plan but I need some help due to the limited equipment I have. I am looking to do a Mon/Tue - Strength, Wed - Off, Thurs/Fri - Hypertrophy, Sat/Sun - Off. The trick here is I only have…