Going to bulk but honestly not sure what I’m doing. Goal, killer bum and toned everywhere else. I’m slim now and rather lucky with frame but just want to firm up everywhere and grow some impressive glutes. I’m only doing it to achieve a better bikini bod so I don’t need to be too strict. Don’t want to lose out on essential…
Is this normal?
Hi, I've been following a 4 day upper lower split for almost 6 months now. I was making great progress for the first 3 months and able to progress on the exercises each workout. However, for the past two or three months I feel like I'm stalling. I was up to 110lbs on my squat but then had to lighten it and am now working…
Its bulking time!!! With pic*
Aim +20lbs by new year!
Cutting- Keeping it Simple?
Background. I'm 52. Not a big guy nor a big eater. I did manage to get some pounds on and then leaned down. I read a lot on this website about cutting. Seems to be over complicated Most of us are not mass monsters and will not be Ronnie Colemens types. I found the cutting process to be very simple. Eat at a slight deficit…
Trouble hitting carbs
Hi guys, new here (first post, been lurking a lot soaking in knowledge lol). I've been tracking my calories/meals etc for a couple weeks and while i think i'm doing okay, I seem to be having a little trouble hitting my carb targets. Don't get me wrong, i'm under by about 30 or so, every so often (sometimes i manage to hit…
I have just gotten into loosing weight, eating healthy, and exercising. However, my arms are extremely large. They don’t seem to go with my body. My arms are hereditary. Everyone on my dad’s side have extremely large arms. I have heard I needed to do extreme weight lifting, but as large as my arms are I have no strength in…
Anyone use plant protein instead of whey?
Probably a silly question, but any differences in gains that you’ve noticed? I’m thinking of making the switch because I’m realizing that whey gives me some bloat. Are there any good complete plant proteins on the market that anyone can recommend?
Supplements every day or on Gym days
I’m not new to the working out routine or crazy workout schedules but I am new to finding what supplements are the best and how often / much realistically I should be taking. I am on a schedule to be in the gym 5 days a week 1-3 hours a session. Moderate to hard lifting. Rest on weekends. Any tips for brands, volumes and…
Protein, gout and gaining muscle mass
I suffer from gout (ouch!) and so am very careful about protein sources - now I'm looking to gain some muscle mass I'm wondering if there is a minimum level and how that might affect me. A rate of 1g per kg bodyweight (or more) gets mentioned a lot but even thinking about this much protein makes my toes ache. Is there a…
Im 6’ tall and i use to weight 288lbs and ive lost down to 253lbs with proper diet and exercise but my problem is i cant break the 250lb mark no matter what i do and its been like 3 months ill weigh one day and itll say 253lbs the next day itll say 257lbs i dont know what else to do
Can you recommend...
I want to be sure I’m using the correct form and rotating workouts. I’m doing well, but am a very structured person. Anyone know of a good schedule with upper and lower workouts? Something for novice builders?
Weight loss :(
I’m 20 , 5’3 and currently 96lbs. I can’t keep in weight especially in stressful times. I’m trying to get my weight back up but nothings helping:( any advice ?
Hey guys so I'm 21 year old female and have pretty much had a flat stomach and abs all my life as i was athletic in school. Although i was eating what ever I wanted ha. I've always been around the 8 stone 7 mark. I've gained and lost weight over my time. Over the last 2 months I have been gaining weight pretty much all…
Bulk or nah?
I’ve already posted this question with a photo of me when I just woke up and people told me to bulk but I’m really not sure. Here are my photos as of tonight. I’m 140lbs and 5’6
High reps vs low reps
I have read that you can gain muscle with high repetition lifting with light weight until exhaustion and do as well as low repetition with heavy weights. I am thinking about switching to this method for safety reasons. I work out by myself and don’t have a spotter. I am 63years old. Any suggestions or opinions are…
Squatting form
Hi I’m a 61 yr old male 73kg and 177cm I’ve exercised all my life, mostly cardio with some strength work focussed on cycling Recently (12 months) started weight training now on strong lifts (5x5) Doing 3 alternate days but still doing a lot of cardio 6 hrs a week (part time spin and aerobic step instructor) I’m finding…
muscle gain, how much monthly?
Hello everyone! I just Weighted my cell again, muscle gain on a month and 1-week 1 LB. That sound correct for beginners? I am not 20 ’s anymore perhaps that has to do with my gain of muscle. I have bing working-out 3 days a week.
Changing from stronglifts.
Ive been doing stronglifts 5x5 for some time now, about 5 months, including a 1 month break through injury. I have found my strength has improved a lot in this time and still enjoy the program. However, i am finding the recovery time too long, mainly with squatting every workout. I am thinking of changing to either PHUL or…
Anyone up for some Before/After pic comparison? (Spring-Summer '18)
Out of boredom, anyone interested in posting before/after pics for the upcoming summer? Doesn't matter if cutting, bulking, or recomping...timeframe not too important (1,2,3 months, etc.) In need of some motivation/boredom killing Always fun analyzing & reflecting whether one's goals come to fruition & how badly one messed…
Yes you CAN gain weight
I feel like this needs to be a post that stays at the top of the forum cause it’s repeated constantly! A lot of posts lately about people saying they “can’t gain weight” or “how do I gain weight” or “I have a fast metabolism” You can gain weight. If you can’t....you’re defying simple science. Intake more energy than you…
Will one cycle of dbol hurt?
I’m almost 30 years old and still can’t gain weight, I’ve tried the gym before and lost weight, I’m very active and still weight between 129-132, not sure if my natural T levels are low or what. I’m not experienced in this at all so don’t criticize please. Just wanting some info on getting weight fast , I’ve been tracking…
Help! Why have I lost?
I am trying to gain as I am very far underweight my goal weight is 145 . I weigh 112. When I found out what I weighed I took 2 days to see why. It didn't take me long. I was only eating a little over 1700 calories in a day. For almost a week I have made sure I have had at least 2500 calories and sometimes crossed the 3000…
Trying to gain weight
Hi, I am currently skinny and i am trying to put on some weight. I am currently using TNT Supamass shake, one serving at lunch time and one before bed. Is this correct? I also try and eat 3 times a day aswell. Any advice as to what to do differently to gain weight? And I am not working out at the moment.......think i have…
Using a tape measure instead of a scale
Hi. I've practically given up on finding an accurate scale for my crappy apartment. The floors are not even anywhere and I haven't come across any solid scale recommendations as everyone seems to be having issues with accuracy in one way or another. So, I've decided to use a tape measure for taking. I wish MFP had this…
Looking for a good bodyweight program for recomp
Hey guys, I recently decided to go on a recomp after losing nearly 40 pounds and now sitting at comfortable weight. Since I dislike gyms and would like to work out at home, I am looking at a bodyweight work out. The thing is, most of the ones I look at on this forum aren't really suited for beginners, and I need for…
Lean bulk and the role of extra fat stores
If a guy enters lean bulk with slight belly fat say above 15 percent and stays on lean bulk for 3 months .I want to know if he will come out with less fat and more flat belly ? Example: Say the guy is around 170 lbs with 15 percent body fat. The guy will be eating above maintenance +300 cals on workout days and on rest…
Keep cutting or start bulking?
Lost 10kg with on average 140g of protein I.e. 2g/kg. I'm 173cm and 71kg dunno if i should keep cutting or aim for a lower BF while maintaining my weight lift program https://imgur.com/a/VTGP75s
Trying to Gain weight so be more comfortable with who I am
I'm all most 130. I'm trying to get back to 160 again. Any suggestions on how to gain the weight back. I'm also battling a eating disorder and a lot of anxiety as well. I'm just trying to get back to being healthy. Thanks for any help
Need some advice on my lean bulk.
This sounds like a simple question but I've been having trouble with gaining weight recently. I've had a bad history with weight when I was young and I am afraid to overshoot my bulk. But I have cut down to a pretty lean state, where I have began to lose muscle mass. Because of this, I have been slowly plateauing and…
Clean high calorie meal plan
Looking to gain weight but struggling to meet my calorie goals whilst still keeping my diet as clean as poss. Can anyone recommend good clean meal suggestions in excess of 3000 calories