Annoying pants with muscle gains
Hey there! I have been lifting heavy for a while now and have had some gains in my thighs and butt. I still wear the same size of pants, because my waist has not changed (sz 0 / 24) but, because of those gains (between 1 and 2 inches) my jeans seem to always want to go down as I walk which is pretty annoying. Any ladies or…
DL Progress
I lost a lot of my strength after being ill and then eating a very restrictive diet. I’m working back up to my PR (340#) and working to hit 405#. I’m feeling pretty good tonight:)
I can't gain weight
I eat all day and gain no weight, can somebody help me and let me no what I'm doing wrong
Rusty bb and plates
I'm really happy I got an Olympic bb, curl bar, and a bunch of plates for cheap.. But they are rusty... Gonna do what Google search says to on how to clean but if anyone has personal experience on getting rust off I'd love to hear.
Gym renovations and cybernetic periodization
My gym is undergoing renovations and I recently found out where they are moving the heavy equipment will have no mirrors (squat racks, deadlifts) Is it worth it for me to change my program to avoid heavy lifts while they don't have any mirrors? I just feel uncomfortable doing these lifts without being able to check my…
COPD Weight Gain - Anyone here?
I just went through severe weight loss and am now on a weight gain diet, improved nutrition and strengthening exercise instead of all cardio. Hope to find others to help support each other!
Trying to find Gaining buddies
Just started 3 days ago. Looking for others that are trying to gain weight. We could share recipes, foods, exercises, and weight gain ideas. Happy Gains
How to fill my weight gain diet quota
Hi everyone, I'm new here. Ive recently lost alot of weight due to stressful life events and therefore I've joined the gym at work to gain at least 5kgs to no longer be underweight. Can anyone enlighten me on how to fill the weight gain diet quota of 50% carbohydrates, 20% protein and 30% fat? For protein i take protein…
125lbs - 156.5lbs in 2 years, cutting starts today
I’ve always been a small guy with a bit of a six pack because I was skinny. I finally decided to do something about it after graduating high school weighing 125lbs (56.7kgs). College cane with free gym membership so I took advantage, two years later I’m weighing 156.5lbs (71kg). I plan on cutting 5lbs to get cuts and 6…
Struggling to hit my protein goals
Urg. Whenever I feel like I have planned a good protein day, I find I am still nowhere near my actual protein goal when I enter it in my diary, and it's SO FRUSTRATING. I just can't hit it. My goal is 120 grams per day. The trouble is that I am really not that keen on eating meat, eggs or dairy and while it is impractical…
I seem to be constantly injuring myself lately.
I'm no spring chicken anymore, I am 38. It seems like recently I am constantly injuring myself lifting weights. If its not my neck overhead pressing, its my arm doing hammer curls. Yesterday just got back to lifting after being on holiday for 5 days, I was warming up doing dumbbell bench press, using 22.5kg dumbbells had…
Newbie looking for help with vegan gains!
Hi there! I've been strength training once a week for over a year as part of my running training...now I'm cutting down the running and want to get stronger and fitter lifting weights more often. I'm vegan and struggle to hit my protein macros without going over on fat! IIFYM says I should have 119g protein, 252g carbs,…
Any tips for gaining muscle
Im starting to get in to football and wanted to know some good diets or exercises to help gain muscle.
Not very sore
In the gym I practice good form and getting 8-12 reps and I can definitely feel it during the workout and my strength decreasing throughout as I push myself but afterwards I feel pretty normal and not as sore as I think I should. Is that normal or am I doing something wrong?
Brad Schoenfeld on Bulking/Hypertrophy
For anybody interested in bulking/hypertrophy - a good interview with Brad Schoenfeld in which he discusses various aspects of the topic pertaining to nutrition and training (and answers a lot of questions which are commonly asked here): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv9VtY2IJic
Best Lean Bulking Meals
Currently at 153lbs and my ultimate goal is to make a drastic ( good ) change in the next 6 months and hit 170lbs. Im not complicated when it comes to meals , ill eat the same thing everyday if that will get me to my goal. finally what are some good lean meals that will get me to 170lbs. Im in good shape but just want to…
Any cons of bulking and cutting at heavier body fat % than the 10-12% to 15-17% body fat?
So I have naturally thin wrists to the point that when I lean down to 10-12% body fat, although it's cool to see muscle definition and 6 pack abs without a shirt on...with a shirt on, I don't look like I lift. Of course, when I have a higher body fat, I look more massive with a shirt....of course without a shirt, there's…
Deadlifts and delts
I've been slowly getting heavier in my conventional deadlifting but as of 3 days ago my right delts in particular have been sore. I did some cupping on them and they seem fine now. I take it my legs and upper back are not strong enough yet (lifting for 16 weeks beginner) hence the delts taking the brunt. I can lift the…
Looking to Add Friends In This Community
What’s up people? Looking to add friends in this MFP realm and hopefully motivate me to do better than I have been. Been slacking a bit. Feel free to add me. Thanks!
Body curves
Good afternoon everyone, I'm 27years old, tiny person without any body curves and I weight 48.5kg. One year and half ago i started to go to gym to get more weight, body curves and feel better with myself. My body change a bit at the beginning but now I have to change my eat habits and my exercise routine to achieve my…
Gain weight/Gain muscle
I'm new to this app so anyone who can give me advice on gaining weight and muscle please comment below we can help each other
Lean Bulking and Guesswork
I am not sure why my previous post was taken down. However, I am basically inquiring how often you guys will eat out at a restaurant or guess calories rather than being super accurate with calories. As in, how many meals (typically) a week especially on a lean bulk? Also, how do you allot the calories? I typically give one…
When to switch from weight loss to building muscle
For those of you who lost fat before starting to do strength training, at what body fat % did you make that transition? I am fairly slim on legs and arms (still 30% fat according to scales) but have been at a deficit since the beginning of the year and been hovering around the same weifhtbfor a couple of months now having…
Double up on weight lifting
I been doing weight lifting for several months now. My arms/shoulders look good, my legs are awesome. As for my back I still have rolls back there, chest still needs work and for my abs well I know that will be the last thing to come. My workout now is: Monday- Shoulders, Tuesday-Back, Wed-Chest, Thur- Bis & Tris Friday-…
When I first started working out I had that typical mindset of "I want big arms and a big chest". Turns out, that's the easy bit. But good lord almighty calves just don't grow!! I'm currently doing: Seated calf raise x 6 sets Smith machine calf raise x 4 Calf press on the leg press x 3 Walking calf raises x 3 Dumbell calf…
Weighted punches
I’ve been doing them for awhile and I’m curious what are they exactly supposed to do
Help, gaining weight conundrum
Hiya, I’m 185cms (around 6ft 1) and weigh 65kg/10.4 stone, I am looking to gain weight which recently has been extremely difficult, I know I must have a surplus in calories, but I don’t know how many total calories I should eat. I currently train around 13 times a week, 9 being football(soccer training) and the remaining 4…
First figure competition cut!
I’m posting but then might vanish from this community page! (It’s very glitchy off my iPad, platform of choice). Feel free to add me as a friend to watch me attempt my first official cut in prep for a stage debut for a figure competition, and I’m happy to take friends who have already made the journey and can help me…
How much training / How much food / Weight goal
Hi I have used myfitnesspal and have reached my weight goal and l have lost 7 kgs in weight (mostly fat I think). Now I want to focus on getting stronger and more fit. I train crossfit. What I am struggling with is how to set my new weight goal. If I should gain weight, how much training do I need to complete in order to…
Doc requested I gain 10 lbs before fertility treatments....
How many cals do I need to gain 10 lbs in two weeks? I'm not allowed to exercise. I'm 37 and female.