Low Fat Bread and Gluten Free Potato Chips
I’m triggered this week. Two misleading food labels in a row. All bread is low fat! Other than banana bread. Gluten Free potato chips? Really? Guess what. Potatoes are born gluten free. In my diabetic classes I was taught to read the regulated nutrition labels. Lining up comparable products can be a real eye opener. It…
Metabolism privilege
This is an entirely theoretical question. :-) Everyone's heard of high metabolism vs. low metabolism, but how much it impacts one's ability to gain or lose weight is debated, from what I've seen. For the purposes of this question, let's pretend it exists. Not only exists, but has a huge impact. So a person could have,…
Pesticides in organic versus conventional farming
@kshama2001 suggested this be on a different thread. So yes, rotenone has moved off of the schedule of FDA approved pesticides for organic. Last I heard read it was up for removal, and it seems that has come to pass. There is still the matter of cuprics - copper derived pesticides like copper sulfate. Per a source I think…
WOE change or consistent inaccurate logging fixing stalled weight loss
So I had sort of a lightbulb moment today reading thru some of the posts which start about this time about "why am I not losing weight" etc. There are always a few folks who will pop up and say that they were stalled and then they changed up their WOE based on a Dr advice for a spouse or an issue they were having etc. and…
Why do ketogenic diets affect some people's appetite?
Clearly not everyone one's, but I find it interesting to consider why some people's hunger is impacted by ketogenic diets. I've heard insulin control as one explanation. I find this explanation unsatisfactory because if excess insulin played a large part in excess appetite, losing weight would be a virtuous cycle, even…
Keto diet -pros and cons
Hi, I’m looking to lose around 40-50 pounds. Currently , I am watching my caloric intake. Meaning, I eat foods that I like, just count my Calories and stick to my daily allowance. I’ve heard mixed reviews on the Keto diet. What are the long term effects? For those have done Keto, is it hard to stay consistent? Those who…
Is counting calories all wrong?
I have been following mfp for 1 month now and doing well with it. I just strarted if as well as monitoring calories via mfp. I dont know if i got it all wrong because this doctor claims counting calories is not a correct way to do it. https://youtu.be/jXXGxoNFag4 can anybody chime in on this?
Artificial Sweeteners
In your calorie-counting journey do you use artificial sweeteners? If so, what kind? I've heard so much talk over the years about aspartame causing cancer (my husband's aunt died from non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and the doctor told her it was caused by drinking multiple litres of diet Coke a day) and I've heard chatter recently…
This decades “health woo”
It seems like each decade/period of time has some health thing that is all the rage and then later people roll their eyes at it. What do you think this decades will be? Sugar is the enemy? HAAS? Protein shakes/supplements?
How to deal with comments
I take the whole cutting weight/bodybuilding diet/hitting macros thing pretty seriously and I'm kinda known in my groups for having a cooler full of meals in my truck, eating at certain times, protien shakes etc (yes I know meal timing isn't important. I like it. That's all. That's my reason for it.) Anyways over…
If you could choose how you die
Excuse the morbid thoughts, but this thought came into my head and it got me wondering about things more as a whole. Because yes, there's the funny answers, there's the touching answers, there's the slightly bleak answers. But I think most people don't actually think about what they would die of rather more of the…
I am concerned about the emphasis on drinking large quantities of water. Please research hyponatremia. It appears that our society has been over focusing on drinking water and it has become quite dangerous. I listened to a podcast recently that discussed this and we should just all be aware of the very real dangers of…
Any Fitbit/watch users that play piano?
Is there a way for your watch/Fitbit to NOT count piano playing as steps?? I teach choir and get 8000 steps/class! Lol!
What is Less-healthy? being obese or being a "fit" smoker?
I quit smoking, since then I have gained the 20 pounds back that I had spent the last 8 months losing. Everyone tells me that is a normal occurance but I cannot seem to get back on track with me eating and my fitness routine has gone by the wayside as well. I felt very healthy as a smoker and very in control. Now I am…
Nothing makes me scroll faster than seeing "keto"
That't it. That's the post.
USA vs. Europe, NY Times
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/28/well/eat/food-additives-banned-europe-united-states.html Just an interesting article on the various food additives banned in Europe vs. USA...try not to fight too much & keep an open mind
We're not responsible for being obese?
http://www.cnn.com/2017/12/27/opinions/life-expectancy-corporations-opinion-sachs/index.html Just read this article on CNN and it really infuriated me. I think the line that was the toughest to stomach was "While the obesity and opioid epidemics are sometimes written off as "bad life choices," these epidemics are largely…
Hey MFP Fam, Ok . . . We all know that the Body Mass index (BMI) is a screening tool that can indicate whether a person is underweight, healthy weight, excess weight, or obesity. If a person's BMI is outside of the healthy range, their health risks may increase significantly. But we’ve also heard experts say that "BMI is…
Diet & depression Wall Street Journal
https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-food-that-helps-battle-depression-1522678367?mod=e2fb Interesting new field. What do you think?
“Physically Fit Women Nearly 90% Less Likely To Develop Dementia”
Personally I work with disabled seniors, most of whom have dementia and it’s just an awful, cruel disease that robs a person of their independence and dignity. Generally people not familiar with dementia only think of the memory issues associated with the disease, but it is so much more than that. Everyone’s degree of…
Official nutritional advice
...is it just me, or is the official nutritional guidance we're given often kind of terrible? Today there's been a BBC news story about the benefits of fibre. So far so good, but I'm staring at the NHS nutritional advice in horror. Everyone tells you to eat fruits and vegetables to get fibre. Has anyone looked at the…
Working out in the Morning vs. Night
I have watched so many YouTube videos on this theory. Is it better to workout in the morning or after 5pm? What are some pros and cons? What’s your experience?
I'm within the obese range (I weigh 200lbs) and I disagree with the fat acceptance movement!
The fat acceptance movement encourages unhealthy lifestyles. When Tess Holliday reaches her 40s, she is going to suffer from a lot of health problems and find it very very hard to lose weight because of reduced bone density. If you criticise obese social media celebrities, you get labelled as a 'bully' or a 'fat shamer'.…
'Traditional masculinity' deemed harmful
Oh boy - more political correctness! Here is the article cut/pasted into this post. The links to the paper and the article are below: 'Traditional masculinity' deemed harmful, could lead to sexual harassment, medical group says By Lukas Mikelionis | Fox News It's all your fault, men. For the first time in its history, the…
Planet Fitness or YMCA
So I am a teenager who is now reaching my goal weight. Looking for an affordable yet has good things gym. I want to now start lifting which of these gyms would offer better stuff for that?
Do you read with a sense of skepticism?
I'm exhausted from New Year's Eve and from a lot of exercise today. I've been reading to stay awake until a respectable hour to go to bed. There was an article about how dairy is dangerous and addictive, should come with warning labels, gives you leaky gut syndrome, and makes your car break down. This quote early on got me…
Calorie Deficit vs Starving Yourself
I think starving yourself is defined as eating less than 1000 calories. But what's really the difference between the two?
What commonly given MFP Forum advice do you personally disagree with?
Nutrition/fitness/weight loss.
Fat Acceptance Movement
I was thinking about body image issues (my own and society's in general) and I learned about something called the Fat Acceptance Movement. The Healthy at Any Size Movement is related to this as well. I am curious what people's thoughts on this are. Personally I am of two minds about it. I have never been clinically…
Why aren’t there more 500+ pound people?
I was reading a statistic that the average American consumes 3750 calories a day. Before I got in shape, I’m certain that I was averaging numbers like that but the largest I ever got was 238# ( 6’ tall guy) When I lost weight it was really linear. I lost a pound a week over 65 weeks by using a 500 cal a day deficit.It went…