School lunch: should children or parents choose?
I can see both sides of the argument. Curious to hear your thoughts.
How would you feel about a robot preparing your food?
There’s a restaurant in San Francisco called “Creator” that features a robot that cooks and assembles a burger from start to finish in 5 minutes from freshly prepared ingredients: grinding and cooking the meat, slicing the toppings, toasting the bun, etc. Here is a fun and thoroughly written review about the restaurant’s…
Cancer Research UK Controversial Ads - Thoughts?
Some of you may have seen there's been a big hubbub the last week or so about CRUK's latest ad campaign targeting obesity. https://news.sky.com/story/cancer-research-advert-criticised-for-comparing-smoking-to-obesity-11754904 Those of you who haven't seen/heard, they are using a mock-up of a cigarette packet to indicate…
Talking to a loved one about weight lose
My dad's obese, I've tried talking to him about the health issues obesity can lead to but he believes mental health is way more important than physical health. I honestly don't know what else I can say to him, I love him and I don't wanna see him slowly killing himself, what should I do?
Talking to a Loved One About Weight Loss
Have you ever had a discussion with a overweight/obese family member or someone you loved about their weight because you were genuinely concerned for them? Did you make a plan to talk about it? Did you bring it up randomly? Did anything you said help/hinder them? Would you change how you did it if you could? I have an…
Ketogenic diets and the $33-billion diet gimmick
This is the actual title of the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oePve0-8W0I Interesting how the initial weight loss is more associated with muscle loss. This video ultimately demonstrates that going low-carb makes you lose weight slower than low-fat.
Skinny Genes Coming Soon?
https://www.studyfinds.org/skinny-genes-coming-soon-scientists-use-crispr-to-reduce-fat-storage-in-mice/ The study: https://genome.cshlp.org/content/early/2019/08/17/gr.246900.118.abstract sooo...whatcha think? I'm happy for overweight mice regarding this news....I'm also a little wary of CRISPR tech, but I will be honest…
Should we bring grizzlies back?
Grizzles were basically extirpated from Washington. The last shot was in 1967, the last confirmed sighting in 2010. There are thought to be half a dozen left, in the most remote and least visited corner of the state. (Pasayten Wilderness). There has long been a debate about bringing them back, from the Rockies, and about…
Fat Shaming Plates or Political Correctness Run Amok?
You may have seen Macy's ended up taking these plates off their shelves after people criticized them as fat shaming. Full article: https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/22/us/macys-plates-mom-jeans-trnd/index.html Any thoughts?
The effect of social media on obesity
My wife watched me going through my homepage one night and stated that it looks a lot like facebook. No surprise there, but my mind went down this convoluted path from FB look a like to the social media/weightloss site that is MFP. "Friends" both active and supportive or not, and the...clamoring...for friends in the first…
Eating mushrooms may cut your chances of dementia in half: Study
I'm making zero claims here: This caught my eye because I've lost several family members to dementia and wanted to put it up for discussion. I mean, this would be great news if true, and not woo. https://nypost.com/2019/03/13/eating-mushrooms-may-cut-your-chances-of-dementia-in-half-study/ The study being cited:…
Effects of Sucralose on Glucose Transport and Other Parameters Inovlved in Bdoy Weight Regulation
I have always used artificial sweetners. I have never worried about using them... until recently. I lost alot of weight here and in the last few months have had increasing health issues. Mainly weird pain. I thought it was because of vaping which I took up to replace eating (I know I changed deck chairs on the titanic). I…
Intermittent Fasting - Is it a good idea?
Thought this was well written and wanted to hear others' thoughts on it. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/intermittent-fasting-guide#benefits
Is the amount of easy access processed food harming dieters health?
I would be very interested to hear (read) what people think about this. I've noticed on some of the "what people are eating" type threads, there's a lot of easily accessible heavily processed foods being eaten. Because it says low fat on the tin does this make it good for us? Lots of salt seems to be added to processed…
Intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting has helped maintain my weight with a few less pounds. I don’t need to lose weight so this definitely helps with maintenance as well as increasing my metabolism which correlated to less body fat more energy.
Are our casual clothes making us fat??
Had an ad pop up in my Facebook feed for yoga pants that look like dress pants. Showed a woman sitting in a chair with the waistband of her trousers digging into her belly. Alongside was a woman, in her stretchy dress pants with the elastic waist, comfortably rubbing her tummy. The model was relatively slim, but I thought…
76 Billion Opioid Pills Manufactured in USA 2006-2012
Where are these going? What percentage of the American population is addicted, and how many mgs does that equal on average per person?
Why the aches and pains right around 40?
This was a discussion I had with a client just a few days ago. He wasn't overweight, he walked daily and did some minimal bodyweight exercise occasionally. He asked if I knew why aches and pains in joints, etc. start to really pick up around age 40 or so. So just going back to my learning of physiology, the human body…
Domino’s takes its case for non-accessible design to the Supreme Court
This might (or not) be of interest to some in here. Certainly pizza is a fun tie in. The shift toward using an app on your phone to place an order, instead of using your phone to call a place, has made life easier for millions of people. Unfortunately, that shift has the opposite effect on blind and visually impaired…
Wondered Where People Get Some of These Ideas?
If you've been wondering where some popular nutritional ideas come from, take a look at this magazine (only $2.99) that was on the stand at my supermarket checkout recently. "Lose 2 Pounds a Day! Keto Thyroid Cure: 10 Days of Alkalyzing Foods Does It! Dr. Anna Cabeca LOST 80 POUNDS on the diet she herself developed! Mina,…
HIIT Defined - What is (or isn't) HIIT?
Since this seems to be an item often debated in other areas, I thought we should open it up for debate. Hopefully it will help others define what they believe is or isn't HIIT, and the possible benefits or lack thereof of using HIIT as part of a workout program. Firstly, I'm going to quote what the ACSM literature defines…
Paid health advice is not free speech
Heather Del Castillo, a “holistic health coach” based in Florida, brought the case in October of 2017 shortly after she was busted in an undercover investigation by the state health department. At the time, Del Castillo was running a health-coaching business called Constitution Nutrition, which offered a personalized,…
Total Fitness Definition
Think this should start a vigorous debate. How does one define total fitness? In my thinking, it has to be a combination of things such as weight, strength, stamina and flexibility. With this in mind, who are likely to be the ‘Fittest’ people? Gymnasts, racquet sports players, swimmers, runners, cyclists, footballers,…
Interesting study on the causes of anorexia
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-019-0439-2 Hidden in the genes they found a metabolic cause, as well as the expected psychological causes. This could lead to new treatments, which could improve the tragically low success rates of current treatments.
Keto diet= good or bad
I’m doing it for 2nd time right now. First did it for 2 months bf I got married 2 yrs ago. Lost 10 pds and I was not totally strict. First year of marriage and I gained 12 pds. In Jan 2019, I started back logging food and exercising 5 x per week consistently and keeping to a strict 1200 diet. I have doing my measurements…
Metabolism/TDEE related question
This question probably doesn't belong on the debate board, but I wanted to ask here because those of you who post on this board generally seem to have the most scientific knowledge behind your answers and I trust you! I was talking to a friend (a super-skinny beanpole type) and she basically said that she has always had a…
Interesting Thoughts on "Ghosts"
Interesting blog post I saw. You need a ghost. And you need to be afraid of it. Oh, I know. You ain't scared of nothing, and you still have that "No Fear" shirt from the 1990's to prove it. But I also know that every successful person, in any field, has a ghost or two that haunts them. A "ghost" is something that follows…
What do you think about genetically engineered people?
As first reported by Antonio Regalado at MIT Technology Review, Chinese scientist He Jiankui claims to have made the first crispr-edited babies. “Two beautiful little Chinese girls, Lulu and Nana, came crying into the world as healthy as any other babies a few weeks ago,” He said in the first of five videos, posted…
Employer Partnering With Spanx
Do you think an employer who promotes (not requires) the wearing of Spanx under a work uniform is participating in body shaming? I will not disclose my industry or employer though I will mention I am not in the modeling line of work.
Slimming World - Yay or Nay?
With Slimming World being a hugely popular diet and many people swearing by it it's time to debate on this. On the one hand, Slimming World undoubtedly helps many people achieve not only weight loss but it helps folk adopt much healthier dietary patterns, encouraging members to consume more fruit and vegetables, which I…