Unwanted advice at gym
Today I was doing barbell squats in my gym when I saw some guy staring at me for awhile but thought I was just being paranoid. He then came over to me to tell me the weight I was squatting with was very heavy. Taking me off guard I just said "um thanks I guess?" He then told me that it wasnt a compliment and that my form…
How do I have no sugar addicts in my office
So a fair amount of spare Halloween candy has been brought into my office and I've noticed a trend about what doesn't get eaten: Skittles and Starbursts are both seeing a much longer life span than say kit-kats, Snickers, or Hersheys. It seems that if sugar addiction was more explanatory than just palatability, the…
Peloton ad
Anyone see the article about Peloton's holiday ad? It is getting criticized for having undertones of sexism and classism. Give me a break! Why is everyone offended by everything these days? The only problem I have with the ad is how the woman claims that she's scared before her first ride. What the hell is there to be…
Is this fat shaming?
The Russian airline Aeroflot has stripped a passenger of his air miles after he boasted online of sneaking his overweight cat onboard by switching him for a slimmer cat during check-in. Mikhail Galin wrote in a Facebook post last week that his cat Viktor was judged too fat to be taken into the passenger cabin during a…
Emotional Support Dog at the Gym
I was at the gym yesterday. The gym has a large open interior area in the back of the building for sled pushing, carried, walking lunges, floor work etc. It was 5 PM so a decent crowd in the gym. A woman comes into the area with an unleashed dog and starts to run sprints with the dog. The dog runs with her pretty well but…
The ad won’t kill Peloton, but this will.....
I decided to break away from the “Peloton ad” thread, since the 15 min clock already expired. This article was published this morning and points out the serious flaws in the Peloton business model. https://www.fool.com/investing/2019/12/10/the-biggest-problem-with-pelotons-bull-thesis.aspx I would add also that, despite…
I am fat and think fat shaming is ok!
Let's be real here I am fat! It has nothing to do with the color of my skin or my gender. It's because I ate too much. If we can't deal with that then we might as well crawl under a rock somewhere with a large pizza with extra cheese and pepperoni!
How the Supermarket Helped America Win the Cold War
This is an interesting story about history, science, agriculture, and also unintended consequences. I think some in here will enjoy it. Text version: https://medium.com/s/freakonomicsradio/how-the-supermarket-helped-america-win-the-cold-war-59c788def3eb Audio version: http://freakonomics.com/podcast/farms-race/
Cure against cold
What are your thoughts on the best cures/treatment of the common cold and similar viruses? I have just found out that a permanent cure or a vaccine can come out according to some experimental research: https://bit.ly/2kkCli5
Is Giving Out Candy on Halloween Adding to the Obesity Problem?
I was just sitting here thinking about the probably 10k calories of candy the average kid might be taking home. It is generally pretty cold does anyone make a pot of soup and give it out in cups? What are other good alternatives? Seaweed snacks? They are green. Maybe fiber one bars? Or should a person focus on protein? I…
Body Positive Movement - For or against?
How do you feel about the body positive movement? I haven't given it much thought but recently stumbled onto a few forums on a bodybuilding website where the overall theme was extremely against this movement. One commenter went as far as to say people for the movement are looking to destroy our country (USA) by promoting…
Is requiring posting calories of menu items going to help reduce obesity?
Why ask why?
I’ve been posting on here for a while and have noticed something that happens in every thread. I will start the thread by asking a simple question like “what is considered an an above average bench press?”. Without fail, the responses will mostly be “it depends on your goals.” No it doesn’t. I have no goals. All I have are…
Yes And No
First of all I agree that you have to be able to accept yourself as you are. If you don't, you may lose the weight but still won't be happy with your body. That said I don't agree with people knowingly making themselves fat. But before you start the fat shaming, which never works, you should consider whether an overweight…
Is it safe for teens to have coffee in moderation
Yep. 1 cup a day. Is it safe for teens? Ik coffee has health benefits in adults. Does it apply to teens to?
Should television advertising of fast food / high sugar foods be permitted?
I’m inclined to say that since Joe Camel doesn’t grace our television screens, the fast food and breakfast cereal commercials should get lost as well. What do you think?
What new or revised public policy/law would make it easier for people to maintain a healthy weight?
Or prevent obesity? From a maintenance perspective, I wish calorie disclosure would go further. I would like to see mandatory calorie counts for all restaurants and shops selling food items, regardless of number of locations. Not to the extent of sending food to a lab for measurement, but at least calculating calories for…
The gut microbiome and its role in digestive health
This discussion was created from replies split from: CICO and Menopause.
8 Reasons to Try Low-Carb for Mental Health
Thread title is from the blog, not mine. I'm simply posting this for discussion and (at this time) neither support nor deny the material presented. :) I just don't recall seeing a discussion on this particular topic and thought it interesting.…
Thread split: Eating too little is bad
This discussion was created from replies split from: Why eating too little calories is a bad idea......
Back pain
Any suggestions on how to alleviate back pain after exercise or just from being overweight in general?
Is it unhealthy to drink one latte a day?
I recently got myself into starbucks because I've always loved the taste and smell of coffee, but I like to avoid caffeine due to it's effects on anxiety and heart palpitations, so I started ordering tall decaf lattes and have one almost every day. I use almond or coconut milk and don't usually add any sweeteners to it.…
Fair to Request “No Junk Food” at HOME?
So, hubbz and I are both overweight BIG EATERS, I am actively trying to lose, he is not actively trying to, but does work out regularly. Anyway, I have asked that we not bring junk food into the house, but rather go out for single servings when we want those foods (ie: hit an ice cream shop and savor a cone rather than…
How much do you/should you spend on food (US)?
How much do you spend on food? Do feel like what you spend is reasonable? Do you feel like you are stuck spending more money than other people, or do you feel thrifty and like you get good food for the cost? I spend 17% of my take-home pay on food (groceries, eating out, everything). This seems like way too much, but my…
Debate offshoot - The importance of delayed gratification
As part of a separate topic discussing why marketers often mislead (whether purposefully or not) clients to focus on "shocking the system" and on the wrong solutions. As a core philosophy behind weight management - one eats within budget to ensure their weight is maintained over time. A sacrifice of one's present wants for…
Could rapid weight loss being healthier sometimes?
So this thought has started to fester after listening to Diabetes Researcher Nicola Guess discuss the The Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT) study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4754868/ In it, roughly half of people that lost 15kg or more in a few months put their Type 2 Diabetes into remission,…
2 diet drinks a day associated with 26% increase in mortality study finds
What do you make of this study of 450,000 people by the World HealthOrganisation? “Consuming two diet drinks a day could increase the risk of early death by more than a quarter, the World Health Organisation has warned. The global study of more than 450,000 adults in 10 countries - including the UK - found that daily…
The Case For Killing The Camp Fire
Do you think a camp fire is an essential part of a night out? https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-case-for-killing-the-campfire?utm_source=pocket-newtab
Muscle Building and Fat Loss...
When it comes to building muscle, people often put too much emphasis on food, when it comes to fat loss, people often put too much emphasis on exercise. IMO, it should be the other way around. Thoughts...?
Does a diet high in ultra-processed foods cause deafness/blindness?
...Or is it more that the victim in question appears to have eaten no fruits or veg whatsoever in years? https://www.vibe.com/2019/09/bristol-teen-blind-deaf-processed-foods