Choosing a realistic rate of loss?
I’ve seen time and time again in these forums that people say if someone has under 20 pounds to lose (for example only, just a ballpark number, some say more or less) that they shouldn’t aim for a loss of 2 pounds per week, they should aim for 1.5 or 1 pound. And when they only have 10 pounds to lose, they should only aim…
why do people think you can be healthy at every size?
that can’t really be true if you’re fat/obese/underweight bc being bc if you were healthy you wouldn’t get fat
EWG's 2019 Dirty Dozen List out
https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/summary.php https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/mar/20/pesticide-residues-produce-even-after-washing-us I don't buy organic produce unless it's the cheapest option, and have never given organic vs non-organic much thought. However, I've increased my produce consumption a lot this year,…
Kevin Bass presents Stephan Guyenet vs Gary Taubes debate on Joe Rogan podcast March 19 2019
Kevin Bass, MS: "The low-carbohydrate diet is the most popular contenders for an explanatory framework of what causes obesity. My belief is that it is wrong, and that Stephan’s view is mostly or entirely right. Having a public conversation about who is actually right is important in order to start moving to firm…
Calories In vs. Calories Out
Calorie intake 1000-1200 and Calories burned 700-800 daily is that realistically sustainable? Add me you guys and tell me your thoughts
Is starvation mode a myth?
I have read a large number of comments on Facebook etc where people state that they have not been losing weight and cannot understand why... and people are telling them that their body is in starvation mode and they need to eat more. I’m interested in people’s opinions on this - starvation mode = fact or myth? I have…
Is verbal harassment common at the gym? And do women or men catch more of it?
This is a pretty easy one - Have you ever witnessed, participated in, or been a victim of, verbal harassment at a gym? How often - frequently, sometimes, occasionally, almost never? If yes, what type? Sexual harassment, verbal intimidation, insults or derogatory comments, something else? And, was the victim of said…
Spot reduction: Perhaps not so mythical?
It seems that spot reduction is a pervasive hope of many, and denying that possibility a perhaps perverse pleasure of skeptics. So while there are many nails in the coffin, a 2017 study may be a zombie pounding from inside the coffin: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28497942 16 inactive women began an 8 week training…
Fake Amazon reviews draw fraud charges in groundbreaking FTC case
I don't think this will be a robust debate because nobody will take up the pro fraud side. But this is important info nonetheless. The US Federal Trade Commission has successfully brought the first ever case against using fraudulent, paid Amazon reviews to falsely advertise an online product, the agency announced Tuesday…
Proposed Army Fitness Test - Your Thoughts
Saw an article about the new fitness test the Army is evaluating. Suppose to be gender and age neutral. Looks like they are going to test "functional" fitenss:…
What exactly do you consider “clean” eating or “healthy” eating?
I know for me clean eating is weighed portions, and primary veggies and fruit. Trail mix, dried fruit, most cheeses and breads are what I consider junk or more iffy foods. And anything like pretzels, chips, usually popcorn and etc are junk junk food. What exactly does your clean eating consist of?
Two or more diet sodas a day increase risk of heart attach or stroke
Anyone have any thoughts on a new study from the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association that diet drinks are increasing your risk of heart disease. The study had over 80,000 postmenopausal women take part. It found that women who drank 2 or more artificially sweetened beverages each day were 31% more…
The Soft American
Interesting "Beginning more than 2,500 years ago, from all quarters of the Greek world men thronged every four years to the sacred grove of Olympia, under the shadow of Mount Cronus, to compete in the most famous athletic contests of history—the Olympian games. During the contest a sacred truce was observed among all the…
What exactly is "regular"?
I hope this isn't TMI, but I have a question about BM's. I have one every morning, right around the same time and that's it for the day. It's like clockwork. A friend of mine tells me she has one pretty much after every meal and that is what being "regular" means. Three times a day?? My system has been like this as long as…
My most recent blood work revealed my LDL was high, my Triglycerides were high, and my LDL/HDL ratio was 5.1. My doctor told me I should cut down on high cholesterol foods like red meat. I did that for a while and wanted to lose some weight, so I thought I'd try the keto diet for a while. Shortly into that I realized that…
Carbs at night/before inactivity?
It's a classic question that's always being debated, it seems! What are your thoughts: substantial amount of carbs at night -- good or bad? (Obviously there'll be a difference depending on how much is 'substantial' and if they're complex or simple... But let's hear it!)
Smart watch/ tracker: dominant or non dominant wrist?
For me, non-dominant wrist. The only argument I have seen made for wearing one in the dominant hand is also an argument against that. Wearing in the dominant side will result in me movement of the wrist registering as steps because our dominant hand moves more. The reason for wearing non- dominant was, back in the day, to…
Recording steps
I have been logging my steps ever since I got the app. Sometimes I go out in my car and obviously don’t want that recorded as steps. Other than switching off my phone data, is there any other way of freezing the steps taken, without losing all the previous recoded days history? Thank you
Eat more to reduce body fat? debate
I'm a long term maintainer, a big believer in CICO, its definately how I maintain my weight but I had a long conversation with my eldest son the other night about lowering bf%. He was mentioning how two of his co workers had in recent weeks started going to the gym and both have a personal trainer who advises them on food…
40+ Push-Ups in a Row for Men to Reduce Heart Disease Potential? - Study on Firemen
https://www.studyfinds.org/men-more-than-40-push-ups-heart-disease/ The article follows the firemen for 10 years and 36 of the 37 that could NOT bang our 41 push-ups at the start of the study developed heart disease. So this article is a direct measurement, not a projection. I would also guess a fireman that can bang out…
A couple of questions for you all...
#1 If you travel to Singapore you'll see a) lots of slim people b) lots of places to eat c) an affluent economy. Why is this different from my country (New Zealand) where you have b & c but not a? #2 Back in 1980 there weren't as many obese people as there are now, but you could overeat to the point of being sick without…
Is anyone confused?
Information is great but it really amazes me just how much information and debate complicates some very simple concepts about fitness. Cardio, Muscle, Burn Fat, Weight Loss, Keto, Atkens, High Carb, Calories In Calories Out, Low Carb, Low Fat, HITT, Low Intensity cardio, Steroids, High Intensity cardio, Sugar, Supplements,…
Top 19 Nutrition Myths 2019
So Examine just put this out https://examine.com/nutrition/awful-nutrition-myths/ And I thought it might be interesting to discuss and see if anyone has any myths they think are bigger than Examine's list.
breastfeeding and weight loss
does any one know healthy ways to lose weight and breast feed and also how to add it into there myfitness app because it uses up calories? also mommy and me workouts if u know some i have a 2month old and a 2 year old
Fat fetishism
I just learned about this fetish for fat. I am nearly speechless at the discovery. What’s to debate? Well I guess between us fitness folks, nothing, although ....I am willing to keep an open mind for new information about how this could be a healthy choice in certain circumstances. Ok, I suppose we can make a case for it ,…
Strength Training While Losing Weight??
Do you think that it is better to strength train while trying to lose weight -OR- do you think that it is better to lose the desired amount of weight before trying to tone the body?
Would you eat cricket protein?
This week's "Hidden Brain" was about how people decide what we consider food and what we don't. I caught part of the show on my way to a hiking trail, people were commenting that you can't even tell the protein bar was made with ground up crickets. So ... would you? Here's the podcast version of anyone wants to listen:…
Exercising while doing chemotherapy
Hello everyone! I was wondering if anyone has been through this? I find myself with so little energy that making it through my workouts is more and more difficult. I lift at around 50% of my weights right now. Fatigue and nausea are probably my biggest problems. Any ideas? Beside rest. I get bored😁🤗 tricks I should try?…
Diet pill, eat what you want
Read an update on this yesterday, https://www.wired.co.uk/article/diet-pill-weight-gain-fat-mice (The article I read was in Danish, and I cannot seem to find it in English) and it seems as though scientists are moving closer to an actual pill for humans. I'm just a bit concerned about the effect. While I'm sure it will…
Ultraprocessed food and increased mortality risk?
Came across this and thought I'd put it out there for discussion: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/article-abstract/2723626?utm_campaign=articlePDF&utm_medium=articlePDFlink&utm_source=articlePDF&utm_content=jamainternmed.2018.7289 I don't feel knowledgeable enough about the subject to comment on it,…