CICO and Menopause
I have a question. 5 years ago, as I entered peri Menopause, I managed to lose 47lbs. That was a 2 year process. As I’ve gotten older and deeper into Menopause, I’m struggling to shift weight. 21lbs is back on (that took 13 months). I plateau’d and now the scale is shifting slowly in the wrong direction again. I’ve always…
Settle this argument with friends
I have friends that are honestly convinced that one slice of cake that weighs about a quarter of a pound, including frosting and beung very rich, can make you gain at least a pound of weight. I say physics makes that impossible. Technically you can gain 1/4 pound from that, most of which will quickly be digested and go…
Acquaintance Suggested Cosmetic Work
I still think about this and it honestly puzzles me. A certain acquaintance of mine that I haven’t seen in two years saw me and was shocked I had lost soo much weight... She then told me now that I’ve lost weight I’d benefit from cosmetic procedures to contour my face to give it a mature look... It was a very oddball…
I always thought weight gain was a result of to many calories & not enough exercise !
I am on a lot of sites & people say they DO NOT EAT & still gain weight ? It could be true to an extent. If your thyroid is a problem your BMR is slower & burning calories is also effected. Anyway, I think the people trying to sell this get slim fast programs must be misleading desperate to lose weight people
Keto Slim RX
People are currently discussing “Sarah’s Discovery” and using Keto Slim Rx as a dietary supplement to lose weight. Is this product safe? What are arguments against using this weight loss pill? Any ingredients that may cause harm?
lol do root canals cause cancer?
Maybe a better question is: can The Blair Witch Project be considered a documentary? Netflix has quietly pulled the controversial documentary Root Cause from its streaming platform and scrubbed all trace of it from their website. The film, directed by Australian film-maker Frazer Bailey, alleges that root canals cause…
The Impossible Whopper: Your thoughts on plant-based burgers?
I'll start this post off by saying that I'm a big meat eater and have been pretty much since birth. That being said, I'm sympathetic to the argument about the environmental impact of meat, especially beef production, so the idea of plant based burgers that were supposedly as good as the real thing has always intrigued me.…
Split from Smoothie lovers
This discussion was created from replies split from: Smoothie lovers.
Under or Over Estimating Food Portions?
While taking care to measure my food portions and track, and reading discussions here about it as well, a question struck me that I thought might make for some interesting conversation. Which is worse...Under or Over estimating food portions for tracking, and why? Is neither bad, both, why? Just a discussion I thought…
Want to lose weight faster, not count portions and eat until you feel full?
The science/studies prove it. If you read this article in it's entirety you will see that a Keto/low carb high fat diet is the clear winner... perhaps this article alone can help you win the battle against unwanted pounds... https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/23-studies-on-low-carb-and-low-fat-diets
Plenity-Weight loss device FDA approved
https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/29/health/obesity-weight-loss-capsule-plenity-gelesis-fda/index.html I see a lot of people turning to prescription drugs or surgery to try to help with weight loss. This is something different and may be an interesting alternative for some people if it's safe and effective. I always love though,…
Caster Semenya :thoughts?
I've been following this with interest and would love to hear other people's views https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/athletics/48102479
Keto diet = good or bad
I started the Keto Diet 5 weeks ago . I was very skeptical because I heard that the Keto diet is only for people with seizures and cystic fibrosis . I am still a tiny bit skeptical but I lost 13lbs. Am I doing the right thing?
Link between diet and sleep?
Can anyone point me in the right direction for credible research on the links, if any, between sleep and diet? I'm a chronic insomniac and struggle to get even 6 hours of (broken) sleep, never mind the 7-8 hours usually recommended. I have noticed I seem to sleep better if I eat a meal that's high in carbs in the evening…
How reliant have you become on fitness tech?
I started with an Apple Watch 2 a while back, and liked being able to track the info it showed. It did motivate me in some odd, maybe not healthy "Got to close the rings" kind of way, yet today I'm actually considering dumping the watch altogether and going completely old school because I can feel myself wanting to fixate…
“Large” Restaurant Customers need special accommodation?
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/12/dining/larger-customers-restaurants.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share What do you all think? I think by the time I got to the point of “but all I can think about is the pain in my thighs and the arms of the chair pinching my sides and how much longer I will have to pretend everything is fine.”…
AAP & AHA Recommending tax on sodas and sugary drinks
I have mixed feelings on this- https://www.foxbusiness.com/healthcare/key-medical-groups-push-for-tax-on-soda-sugary-drinks-for-first-time https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2019/03/21/peds.2019-0282 The recommendations: Local, state, and/or national policies to reduce added sugars consumption should…
Adoption - Should Fat People Be Allowed to Adopt?
This topic is inspired by the show My Big Fat Fabulous Life. The star of that show goes to an adoption agency and is told she can't adopt because her BMI is too high. I don't know a lot about adoption in America but I know in Canada the criteria for being eligible to adopt is quite strict. You have to be a certain age (in…
One in five people are eating themselves to an early death: Global study
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2019/04/03/unhealthy-diet-killing-millions-around-world-lancet-study/3339934002/ https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(19)30041-8/fulltext The thing that stood out to me was the part about whole grains. I've been working on this myself this year as I've…
Is white/added sugar bad for you?
I’ve read that there is no such thing as “good” and “bad” food but I can’t help but to think that refined, white sugar in sweets is bad for you. Your body doesn’t need it to survive. I feel like it causes a lot of health problems and can become very addicting. What’s everyone’s thoughts on this?
Health Science is... by College Humour
This forum seems like a good spot for this. https://youtu.be/4xtnH0fxDUg
Lower calorie diet reduces inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease?
This interests me as I have ulcerative colitis and I know there are a few people on mfp with ibd. Thoughts? https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/reduced-calorie-diet-lowers-signs-inflammatory-bowel-disease
Choosing a realistic rate of loss?
I’ve seen time and time again in these forums that people say if someone has under 20 pounds to lose (for example only, just a ballpark number, some say more or less) that they shouldn’t aim for a loss of 2 pounds per week, they should aim for 1.5 or 1 pound. And when they only have 10 pounds to lose, they should only aim…
why do people think you can be healthy at every size?
that can’t really be true if you’re fat/obese/underweight bc being bc if you were healthy you wouldn’t get fat
EWG's 2019 Dirty Dozen List out
https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/summary.php https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/mar/20/pesticide-residues-produce-even-after-washing-us I don't buy organic produce unless it's the cheapest option, and have never given organic vs non-organic much thought. However, I've increased my produce consumption a lot this year,…
Kevin Bass presents Stephan Guyenet vs Gary Taubes debate on Joe Rogan podcast March 19 2019
Kevin Bass, MS: "The low-carbohydrate diet is the most popular contenders for an explanatory framework of what causes obesity. My belief is that it is wrong, and that Stephan’s view is mostly or entirely right. Having a public conversation about who is actually right is important in order to start moving to firm…
Calories In vs. Calories Out
Calorie intake 1000-1200 and Calories burned 700-800 daily is that realistically sustainable? Add me you guys and tell me your thoughts
Is starvation mode a myth?
I have read a large number of comments on Facebook etc where people state that they have not been losing weight and cannot understand why... and people are telling them that their body is in starvation mode and they need to eat more. I’m interested in people’s opinions on this - starvation mode = fact or myth? I have…
Is verbal harassment common at the gym? And do women or men catch more of it?
This is a pretty easy one - Have you ever witnessed, participated in, or been a victim of, verbal harassment at a gym? How often - frequently, sometimes, occasionally, almost never? If yes, what type? Sexual harassment, verbal intimidation, insults or derogatory comments, something else? And, was the victim of said…
Spot reduction: Perhaps not so mythical?
It seems that spot reduction is a pervasive hope of many, and denying that possibility a perhaps perverse pleasure of skeptics. So while there are many nails in the coffin, a 2017 study may be a zombie pounding from inside the coffin: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28497942 16 inactive women began an 8 week training…