baked scoops = EVIL
I was craving nachos, so I bought these. I don't think they make the smaller bags. I thought I could do it, nope. No portion control! I am never bringing these into my house again!!!
Embarrassing/maybe TMI question -- lactose/ gluten intoleran
My sister was visiting me for an extended Easter break, and she was going on a low-carb diet and wanted me to do it with her for support. I did... to me this was just another way of "eating healthy," as in, mostly chicken, fish, lean meat, veggies, nuts, but then I've also been eating more cheese and eggs than I normally…
Good for you and yummy!
I don't know if any of you know the magic of sweet potatoes but they are amazing. I am in love with these right now. I bake them up and get the flesh out. I mash them up with tons of cinnamon and eat them like that. No butter or sugar, just cinnamon. Now some of you are probably thinking "Ewww, I have to have butter and…
are calories all just calories?
with all the many types of diets out there it almost becomes confusing and more and more complicated. my question is, if you are getting your calories from good carbs, proteins, and fats, and using common sense, eating fruits and veggies, no white flower, sugars, starches, and mostly a balanced healthy diet, is that good…
Chai Addict... What's your morning indulgence?
I'm madly in love with fresh brewed Chai tea with some milk and honey. Sweet creamy spicy. So nice! It's my sinful morning pick-me-up. What's your morning wake-up goodness?
Cake you can eat no matter the diet!
Quaker Oat's flavoured rice cakes! They're little rice cake patties and me and my mother have been on a strict diet and we got those for snacks/a treat. We eat the caramel flavoured ones and they add near nothing to my 1200 calorie diet, and they're crunchy and delicious. They have tiny mini-cake versions too, and it's 8…
Help with items for lunch..PLEASE!!!!
Hi--I am new to this site but am really liking it. I have an issue with lunch--that being that I can not find anything that I really like to eat that satisfies me. I like Subway but do not like to eat lunch meat too much. I love their Veggie Delight BUT I can't have that everyday!!! Any ideas? I work part-time so I have…
Peanut Butter Help Please!
Hi everyone, I'm new here and have been following a calorie controlled diet for a few weeks now - planning 3 meals and 2 snacks each day - so I'm always looking out for new snack ideas! I've noticed a few people mention apple and peanut butter and I'm intrigued. I don't know if I like peanut butter (I think I used to like…
Subway ?
Ok so I was just on subways site because I want to figure out how many calories I ate. I had a 6" roast beef with no cheese but double meat. I can find the sub and nutritional information on a reg sub but not one with extra meat. Does anyone know how I can find out how many calories I just ate?Please, Thanks in advance!…
muscle maker grill
Was just wondering if anyone has tried this restaurant? My boyfriend is taking me tonight and was curious if the food was any good? Thanks!
Fiber One Cereal
Does anyone know how to make this Fiber One Cereal taste better? I have a whole lot of it left, and i'm a mother of four so I just don't see throwing the cereal away, because money does not grow on trees. lol. I'm not a big cereal eater to begin with because once it gets mushy I don't want it anymore, so what i'll do is…
Clean(ish) Eating-Am I doing this right?
I've been gone about a month. Fell completely off the wagon. No motivation to exercise or to eat healthy. And I REALLY had an aversion to counting calories. Gained three pounds, which is not bad, considering how far I fell. I was annoyed with myself the entire time, and was trying to figure out what the hell my problem…
Appetizer suggestions?
It's my turn to bring the snacks to Bible Study this week and I need a suggestion for something healthy to bring. We've done fruit, veggies, popcorn, hummus, chips & salsa, bean dip, and other not so healthy dips. Two other ladies are on MFP and I want to make or buy something we all can eat.
Why I didn’t buy Bananas…
So I was shopping the other day and went to buy some bananas – however – the Chiquita Banana stickers had been replaced by sticker “ads” for MONKEY BALL for the Wii?!?! WTF! Since when did fruit become a billboard! We also turned down asparagus because it too had an ad – for a movie but I don’t recall which one. Really? We…
Does Water Really Help In Weight Loss??
I know that cold water helps boost metabolism. How does water help aid in weight loss? Does it speed up metabolism?? If so...How??
Carbs Vs. Sugar
So... I am a night time snacker. If I don't snack, I wake up in the middle of the night starving and 'sleep eat'. If I have 'sweets' (ie. low cal cookies, chocolate, etc) I literally can't stop at one. I am trying to stay away from carbs late at night, but then tend to have more of a sweet tooth. Carbs 'fill me up'. My…
Plain Yogurt
I just bought plain yogurt but have no idea how to eat it or what to eat it with..... How do you eat your plain yogurt?
Colon Cleanser
Yes, before you freak out and tell me I'm not losing weight the healthy way, please know this: This is NOT for weight loss. I've been having major bowel problems recently. I've been taking Miralax for almost 2 months now, and it's helped a little. But as soon as I stop taking it, I can't go to the bathroom. My fiber is up,…
Rate The O2 Diet
I made the Antioxidant weight-loss soup and it tastes really good. I was surprised to see it was in the MFP data base (160 calories per cup). I was thinking about ordering the O2 Diet Book. Have any of you followed this diet? It suppose to give you energy, burn fat, and relieve stress. Thanks in advance for any comments.
Water consumption
Hello, this is probably a stupid question, so i'm gonna get all the stupid ones out while im still new:glasses: But for the water consumption part...what is a 'cup' of water in mLs?....i drink out of a 1L bottle all day, so i'm just not too sure how to record that correctly...?
Heart Healthy Diet
So, I'm counting my calories, watching my sugar, eating fruits and veggies, and I eact lots of types of meat, fish and poultry. All this is good for losing weight, and I though that this meant I had a "balance Diet" but it turns out I have high cholesterol. :grumble: How do I lower my bad C. raise my good C. and still lose…
Quick and Easy French Food???
Tomorrow is food day in french class and I'm at a loss of what to bring. I need it to be quick and easy as I don't have time to cook anything. It can be from any french speaking territory including Louisiana. Anyone got any ideas?
Pizza Portobello
My husband made us a portobello pizza last night, and it was sooooo good!!!! One of the best pizzas ive ever had, it had no crust (the mushroom is the substitute for the crust) and the best part in was only a little over 300 calories!!! Next week when he makes it again (ive told him i want this at least once a week LOL) i…
Any where I can get something that lists the serving sizes and calories for different foods? Thanks!
breakfast on the go
Hi, I'd like to hear some ideas on a low calories, yet fuffilling breakfast I can grab on the go - eat in the car or at my desk as I've been having a cheese and bacon roll but want something healthier. Thanks!
i love my farmers market!
fresh, organic fruits and veggies all year long and cheaper than the grocery store! fresh eggs! local free range, grass fed pork and beef! and best of all... the crazy hummus guy! i love him and his hummus and his fresh pita. i also love that i'm supporting small businesses in my area. it took me a good year to really get…
Quinoa Warning
Hey guys! Quinoa is a big favorite here at MFP, but I just want to reinforce the importance of thoroughly washing it before eating! I used to eat it without rinsing, thinking that maybe I just wasn't affected by the saponins. Lately, however, I have had some very painful digestive issues after eating it, even after a quick…
Calorie Intake
i have a question... ever since i started MFP, i have been constantly under my calorie goal. It's not that I'm depriving myself of food, I just don't get hungry. I try to eat my 3 meals a day, and my snacks in bewteen, so I'm not usually hungry. I try to stick to my meals 300 calories or less, and have never gone over my…
Benefits of Avocado
So I have always heard that avocados have a lot of benefits, so I thought I should add them to my diet. Here is a list of benefits that I thought I would share: Here are the most well-known health benefits of avocado for both adults and kids. 1. It protects cholesterol related heart diseases. It reduces the risk of…
I know fresh is best..... BUT..
If I'm staying UNDER my recommended sodium intake and drinking enough water, then how bad are canned vegetables?? I also eat a lot of frozen, but they aren't as sodium packed. As I said, I know fresh is best. I'm not arguing that. I'd prefer fresh, but clearly there's a convenience in storing and keeping canned and frozen…