What counts as water?
Do you guys consider water intake to be fluid with the nutritional value of water or is water intake strictly water? I ask because I drink a lot of plain hot tea. On average I'm taking in 64 oz of water a day and about 32 oz of tea. I've heard too much fluid is bad for you so the question is: Plain hot tea- water or not…
Eat Clean?
Evening All! I just bought the book, The Eat Clean Diet. Was wondering if anyone else has read this? Only on Ch. 1 but it seems like a really good idea! Basicall, cutting out as many processed foods as possible. Anyone had any luck with it?
amazing salad!
just made an amazing salad! was so delicious. Used.. Romaine Lettuce Grilled Chicken Strips Shredded Carrots Grapes (cut in half) Small bits of raw Apples Shredded Cabbage Lite Italian Dressing
Passover tomorrow!!!!
Any other Jews out there getting ready to give up bread, crackers, legumes, corn, etc to eat cardboard for a week?!! I hate matzah as I find it unsatisfying, but the whole wheat kind is pretty good. I don't eat a lot of bread so giving up bread isn't a big deal, but giving up oatmeal in the morning is gonna be a…
Interesting article on CNN
I was browsing CNN and came across this very interesting article on CNN about Fatty Foods and how they may actually be addictive!! Here is the article: Fatty foods may cause cocaine-like addiction (Health.com) -- Scientists have finally confirmed what the rest of us have suspected for years: Bacon, cheesecake, and other…
What should I do with Bulgur?
I have a bag of bulgur cracked wheat and I don't know what to do with it. Any suggestions or recipes?
diabetic smoothie recipes
Does anyone have a good website or any ideas for smoothie recipes for diabetics?? Adding fruit seems to make the sugar level sky high. Thanks!
Best Gift Ever!
So I was talking to my best friend about a month ago about a trip to visit family I was going on. Somehow family= lots of food and eating out! Not to mention the long car ride to get there which means countless pit stops to McDonalds Wendy's etc! I have just started watching what I eat over a month ago and began to dread…
I would like to incorporate more beans into my diet - any suggestions on ways to eat them?
Alcoholic Drinks ;)
Anyone know of any really yummy low-cal alcoholic drinks a girl can enjoy on a Friday evening ;)
sometimes you feel like a nut...
what's your favorite nut? mine is 50/50 cashews or pistashios. yum!
i just figured out exactly how MUCH water i drank yesterday....136 OUNCES!!!!!!! whoa. im really proud of myself! :) WAHOO!
Eating bad food but staying under my numbers-- is this ok???
I'm a bit confused right now. I've been losing a pound a week since I started MFP and I love it but I'm starting to get concerned looking at my food diary. I am definitely staying under my numbers in calories, fat, carbs etc but when I look at the actual food items I eat I can't believe I'm losing weight. Like for dinner…
water intake
Is driking 4-6 litres of plain water per day have no side effect?
What is good for me to grow?
I am thinking of using my big garden pots to grow some veg/fruit this year. (I don't have any space in the garden to plant) I think it would be really enjoyable for the children. I have a south facing orangery room at the back of my house that I can use to start them off, but, because the orangery is actually the childrens…
I'm not entirely sure if this comes under Recipes or this topic, but I decided to post it here anyway. I was wondering if anyone else made sushi at home, and if so if you had any tips or recommendations for what fillings to use. I just made a batch with chicken, shallots, carrots, cuccumber and capscium. But I was…
So yesterday i lost control, the first day since ive started this program, and now i feel like crap. I look in the mirror and see a body i dont like, my thighs arent getting smaller, i may just be impatient but im discouraged. I feel like the fat is cemented onto me. Im going to continue the program and commit to stick to…
pain medication
I am hoping that someone can answer this question for me. I have an abscessed tooth that absolutely kills ( I am having it extracted in 2 weeks) and the dentist recently put me on Lortab for pain. I have taken them sparingly, but for those of you who have had an abscess understand the pain that ensues with it. So that…
Finicky Food Ideas?
Hi everybody, I'm looking for some good meals for lunch/dinner that are high in protein, lower in sodium and calories AND do not include any bread, rice, or pasta. I've been doing a lot with salads lately and while I enjoy them, I'm finding some of the things I add to my salad for the protein are full of sodium. Thanks!!…
AHHHHHH IM CRAVING CHOCOLATE. usually when i start , i cant stop. how do i satisfy my chocolate cravings wihtout feeling guilty??
Soy Protein Shakes
Hi everyone! I have lost a total of 10lbs since I started last mid-January and currently experiencing a plateau. I noticed though, that during the time when I lost most of the pounds off was when I was using soy protein shakes as a meal substitute during dinner time. I usually eat healthy and stay in control during the day…
Diabetic friendly foods
Thought I would share a discovery...Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk. Just one way to get through with low carbs...any other "discoveries" are definatly welcom!
Does anyone follow Tosca Reno's - Clean Eat Diet?
I love here and all the cook books. The meals are quick to make, healthy and It is not as hard as it seems to make the changes suggested in the book. Just wondering, if I can make some Clean Eat friends or chat about how others feel about her approch to eating?
I need some food help!
Hi, My name is Tammie. I need some help, I am in a food rut. I really want to start eating and cooking more healthy, for myself and my family. But I am unsure were to start. I come from a single family home were my mom had three boys and me. So she did the best she could with the money she had and the different food tasts…
can someone recommend a high protein
item for my lunch? around 85 calories or so please. thanks!
A bottle of beer or a glass of wine?
Hey everyone! I'm going out tonight for a friend's leaving party, and want to keep an eye on my alcohol intake. Just wondering what's better calorie-wise? A bottle of normal beer or a glass of wine? And if a glass of wine is better, should I have red or white? Thanks!
Gluten free candy
I'm filling easter eggs for an egg-hunt for my neice. She can't have gluten and she can't have artificial colours. I'm going to use a lot of stickers and little toys and trinkets but easter just isn't easter without some candy. Can anyone tell me some types/brands of candy that are gluten and artificial dye free and where…
Which is the best Low cal Ready Meal?
I am sure there are people that will tsk with utter disgust about this thread! I think that there are times when they are a good easy and low cal option. But whats the best one you have had?
Delicious, Nutritious Lunches for 300 calories or less!
I like to keep calories down at lunch time, and I've found some cool ways of doing so, but I was wondering what kind of lunches you guys eat for 300 calories or less! A lot of times I end up resorting to soup for lunch, which is super yummy, but high in sodium usually and I get bored with just soup or salads all the…
Need Advice On Reading Nutrition Labels
I sometimes feel like I don't know what I'm doing when I read Nutrition Facts on products. Today I compared 2 products and I'm totally confused. I wanted to try a recipe that calls for Earth Balance butter substitute so I hunted it down in the grocery store. This product has 100 calories per Tbsp and has 11g Fat. What I…