low cal crackers??
I wish I could find low caloried low fat crackers. what is out there that I don't know about? I have tried Wasa and they are ok but I really want a cracker like Wheat thins or something. What have you tried that you liked?
Texas Roadhouse
Hi. I am eating out today at Texas Roadhouse and I am planning on getting the mushroom jack chicken sandwich minus the bun. MFP has the whole sandwich listed but I need to know approximately how many it will be without the bun. Anybody have a clue? Thanks.
Protein Ideas
I see a lot of members stating their protein is always high, mine is usually low. Any protein ideas from real food? Other than protein powder? thanks! :happy:
Warm Chocolate Bread Pudding
I came across this recipe this morning and it looks really good. I'm pretty sure I have all the ingredients so I'll make it sometime today. Anyway, it looked good enough to share. I'll let you know how it turns out. Warm Chocolate Bread Pudding Ingredients: Sifted powdered sugar or fat-free whipped topping (optional)…
Lunch & snack suggestions-
Hi all- I'm finding lately that I'm super hungry between lunch and dinner. I eat lunch at 1:30ish (breakfast is at 10:00ish) and snack at about 4:30ish. From breakfast to lunch I'm fine, but after that I get super hungry. I also just re-started working out in the morning again (I had switched to afternoons/nights for the…
OMG.. AWesome!!
I just tried those Jimmy Dean D-lite things.. the turkey bacon and egg white and potato with low fat cheese bowls with only 240 calories.... it was awesome!! Definitely try it
Diet Coke......
I've read in another thread there that some folks have cut out diet coke (well, any diet soda drink) from their diet. I must admit I drink a lot of diet sodas, perhaps too much. What is the science behind ditching diet coke, which essentially adds nothing to the calorie total?
Form on this move?
I tried this http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/windshield-wiper-0 and it presented a problem. My hip-bones hurt from the side-to side motion, and I found that by the end of a set I had inchwormed my way about 2 feet down from where I started. Help! What am I doing wrong, and how do I fix it?
Can you be under?
Hey, I was just wondering if it was okay to be under in the consumption of protein, carbs and fat or is it best to stay with exactly the goal that is stated. Thanks, natation
Couldn't help but share...
Came across this article on Yahoo today- it's from Women's Day.- has some good ideas :flowerforyou: http://health.yahoo.com/featured/85/your-stay-full-diet-plan/ The diet plan they reference is based on 1550 calories, but can easily be modified- if nothing else, thought it has some good ideas!
Women's Health Fit Coach
Anyone ever tried it. There's a free months subscription in my WH magazine so I figured I might as well try it. It tells you exactly what to eat and how to exercise based on the plans that you pick. You can swap out and exchange the food menu if you don't like it and you can also change the exercises you do if you don't…
Am I the only one who didn't know tuna?
that a 5 oz can of tuna has less then 3oz of tuna in it drained. I am peeved as it is my favorite lunch to eat and I spend so much on it.
How much popcorn ... ?
Help me out here, please! How many cups of popcorn is made from hot-air popping 1/2 a cup of popcorn?
Anyone in NY like salt?
I have been reading that there is a proposed bill for all of New York State banning all use of salt by chefs in restaurants. There would be salt on the tables for diners to add at their own liking, but any chef caught adding salt could face a $1,000 fine. That is utter BULL!!! Now I know I could get beat down for saying…
3+ year old McDonald's burger & fries.
I just wanted to spread this video, it's pretty disturbing. I'm sure most of the users on MFP know that fast food isn't healthy, but this is a good example of just HOW gross it really is! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IGtDPG4UfI The video is at that YouTube link. If you don't want to watch the whole video, they start to…
SO BAD... but sooo... good!
YIKES! I gave in... I ate a Candy Bar! I have been wanting one for WEEKS !!!! I caved! And stuck my dollar into the vending machine at work and bought a very yummy Milky Way! BAD BAD BAD I fit into jeans that I haven't been able to wear since before having my 1 yr old and I felt good today. Now I'm full of guilt. I've…
How to get enough potassium
I know that the following are rich in potassium: *sweet potatoes *orange juice *white beans *yogurt *tomatoes *coconut water What else? I'm having a rough time getting even half of the potassium I need. Multi-vitamins cause me a great deal of pain (yes, I've tried a variety with them and with a variety of…
Fish and Chips??
Today i went out for a work lunch and had fried fish and chip - it was large and lovely and i ate it all - now i'm left guessing how many calories it contained... Any ideas?
Supplement Question
Is anyone taking any supplements from the GNC line, be? (ex: be-HOT, be-DEFINED, be-BUFF, etc.)
south beach
just wondering if anyone could give me an example of what they eat in a day on the south beach diet? i'm going to start this tomorrow, but i want to plan ahead to make sure i don't screw up if i don't have something in the house i can eat! i'm looking for ideas for snacks and dinners mostly. any help would be greatly…
Gold and Silver rings leaving black marks on hand.
I have been trying to find an answer for this forever. Once in a while My rings leave black marks on my fingers. And if I take them off and drag them across any part of my skin, It leaves a black streak. Then out of the blue it will just stop doing it. My grandma used to say it Meant you were lacking iron (but she said a…
looking for cost-effective meal options
Unfortunately, being on a diet and being on a budget doesn't always coincide well... which is becoming an issue in my house. I can not force myself to eat another frozen dinner, i'm up to my ears with healthy sandwiches, and leftover's aren't always an option. Does anyone have any healthy snack and meal choices for lunch…
Oroweat Sandwich Thins
These are my favorite find so far since I started trying to lose weight! They are called Sandwich thins and the brand is Oroweat. The best deal on them is Costco. I love them! I have used them for sandwhiches, hamburger buns, pizza, hot dog buns, and garlic bread. They are AWESOME! they are 100 Calories for one bun but…
Low Carb Dinner Ideas
Anybody have any suggestions for a quick dinner that is low in carbs?
protein shakes
Does anyone know if it is alright to replace a meal with a protein shake?
I've already blown it today
I'm so disappointed in myself. It's mid-morning, and I've already eaten almost all my calories today. I am in the middle of a stressful week. I had to take my daughter to an early doctor's appointment, so I ate a big breakfast. She had to fast for bloodwork, so afterwards she asked me to take her to Chik Fil A for…
What are your favorite snacks?
What are your favorite snacks to munch on between meals? I'm always looking for new (and healthy) options but seem to find myself in a rut and eating the same things. Here are some of my favorites - baby carrots and hummus (I like the hummus made from Tribe) - low calorie crackers with a wedge of the laughing cow garlic…
Waste of time
ok today i went to the nutritionist (as advised by my endocrine dr....that was before i joined this site) and i felt like it was a waste of time. the thing i have had problems with is binge eating...eating MASSIVE amounts of food (especially at night) even though i am not even hungry. its like an OCD thing that i am…
Vitamin B
Which one is suppose to be good for metabolism boosting? Vitamin B6 or B12? Google is either giving me mix results. thanks!