Healthy on a budget?
I'm a stay at home mom who is rather... frugal. Since giving up my career a few years ago I feel it's my "job" to make sure that we get as much for our money as possible. I clip coupons, shop sales and do my best to cut costs where I can. I went grocery shopping today and spent $250... what I normally spend for about a…
F- Factor diet
Say this one the view http://www.ffactordiet.com/ what do you guys think??
poll #4: do you...
eat your pizza with frank's red hot cayenne pepper sauce? (yes or no)
My salad needs to get a life!
I am going to broil oz of costco brand salmon for dinner and throw in on a bed of mix greens. Typically I will cut up 1/2 cup of english cucumbers and just have that with a homemade baslamic&evoo dressing. I have already posted the salmon and the spring mix of lettuce on my food diary... I have 375-300 calories I am…
WIll too much protein really make you gain weight? Im waaay over but I always thought protien was something you want alot of
I posted this on another thread, but I'll say it again because I keep seeing it pop up... "Zero calorie" food, aka Walden Farms, seems so wrong to me. How can something have no calories? I feel like if I ate a piece of wood or a handful of dirt it would have calories. How can they make it no calories (technically less than…
Calling all Canadians
For anyone that has a store where PC Products are sold, you must try the Presidents Choice Blue Menu - Pc Thins - Whole Grain Round White Buns...they are sooooooooooooo good.... I cannot eat ANYTHING that is whole grain, BUT these I can EAT...the last few days i've been making a burger and using this as my bun and putting…
How EGGsactly does this work???
If I put in "egg, large" and hit search it comes up with 70 calories. If I put in "large egg, hard boiled" it comes up with 211 calories. Are you trying to tell me that just COOKING an egg can increase it's caloric contents by three times? It wasn't fried, it was BOILED! No additives, no butter, no oil. WHAT GIVES???
Pizza Calories
Wondering if anyone has any thoughts on how many calories are in one average slice of sicilian pizza? I give 250-300 cal per slice for regular pizza from a local pizzeria. This is store bought (A&P) product called Via Roma-bought their uncooked sicilian pizza but doesn't give any nutritional info =0( The database gives one…
bbq'ed kiwi kabobs
boy, i am missing summer! we still grill our meat and veggies year round, but i am craving bbq'ed kiwi, peaches and pineapple kabobs. the last kiwi's i picked up at the store were 'meh' at best. c'mon spring! c'mon summer! i miss my fruit!!!
Weighing Meat
So we all know about portion control. We know that a serving of meat is about 4-5 oz. Question: When are you supposed to weigh the meat? When it's frozen, when it's thawed but raw, or after it's cooked?
Is this bad?
I'm both on a tight budget and trying to lose fat/gain muscle. (6'0; 220 lbs.) --running 3 miles a day about 3 or 4 days a week --lifting weights 3 days a week (shoulders/triceips; back/biceps, chest/legs) My diet pretty much consists of : -Tuna (canned) -Chicken breast -Brown Rice -Canned Vegetables -Whole Wheat Bread…
Concession stand food??
Ok, so I am going to an NBA game tonight and we are not going to be able to eat dinner before the game. What is the best concession stand food to eat to stay with in my calorie range?? I have about 600 calories left for dinner.
My 370 calorie/9g fat pasta lunch :-)
First off, I love pasta and can make great great pasta dishes!!! However, I can not make them my usual way now that I'm watching what I eat. Secondly, no I do not eat this many carbs in a day usually. I'm eatting very high protien and only 20% carbs most of the time. I change my carbs to MPF standards twice a month to get…
impossible brain teaser - what fits?
i am not sure if there is anything to match this need, but i am looking for a food that is: 30-35 or so calories a high protein and ZERO carbs (don't care about the fat) not a meat (it's friday during lent) ideas? (right now the closest thing i can come up with is 5 almonds, but even that has a carb.) dawn
Another protein question - Help!
When I change my nutrition intake to the: 40 - 30 - 30 ratio...my protein is set at 108g. How in the world can I eat that much protein without being on a low carb diet? That would be approx. a little over 5 - 4 oz chicken breast; or 5 cups of cottage cheese; 2 - 8 oz new york strip steaks; 18 - large eggs. ...you get the…
What's your favorite breakfast?
I believe that breakfast is one of the most trying meals of the day. I didn't eat breakfast throughout high school....as a matter of fact, it was until about a year ago that I started really trying to get breakfast every morning. But the problem is 1) Lack of time and 2) I HATE most breakfast foods. But I need something…
Help with dinner tonight
Hello, Hopefully someone can give me a good idea of a 300 meal that has no fat! I am already over my fat for the day and having a hard time trying to find something tasty without any fat. Any suggestions please?
Buffalo Meat
I know, red meat is not the best for you, but that is just one of my must have things. If you eat red meat and looking for something low fat and low cal Buffalo meat is great. If you get the good stuff, it has less fat and calories that even chicken. I like ground turkey also, but this taste a lot more like beef than that.…
Clean Eating...
I have unconsciously been eating 'cleanly' since I really started to get serious about logging my food about a month ago. I quickly realized that I could eat much more if I ate healthy - lean meats, vegies, fruits, very very little processed food, etc. I decided that if it's in a box and has preservatives in it, I will do…
So I want to make tilapia tonight and was wondering if anyone had any good/low cal tilapia meal ideas?
would love to have fitness buddies.
Hey my name is cathy and I would love to get some fitness buddies. There are great supplements I use and I my goal is to be a body builder! Email me and contact me! Its so much fun having all the support in every area. www.beachbodycoach.com/jamminchick1 click on my profile to view pics! contact me if you have a q's!!…
Water Enhancers??
Does anyone use any of those powder mixes that you add to your water to encourage you to drink more? I'd like opinions on what's good and what isn't. Are there any that have more benefit than just making you drink more?
Help me make my grocery list!
I know that if I have good food choices in the house and readily available, I won't cheat and eat something bad. But I always struggle with what to get at the store and what will actually taste good and truly be healthy (or not UNhealthy, I guess). So, tell me some of the things that are ALWAYS on your grocery…
trying to lower sodium intake?
after finding out i had high blood pressure, i was told to reduce my sodium intake, increase my potassium intake and lose weight, and i am doing those things. someone posted the other day that you should consume 1 mg of sodium for every calorie you take in due to the importance of electrolyte balance. i thought that was…
My entire life I've heard that celery is a negative calorie, you burn more calories eating it than it gives you. Instead, when i put it on here it came up as 2 calories. Obviously it isn't a big deal at all and didn't change my daily food diary drastically, i was just curious which was true. :)
Sodium goal - How important?
I've been very successful in staying way under my goal for calories, fat, sat fat, carbs, cholesterol, etc, but I'm constantly struggling with the Sodium goal (2500). I'm almost always either going over or coming within 100 or so of it because almost everything has at least a few hundred mg of sodium in it! A simple Jimmy…
weekly cheat?
I keep seeing people on here that allow themselves one day week to cheat. I have also heard that sometimes this actually helps your body not get too used to your daily menu. What do you think?
Should women take Creatine?
Hey everyone, I'm a newbie here! I read about creatine and glutamine being good for weight loss, but I'm not so sure about the creatine part. I'm working out about a half our a day (circuit training) and also do a lot of walking. I want to loose about 30 pounds and tone up. Should I take creatine or skip it?
3-Day Fruit Flush
Has anyone done the 3-Day Fruit Flush, and if so, how did it work for you?