Ladies who've lost weight: when did you refocus you efforts to building muscle?
I have 9.5 pounds to go until I'm at 23% body fat. I'm thinking this will be a good place to quit trying to lose weight and start gaining more muscle. I'm new to this, so I appreciate your thoughts if you have experience with cutting/bulking. Thanks! Ps: I'm currently quite active, so I've been building muscle while also…
recovery&weight gain
Hi, i’m trying to recover from my ed and need to gain at least 3 pounds for now. I’m 5’1 and 85 lbs. I’m trying to eat at least 1400 calories per day but i really don’t want to gain fat, just lean muscle. I work out for 20-25 minutes in the morning, is this enough?
Home Gym Recommendation
I'm looking for recommendations on relatively complete home gyms (e.g., the product offers a large variety of exercise capabilities). I have my eye on Body-Solid Free-Weight Leverage Gym with Squat Attachment and Olympic Leverage Flat Incline Decline Bench (SBL460P4). Does this seem to be a good product or is there…
How much protein do I actually need?
So I weigh about 59kg and my goal is to get to 65kg and build muscle. I am getting a ton of conflicting info on how much protein I should consume. Half the people say consume about 2g of protein per kg body weight, which would put me at about 120g per day. The other half says straight up consume 30% of your calorie intake…
Log press help
Anyone in here who knows something about log pressing? I am absolute garbage at transferring my leg drive and my log is seriously lacking. I nailed 205 ONCE - most days I fail to go up but I can nail 180 multiple reps in a strict press, cleaned from the ground. I'm never going to get to BW+ levels unless I figure out the…
Do these electric muscle stimulation devices work?
Hello there guys, I was wondering if these devices really stimulate and develop your muscles? And more importantly, don't they damage them? Is it healthy? Or even worth? I would appreciate some feedback because I'm thinking about buying one for my abs 🙂 Thanks.
Cardio while bulking
I need a tie breaker: Should I do HIIT cardio after workout or no cardio at all?
Not getting exhausted
Do I need to be completely fatigued after a workout to be successful? I‘m lifting as heavy as I can and I‘m fatigued of course but it doesn’t last very long. Usually by the end of the day I‘m fine. Any tips? Am I worrying about nothing?
Need some insight on losing weight with 23% BF
I've been training for a year now. I do strength a few times a week, 4x a week yoga + daily minimum of 6-7K steps in the sun. After some anxiety medication, my body changed a lot. I gained a lot of fat, I used to be super fit. My body fat % went from 21% to 39% and I gained like 40 pounds. Fast forward two years, my BF% is…
Can I have a good physique if I add more muscle?
Can I have a decent physique if I put on more muscle mass or am I screwed by genetics ? I can’t tell. Been working out for 9 months had to lost weight before I stared a proper lean bulk which I’m currently on. I am 5’11 172 in this pic let me know thanks!
Weight Gain
How do I gain weight / muscle?? I’ve started going to the gym however i’m unsure as to what I should be doing
So I’m 12 pounds away from my goal weight, but I still have stomach and love handles. I feel like the 12 pounds won’t get rid of it, and after I lose the 12 pounds I don’t won’t to get any smaller other than those areas (backfat and stomach)Soooo is it time for me to start toning?? Can I tone without lifting heavy, I…
Is the maximum of ~30 grams of protein per meal myth busted?
The growing tend of the last few years seems to be that consuming much more than 30g of protein per meal will result in unused protein. However, there have been studies that show eating 30g of protein 6 times and day versus 60g of protein 3 times a day resulted in no overall difference in muscle gains. I still see people…
I need to eat 370g of protein today? Huh...
I did a lot of cardio today, burning 2600 calories according to my Garmin forerunner. My protein goal skyrocketed from 167g to 370g as a result. This seems really excessive. Do I really need to consume more protein if I do cardio? I was under the impression you need about 1g/lb regardless of activity level when bulking.…
Athlean Bulking while Cutting
hey guys. I came accross this youtube video. I am in no way promoting or criticizing what AthLean is preaching here. I just wanted to get everyone's opinion. I am currently at maintenance as far as diet and I lift and I run a lot. I am training for a half marathon next Sunday. So trying to eat at a caloric surplus in order…
I’ve hit a hunger issue!!
I started out at 91.5kg in May 2019. My initial goal was to loose 10kg. That was achieved by August. To do this I have been running off 1500kal per day, sticking to this at least 6 days per week usually. Gym (strength training) started out as 2 PT sessions per week. It then moved to 2PT and 1 group, then 2PT and 2 groups.…
Body building and weight lifting for dummy’s
Hi my names David i wanted to know if anyone has any time to help me out in 2012 I weighed 420 pounds it’s been a interesting and rewarding journey I currently weigh 210 Im just recently started weight lifting or lol well what I been able to figure out on my own .my goal is to gain muscle being at my previou s weight…
Chest workout no fatigue
I keep doing chest workouts but feel no fatigue in my chest and just my arms (flys, press, etc) Any advice?
5X5 superheavy or 3x15 heavy for bulking
Too many articles out there. What is your advice for bulking and building mass. Super heavy 5x5 sets or 3x15 or 4x12? All responses are very appreciated
When is gearing up necessary?
Posted this over in fitness but no hits, probably would have been better in here. Anyways... I have pushed as far as I think I can completely raw...no shoes, no straps, no belt, no sleeves. No extra help but chalk. Unfortunately, I'm starting to think the gearing up is becoming necessary. I lost a 530 deadlift today right…
Reasonable bodyfat
Due to my last major depressive episode where I went from 205 to 300lbs in the span of about a year, I have some stretch marks/saggy skin. It's not bad, currently I'm 230 and most of the stretch marks are hidden by tattoos (that's just how it worked out)...the only really noticeable thing is I have a bit of a saggy…
Is a -4-6 month bulk good?
Long enough ?
Should I bulk or cut?
Hello, I've been on a slow cut for the past 3 months, I weigh around 75.5KG now, should I keep on cutting or bulk? Pics: https://m.imgur.com/a/a2oH3lH https://imgur.com/a/qEDxZ2U
Good evening
I've beeb doing recomp for the past month and I have a question..I've been at a consistent caloric deficit for about a month..and I went from 163 to 159.5..i weighed myself today and am back at 161.5....how can this be..I've been counting everything I've been eating to the T.. Stats: 5'5 , 161.5, about 12-15% body fat…
Any VEGANS on here, help me out?!!!
I typically have a fast working metabolism on top of my everyday life being pretty active, I don’t have too strict of a diet but I stay away from dairy, eggs, and red meat because they all make me really sick! Anyway, any tips on here for good protein packed foods that aren’t what I listed above?
FST-7 Training Program--any thoughts?
Hi all-- So, I'm looking to change up programs. I've been pretty consistent with PHAT for a few months now, and the general idea behind FST-7 looks similar, just different implementation. PHAT has been great, it's just getting a bit stale. I'm wondering if anyone has tried the program for any extended period of time, and…
Grip Strength Observation
Interesting observation. Went to a small town harvest festival Saturday. The was a carnival booth near the music stage. The contest was, pay $10, hang from a pullup bar for 2 minutes and win $100. During the first part of the evening high school kids were trying, generally lasting around 45 seconds. Later, after the beer…
Lean Thick
Hi, I have a goal of shredding my waist but building my booty and thighs, I want to be “lean thick” if that is even a thing or understood....Do anyone have any suggestions on eating and workouts routines.
Antagonist Movements
Quick question for those of you who do back/chest supersets: How do you like to do them? Do you perform horizontal/horizontal (rows and bench, or pullups and overhead presses, for example) or vertical/horizontal (pullups and bench or rows and presses)? I’m interested to see who finds success and a good mind-muscle…
Return to lifting after laparoscopic surgery
Any other lifters have laparoscopic abdominal surgery? What was your recovery and return to lifting like? Any observations on things that aggravated it/things it’s better to start with or delay? I had my gallbladder out 3 weeks ago. Yes, I’ve had my post surgery visit, healing fine, have my surgeon’s okay to return to…