How Do You Tell People You’re Counting?
So after several failed attempts I have learned that the main reason I don’t successfully bulk is because when I break my counting routine I end up spinning my wheels and quitting (basically assuming I undereat when I go out because it is so easy to overeat instead when not tracking). I am determined this time to succeed…
I gained the weight that I wanted, now what ?
I’ve met my weight gain goal but now what ? Should I keep eating the same amount of calories or now just eat an amount of calories to maintain my weight while still hitting the gym. I still feel like I want bigger glutes.
Help anyone?
Been starting lifting for 3 months im just wondering how can i lose the extra fat on my stomach it's saggy and soft it's a bit mix of excess skin and visceral fat. im eating at my maintenance level i don't want to cut my caloric intake as im thin already im 116 lbs 5"6 in heaight here's a picture of me.hope someone can…
How do I start weight training.....
Hi everyone, Right I’m fed up, I’m skinny but not toned. It’s like I’m skinny fat, I have no muscle definition. I also feel weak and tired. I’d like to start weight training, if I do too much cardio the weight just drops off again. My question is where do I start ? x
Good core/ab workout routine
Hello I want to incorporate more core/ab workouts in my using training (PHAT workout) Any advice? Preferably a workout with exact sets and reps?
Losing belly fat
So I have been using MFP for about a week and I am staying under my calorie count but my question is what core exercises help lose belly fat the best. I have a messed up shoulder that I can’t use so I was wondering about things like leg lifts and stuff in that category?
Need advice!!
I’ve been a cross country runner for years and have also weight lifted for years, but just recently got into CrossFit. I love it! But will it help me to build muscle and lose fat as much as it advertises?
How much should I bulk up to?
I’m about 180-181 right now . At 5’11 how much should I bulk up this winter ? Been in a lean bulk since September.
Intuitive eating
I just started eating intuitively about a week and a half ago. I gained about 5-7 pounds from that. I have been counting calories and restricting on and off since high school ( in college now) and it never really worked, I lost weight from it but never got a flat stomach. I also try to eat pretty healthy. I excersice 3-5…
I’m new to this and I’m not sure if this work out will help
Hey guys, I’ve been wanting to cut down to lean muscle for a while now and I’ve just updated my routine. Now I only eat about 1500 calories a day, run 5 miles and lift the chest, back, and arm areas. Is this the move?
Squat Form Question - All-Pros
So I researched to ensure proper form and came across an article stating squats should be "*kitten* to the grass," i.e. thighs below parallel to the ground. With my 25% and 50% squats I can accomplish this, however at 100% I can only get to parallel. Question; is this a form cheat? If so should I lower my 100% until I can…
How many calories am I meant to eat?
Hi all, just wanted to know if I get some help I'm getting confused how many calories to consume. Quick stats I'm female, 27 years old , 5'5. I currently weigh in at 170lbs I gained weight when I was off sick recently diagnosed with gluten intolerance so was out of work and gym. Many online calculators have said my TDEE is…
Workout plan
Iv taken a break from working out & healthy eating for a month now and am starting back into it again tomorrow. I need too get a workout plan, I'd like to build muscle I don't go to the gym I only use dumbells at home. Can anyone help me with a workout plan and diet that would be good for this? I'd like to stick to it and…
Wanna gain weight
Hi, how are you, my height is 170 my weight is 46.7 I want to know what healthy foods you recommend me to increase my weight, and I want to know why my weight is 46 and it has been fixed for years. (last year's I eat 1000 - 1200 calories per day and now about 2000 cal ) - thanks all
Home based upper body workout plan with minimal equipment
I am looking to do two home based upper body strength training sessions a week, and need some guidance on the exercises and the order to do them. I have a history of endurance exercise, but I have never done strength training and am a novice at lifting. I am focusing on my upper body strength to bulk up a bit, as the lower…
Post-novice Strength Training
Just wanted to give my assessment of the post-novice (after SS or SL 5x5) programming styles I'm familiar with: Texas Method: you are young and enjoy grinding heavy weights every session and eating tons of food 5/3/1: you are totally into heavy metal (no Five Finger Death Punch is not heavy metal) Andy Baker: blue collar…
Gaining weight with serious GI diseases
As y'all probably know, I am very underweight (105 lbs at 5'8) because of gastroparesis, Crohn's and malabsorption. My intake by mouth is very limited (low fat and low fiber) and I get most of my calories through my jejunostomy feeding tube. I get 1980 calories a day via my j tube plus whatever I get by mouth. My weight…
How to practically maintain a moderate caloric deficitc that requires a high caloric intake without
Hey there, this is a major concern I’ve been having for a while. I’m not sure if i’m really addressing this topic the right way, but this is my first post here so here goes. I’m gonna tell you a little about myself here. I’m 20 years old, male, 5’7, Weigh round 177-182 pounds depends on the day and I’ve lost round 83…
Weight Gain for chronically ill?!?!
Hi everyone! I’m new here, my name is Jess and for the last 8 months I have developed an (undiagnosed) condition which has caused my body to firstly lose interest in food due to changes in tastes and smells, and reduced my appetite. A series of badly prescribed medications resulted in some pretty crap side effects like;…
Ladies who've lost weight: when did you refocus you efforts to building muscle?
I have 9.5 pounds to go until I'm at 23% body fat. I'm thinking this will be a good place to quit trying to lose weight and start gaining more muscle. I'm new to this, so I appreciate your thoughts if you have experience with cutting/bulking. Thanks! Ps: I'm currently quite active, so I've been building muscle while also…
recovery&weight gain
Hi, i’m trying to recover from my ed and need to gain at least 3 pounds for now. I’m 5’1 and 85 lbs. I’m trying to eat at least 1400 calories per day but i really don’t want to gain fat, just lean muscle. I work out for 20-25 minutes in the morning, is this enough?
Home Gym Recommendation
I'm looking for recommendations on relatively complete home gyms (e.g., the product offers a large variety of exercise capabilities). I have my eye on Body-Solid Free-Weight Leverage Gym with Squat Attachment and Olympic Leverage Flat Incline Decline Bench (SBL460P4). Does this seem to be a good product or is there…
How much protein do I actually need?
So I weigh about 59kg and my goal is to get to 65kg and build muscle. I am getting a ton of conflicting info on how much protein I should consume. Half the people say consume about 2g of protein per kg body weight, which would put me at about 120g per day. The other half says straight up consume 30% of your calorie intake…
Log press help
Anyone in here who knows something about log pressing? I am absolute garbage at transferring my leg drive and my log is seriously lacking. I nailed 205 ONCE - most days I fail to go up but I can nail 180 multiple reps in a strict press, cleaned from the ground. I'm never going to get to BW+ levels unless I figure out the…
Do these electric muscle stimulation devices work?
Hello there guys, I was wondering if these devices really stimulate and develop your muscles? And more importantly, don't they damage them? Is it healthy? Or even worth? I would appreciate some feedback because I'm thinking about buying one for my abs 🙂 Thanks.
Cardio while bulking
I need a tie breaker: Should I do HIIT cardio after workout or no cardio at all?
Not getting exhausted
Do I need to be completely fatigued after a workout to be successful? I‘m lifting as heavy as I can and I‘m fatigued of course but it doesn’t last very long. Usually by the end of the day I‘m fine. Any tips? Am I worrying about nothing?
Need some insight on losing weight with 23% BF
I've been training for a year now. I do strength a few times a week, 4x a week yoga + daily minimum of 6-7K steps in the sun. After some anxiety medication, my body changed a lot. I gained a lot of fat, I used to be super fit. My body fat % went from 21% to 39% and I gained like 40 pounds. Fast forward two years, my BF% is…
Can I have a good physique if I add more muscle?
Can I have a decent physique if I put on more muscle mass or am I screwed by genetics ? I can’t tell. Been working out for 9 months had to lost weight before I stared a proper lean bulk which I’m currently on. I am 5’11 172 in this pic let me know thanks!
Weight Gain
How do I gain weight / muscle?? I’ve started going to the gym however i’m unsure as to what I should be doing