Eating before working out
How long before working out should I have a snack? I usually eat something at 10 and then run at 12. Just wondering if this is the best way to go. Thanks.
Can you help me categorize what I am doing?
Hi, I am starting Jillian's boost your metabolism workout on demand at home and I was wondering when I log this, what do I log it as?
How many reps should I be doing?
Started working out at the gym yesterday! I thought I would be sore today but Im not! Should I be! And should I do more reps? Or just add more weight?I just did 2 reps of 12 on each machine,anywhere from 25lbs to 55 lbs on different machines! Does this sound ok? Or should I do more!
Does anyone have the Wii Fit?
I have had my Nintendo Wii for a while now, and I just order the Wii Fit Plus the other day, and I was was wondering who else has a fit plus? What type of results have you had with it? I can't wait for mines to come in the mail. I'm super excited!
Day 1 - Down and half started
Okay everyone... I have started day 1 of my 90 days to success plan :) . This morning I did Turbo Jam, Punch and Kick. Because I have a lot of weight to lose, I am going to have to exercise in the morning and evening. Make sure I keep that metabolism up. :) Quick Question:: How do you enter programs like P90x and Turbo Jam…
Lotte Berk/Bar Method
I am new to myfitnesspal and was wondering how to count the exercise stats under strength training when using the above titled DVD's? I really do not want to disect the DVD and count the reps...... I love these DVD's... the set of 4 by Lotte Berk and also the Bar Method. It is deep, intense and highly effective without any…
Workout DVDs
I work out at home, and I want to get some new DVDs to work out with.. I just don't know which ones are any good. I have a bunch of the Jillian Michaels ones, some of the Biggest Loser DVDs, The FIRM workouts, TaeBo, and Jari Love DVDs. I like a good hard workout, so the more challenging, the better... but what do yall…
My first beachbody product.
Well, I finally purchased my first beachbody product. I ordered 10 minute trainer last evening. I had done the research and really wanted P90x, but free time is lacking at this point. I would like to do the 10 minute trainer for a while then move to P90x. I read a lot if reviews on 10 minute trainer, but would still like…
Calorie Monitor
Can anybody recommend an inexpensive but fairly accurate calorie monitor? I can't spend much, but it it's not going to be somewhat accurate, it's not worth getting. Thanks :)
Calories burned during Yoga
Yoga burns on average about 200 calories per hour, but it really depends on the type of yoga you practice. Also, learning how to intensify your practice and challenging yourself personally during class can really add to the total calories burned. Learn how to burn more calories, the importance of "growing" during your…
Burned Calories
http://www.thefitmap.com/women/features/calorie_counter.htm Calorie counters As you no doubt know, to lose or control your weight, you must burn calories. And lots of them. Below we have highlighted how many calories you can expect to burn performing a number of popular activities. Note: The following calories represent…
Exercising around Health Conditions
First off, it's really encouraging to see so many people succeed in losing weight and keeping it off--kudos! It looks like the most popular workouts among the ladies are bootcamps, Jillian's 30day burn, gym/cardio, etc. I've read many success stories where gals mention a combination of these programs. I'm curious if there…
couch to 5k questions?
Hello all, I've recently decided that I'm going to start the couch to 5k. I have to wait to get paid again before I can start thought because I want to buy some new work out clothes and get new running shoes. is there anything i should keep in mind going into this? any tips or advice you can give me about it, if you've…
Relief for neck pain?
HI all.:sad: :sick: I was just wondering if anyone knows some stretches or exercises that help relieve upper back/shoulder and neck pain. I work at a computer desk most of the day so my neck and back are very upset with me. Any ideas? I appreciate any help I can get. Thanks Agnes
Where to measure?
This might seem like a strange question but here goes! When taking my measurements where do I put the measuring tape? Like on my wait, do I measure the widest part of my belly? Where do I measure on my thighs? Sorry, I know this seems like a dumb question...
burned 927 calories tonight!
it took me 1 hour and 45 mins, but I did it. My goal was to do what someone on here had done once, three machines, 300 calories each ( I think she did 333, but 300 each was good) I spent 450 calories on the spin bike cause that felt the best tonight, the rest was the treadmill and eliptical ( however you spell it). it was…
How many calories does a pick up game of basketball burn?
SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo! Thanksgiving week
Howdy! You know way back when, those yoga poses with my kitties? Now it's developing into a short youtube type film. I better get in shape before January. I'll be working on my hamstrings so I can do the cat licking butt pose. Rode my bike and did some yoga yesterday. Today is more yoga and a walk on the treadmill. I went…
So, I busted my butt today in the pool--I'm working on improving my freestyle form and speed with a bunch of different drills and stuff. It was about an hour all told, and it was a good workout. I feel awesome, but not SUPER exhausted. when I logged my swim MFP told me I'd earned an extra 550cals (and I low-balled my…
Biggest Loser Workout DVD's
I just bought the Biggest Loser Bootcamp DVD. My first question is how should I log this? Second question is has anyone used any of the their dvd's and had any good results? I've only finished one day so far and I really enjoyed it! I really felt good when I had finished!!
Toned thighs at last! - Thank you Jillian!
So, I'm almost done the 30 Day Shred- I finally stuck it out this time- but I only did 7 days of each phase, I just get too bored and quit otherwise. My stomach is pretty much flat, I've lost a couple inches off my waist, about 4lbs overall- and, the best part - my trouble area, especially my thighs, have toned up and…
Too Much Exercise? (in regards to metabolism)
This sounds like a silly question but I am dead serious. I lost a good chunk my first week, a decent amount the second, and only a tiny bit the third week, but I've exercised every day since starting. I get 30+ minutes, at least 220 calories burned a day. This is a drastic change from my normal routine of not even 2 days a…
I have gone to zumba class and I love it. However, I dont know how many calories a person burns with intense zumba. I am about 175 pounds and female. Of course, I know that everyone metabolism is different but I just dont know how to calculate in to my log for the extra calories I should eat. Can someone help me with this>?
My First 5K
Yesterday on Thanksgiving morning I ran my first 5K. In practice i had always done betwen 34-35 minutes, but yesterday somehow i finished in 30:51! Yay!!
Who ate a lot of calories on Thanksgiving &
days later still went down several pounds? I lost seven pounds, Awesome huh. I'm assuming the body needs a jolt every once in a while to jump start a food or exercise routine, in order to balance out everything, after all that is the key to life.:smile: By the way I had, Lasagna,Macarroni & cheese, Turkey with stuffing &…
Women's running shoes?
It's time for me to get new running shoes - and looking for recommendations. Anyone swear by a certain pair? I'm wearing New Balance now, and they're dying a painful death. Thanks for any suggestions!
Rest day ideas?
Hi everyone! So I've had a pretty busy week with workouts! Did an hour long intense cardio on Wednesday (my normal rest day), my 10K Turkey Trot on Thursday, and another hour long cardio yesterday plus abs workout and strength training/weight lifting for 40 minutes. I am usually a VERY active person..but I feel I should…
I did my best ever today
For those who know about me, I have what I think is still the "beginning" stages of copd, that's beside the point. I just got off of my treadmill and did the best I ever have done so far. I changed it up from 2.5 mph on an inclined of 5.0 to 3.0mph on no incline. I burnt 307 calories in 55 min. I am soooo happy. I know…
Pull ups-DON'T DO THEM
Hahaha, just kidding. I can't do a pull up. First time around I just hung there straining to pull myself up and nothing happened so I tried reverse pull ups. Everything was going fine but I got cocky! I did thirty in a row. Things were a bit sore but nothing out of the ordinary for muscle training... Until a few hours…
Ahhhh, nooooo!
I joined Fitness 19 a few months ago, but the closest one is about 10-15 minutes from my house so I hit it on my way home from work (kinda out of the way tho). Not too far, but when you don't want to go anyway, being any distance from home is annoying. Yesterday we saw that they are putting in a Planet Fitness RIGHT DOWN…