Victorious Fitness Challenge. . .May 26
Morning to all! I had a bad day yesterday, and went over on my calories by around 400 (estimated. . .lots of things I couldn't record accurately.) Today I'm doing the BL Power Sculpt. and a commuter walk. Happy Monday!
Exercise and weight gain?
I know weight loss is never predictable, and I'm trying to lose 'the last 8 pounds' but I put on a pound this week and am so disappointed. I ate healthy food like I normally do (though since I joined this site I realised I was going over my calories so tried to cut back) and really upped my exercise - I've done 2 yoga…
Torn Muscle
So after 3 doctors and NO answer, I finally talked to My Aunt again today who is a Nurse Practitioner, and she's pretty sure that its what I've been thinking it is and that I've torn the muscle in my abs, underneath my ribs. It started in Dec, and has gotten worse, to the point that when I walk it makes me sick to my…
MFP Runner's Club - May 24
Morning Maniacs! :flowerforyou: Windy morning here, but I'll probably try to get out for a short run. Hope ya'll have a great day & great runs! :smooched:
MFP Runner's Club - May 25
Good morning! I logged 7 miles this morning. Enjoy the day. "Run like someone is chasing you.":noway: -Kechie.
Building Lean Muscle Mass to Burn more Calories...
Does anyone know exactly how this works? Like How many extra calories can be burned due to the presence of muscle mass(during resting periods), and so on, I am slightly lost on the whole subject.
Alcohol + Exercise?
Does anyone know if this is harmful? Say you have had a couple, and then you (hypothetically, of course) start dancing like a freak so hard that you work up a sweat and you find yourself in your target HR zone for 10-15-20 minutes or so. :blushing: What happens to your body? Do you still get the same benefits of the…
hurt my back and I am miserable....
I cant workout because I hurt my back Friday I did workout again Friday with a hurt back (big mistake) Saturday is my rest day so I tried to take it easy then Sunday I worked out again (Bigger Mistake) Now I have been out of work all week and cant workout I am so miserable. just want it to go away I tried stretching I…
eating your exercise calories
Hey guys - I'm sure this has been addressed (and I HAVE been reading the other threads, ok) but I'm curious: Based on experience, if you (for example), needed 2,000 calories a day to sustain your weight, went on a 1,500 calorie a day diet to lose a lb a week and exercised away 500 calories a day and ate back those 500…
do any of you guys take yoga? I am thinking about adding it to my excercise routine.
Good idea for M-Day: Hiking
My son and I don't have plans. (Single mom here.) It's Memorial Day and I don't want to join friends for a picnic, soooo a little mini-hike! I'm waiting for my 3 year old to get his shoes on so we can play at the park. I'm sure the pool will be open tomorrow :p and the kids will be all over the place (a reason why I…
I love It....
I got Turbo Jam Last week and I have done it this week. It is awesome. I am doing the learn and burn and the 20 minute until I get the hang of it. Yesterday I did the Turbo Strength training and then did a Tae BO tape and I am so sore today.... It was a struggle to get through the whole Tae bo tape after doing the strength…
Victorious Fitness Challenge May 25
Good Sunday morning all. I got up with the chickens so I decided to do the BL Sculpt and Hip Hop Abs Total Body Burn. I also mowed the yard and am headed to the park with my son. Hope everyone has a great day!
I LOVE conventions
:heart: Yesterday I had sooo much fun. I went to an anime convention. It's a convention for the people that love anime ( japanese animation) I was walking around way too much and there there are spur of the moment dance numbers. My friends and I all had a dance party session at his car. And there is some much going on that…
Lunges and squats.
I :heart: them! My tush is SO sore this morning. Just thought I would share :happy: . Have an amazing day!
weight loss plateau
i started going to the gym last june and i lost weight until december. since then i haven't been losing weight anymore. this april i started doing boxing along with my usual cardio and weight training but still nothing is happening. i eat healthy too. any advice?
Exercise @ Night
So i know most people like to exercise in the morning but i have a 4 month old baby and am way to busy to exercise in the morning or during the day. It seems the only time i really have a chance to do so later at night cuz thats the only time i get a break... So my question is, If i start to do so will i still get the most…
OK, so maybe this is a lame topic, but. . . I woke up feeling terrible today. What I call full of "bad chemicals" (thank you Kurt Vonnegut. . .wherever you are. . .) Just mean and cranky and uncomfortable in my body. I wanted to do ANYTHING but work out. But, thanks to some wonderful people here, I decided to "just do it".…
my booty
does anyone know of some fool proof exercises to slim and tighten my bottom and thighs area? Or course those are my hardest spots. also, as i lose weight, will they naturally go down? thanks
Polar FS3 help
Hello all! My client just bought a polar fs3 heart rate monitor and gave it to me to program for her. I put all her stats in and tested the resting heart rate and just wanted to make sure I did it right. Do you have to stay in exercise mode to be able to get a touch sense reading...I had it on and just just pressed it to…
My kids!!
:) I was in the middle of a nice workout downstairs... Boys (sons ages 4 and 2) were napping. I'd done my cardio (rowing machine - love it!)... And decided to shoot for some weights... and my 2-year-old wakes screaming!! So much for a 'good end' with a stretch to my workout... oh well, gotta love 'em... and I'm blessed for…
Victorious Fitness Challenge. . .May 24
Morning, all! I couldn't get a spin bike this am (even though I got through at 5 minutes after the time to call) I am pissed, as there are only two more of this class before summer, but I'm going to turn my lemons into lemonade! In order to make up for the 800 calories: I'm going on a hike that I've been wanting to do for…
MFP Runner's Club May 22
Good morning, Got out for a 7.5k this morning. I felt so happy and just glad to be alive this morning. I love my morning runs!! Does anybody else have little issue with their sciatic nerve? My started acting up at yesterdays run but it's better now that I ran again. It always feels better once I've run again. It's weird.…
I need exercise ideas!!!
I have decided to let go of squats and lunges for a while, bad knees. What are some effective exercises to strengthen and tone the legs and the butt. I appreciate your help!!!! :flowerforyou:
So disappointed ...
I took a cab to the race I was signed up for this morning. The race I have been diligently training for since March. The entrances to the site were so backed up it was impossible for the driver to drop me off near the race start area. He had the nerve to offer to drop me right on the highway, but it seemed too dangerous to…
Getting Tummy Back After C-Section
Hi! I'm looking for suggestions for getting my tummy back after my c-section. I didn't have too many problems with it after my 1st c-section but seem to be struggling a bit more this time. Any suggestions are much appreciated!! Thanks!!!
MFP runner's club May 23rd
Good morning, Sun is shinning this morning! Yeah!! I got out and ran my 7k this morning. I saw a scary looking fox, he looked very mange. I struggle a little in the beginning but was okay afterwards. My sciatic nerve did not bother me so I'm hoping it's gone for a little while. How is everyone else doing? Mireille
Calories burned during exercise
This is a website that lists some general activities and what you would burn based on three different weights. Hope that it can help someone :smile: http://www.nutristrategy.com/activitylist4.htm
Victorious Fitness Challenge. . .May 23
Today is weights. Here's my confession. . .I hate weights. Hate them. First off, I feel like I'm a "bulker". . .I still have just enough fat luxuriating around on my arms and legs to cover my definition, so I look bigger, but not more defined (unless I strike a bodybuilder pose) So. . .it's hard to see my results. Also. .…
New job and...
it's a mile to the train station I need to get there! Have been walking it as fast as I can to burn some extra calories. Hurray for more money and more exercise! Now I can buy Wii Fit ^.^